
Arizona Revised Statutes

Chapter 1
Sec: 33-101-33-138
Article 1In General
  • 33-101
  • Petition to establish landmarks
  • 33-102
  • Minutes or field notes of survey; requirements; recording
  • 33-103
  • Monuments at section and quarter section corners; reestablishment of corners; monument requirements; destruction of monuments; classification
  • 33-104
  • Right of person making land survey to enter lands; damages for injury to lands
  • 33-105
  • Recording of certain land surveys; contents
  • 33-106
  • Corner record survey; filing; contents
Article 3Arizona Coordinate System, 1983
  • 33-131
  • Arizona coordinate system, 1983; zones; composition
  • 33-132
  • Coordinates of system; zone definitions
  • 33-133
  • Ground markings of system; accuracy specifications; horizontal control stations
  • 33-134
  • Tract located in more than one zone; description
  • 33-135
  • Reliance of purchaser or mortgagee not required
  • 33-136
  • Public lands survey descriptions; conflicts; control
  • 33-137
  • Recording, filing, publishing extensions and densifications of the ground marking system
Chapter 2
Sec: 33-201-33-276
Article 1Definitions and Classifications
  • 33-201
  • Duration of interest; fee tail prohibited
  • 33-202
  • Estates as property interest; freeholds; chattels real; chattel interests
  • 33-203
  • Right to possession of lands; estates in possession; estates in expectancy
  • 33-204
  • Estates in expectancy; reversions; future estates; remainders
  • 33-205
  • Vested future estates; contingent future estates
Article 2Future Interests
  • 33-221
  • Estates in expectancy; alienability
  • 33-222
  • Alternative future estates
  • 33-223
  • Time of creation of estates in expectancy
  • 33-224
  • Effect of conveyance purporting to create fee tail; effect of conveyance by tenant in tail
  • 33-225
  • Indefeasibility of expectant estates; exception
  • 33-226
  • Defeasibility of expectant estate by terms of grant or devise
  • 33-227
  • Contingent remainder as conditional limitation
  • 33-228
  • Indestructibility of contingent remainders
  • 33-231
  • Rule in Shelley's case abolished
  • 33-233
  • Life estate in term of years
  • 33-234
  • Time when remainder on life estate or term of years takes effect
  • 33-236
  • "Heir" and "issue" as words of limitation
  • 33-237
  • Effect of posthumous children upon limitations
  • 33-239
  • Use of accumulations for support and education of children
  • 33-240
  • Ownership of rents and profits arising during suspension of power of alienation
Article 3Perpetuities
  • 33-261
  • Rule against perpetuities
Article 4Conservation Easements
  • 33-272
  • Creation, conveyance, acceptance and duration; impairment; recording; county assessor
  • 33-274
  • Validity and assignment of conservation easements
  • 33-275
  • Application of other laws
Chapter 3
Sec: 33-301-33-381
Article 1Obligations and Liabilities of Landlord
  • 33-301
  • Posting of lien law and rates by innkeepers
  • 33-302
  • Maintenance of fireproof safe by innkeeper for deposit of valuables by guests; limitations on liability of innkeeper for loss of property of guests
  • 33-303
  • Discrimination by landlord or lessor against tenant with children prohibited; classification; exceptions
Article 2Obligations and Liabilities of Tenant
  • 33-321
  • Maintenance of premises
  • 33-322
  • Damage to premises; classification
  • 33-323
  • Liability of person in possession of land for rent due thereon
  • 33-324
  • Denial of landlord's title by lessee in possession prohibited
Article 3Termination of Tenancies
  • 33-341
  • Termination of tenancies
  • 33-342
  • Effect of lessee holding over
  • 33-343
  • Premises rendered untenantable without fault of lessee; nonliability of tenant for rent; right to quit premises
Article 4Remedies of Landlord
  • 33-361
  • Violation of lease by tenant; right of landlord to reenter; summary action for recovery of premises; appeal; lien for unpaid rent; enforcement; notice and pleading requirements
  • 33-362
  • Landlord's lien for rent
Article 5Applicability of Chapter
Chapter 4
Sec: 33-401-33-539
Article 1Formal Requirements and Model Forms
  • 33-401
  • Formal requirements of conveyance; writing; subscription; delivery; acknowledgment; defects
  • 33-402
  • Forms for conveyances; quit claim; conveyance; warranty; mortgage
  • 33-403
  • Easement description; validity
  • 33-404
  • Disclosure of beneficiary; recording; failure to disclose
  • 33-405
  • Beneficiary deeds; recording; definitions
  • 33-406
  • Disclosure of transportation of water to property by motor vehicle or train; definition
Article 2Recording
  • 33-411
  • Invalidity of unrecorded instrument as to bona fide purchaser; acknowledgment required for proper recording; recording of instruments acknowledged in another state; exception
  • 33-411.01
  • Recording real estate documents; indemnification by transferor
  • 33-412
  • Invalidity of unrecorded instruments as to bona fide purchaser or creditor
  • 33-413
  • Invalidity of unrecorded marriage contract as to bona fide purchaser or creditor
  • 33-414
  • Recording of judgments affecting title to real property; inadmissibility of unrecorded judgment
  • 33-415
  • Recording of master mortgages; including master mortgage provisions by reference in other mortgage
  • 33-416
  • Record of instrument duly recorded as notice
  • 33-417
  • Law governing validity of instruments; recording of instruments valid when executed; validity of instruments recorded prior to October 1, 1913
  • 33-418
  • Recording of conveyances recorded prior to 1865 or recorded in New Mexico or Republic of Mexico
  • 33-419
  • Effect of record as notice of instrument affecting land located in subsequently created county
  • 33-420
  • False documents; liability; special action; damages; violation; classification
  • 33-420.01
  • Suspension of line of credit; payoff demand statement; definitions
  • 33-422
  • Land divisions; recording; disclosure affidavit
  • 33-423
  • Disclosure; reports; indemnity; applicability; violation; classification
  • 33-424
  • Representation of legal requirement; enforcement; private action; damages; violation; classification
Article 3Rules of Construction and Interpretation
  • 33-431
  • Grants and devises to two or more persons; estates in common; community property with right of survivorship; joint tenants with right of survivorship
  • 33-432
  • Presumption of intention to convey fee
  • 33-433
  • Effect of alienation purporting to pass greater right than possessed by person making alienation
  • 33-434
  • Covenants between purchaser and seller
  • 33-434.01
  • Seller's duty to disclose; soil remediation; definition
  • 33-435
  • Covenants implied from word "grant" or "convey"
  • 33-436
  • Effect of insubstantial conditions in conveyance
  • 33-437
  • Defective conveyance as contract to convey
  • 33-438
  • Sale of property subject to certain liens and encumbrances
  • 33-439
  • Restrictions on installation or use of solar energy devices invalid; exception
  • 33-440
  • Enforceability of private covenants; amendment of declaration; definitions
  • 33-441
  • For sale signs; restrictions unenforceable
  • 33-442
  • Prohibition on transfer fees; exceptions; definitions
Article 4Power to Convey
  • 33-451
  • Conveyance of separate property
  • 33-452
  • Conveyance of community property
  • 33-453
  • Conveyance of homestead
  • 33-454
  • Power of attorney from one spouse to the other to execute instruments relating to property
  • 33-455
  • Conveyance of absolute title by judicial sale; effect upon rights of persons not parties
  • 33-456
  • Passage of title to real or personal property by judgment
  • 33-457
  • Fraudulent representation by married person of ability to convey realty; classification
  • 33-458
  • Resale of realty with intent to defraud; classification
Article 6Acknowledgments
  • 33-511
  • Acknowledgment within the state
  • 33-512
  • Acknowledgment by a married woman
  • 33-513
  • Action to correct certificate of acknowledgment
Article 7Uniform Unlawful Restrictions in Land Records Act
  • 33-534
  • Amendment by association of owners
  • 33-535
  • Requirements and limitations of amendment
  • 33-536
  • Optional form for amendment by owner
  • 33-537
  • Duty and liability of recorder
  • 33-538
  • Uniformity of application and construction
  • 33-539
  • Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act
Chapter 5
Sec: 33-601
Article 1Formal Requirements
Chapter 6
Sec: 33-701-33-750
Article 1Mortgages Generally
  • 33-701
  • Interests which may be mortgaged; formal requirements; recording
  • 33-702
  • Mortgage defined; admissibility of proof that transfer is a mortgage
  • 33-703
  • Effect of mortgage as lien; right to possession of mortgaged property; rights of mortgagee in property acquired by mortgagor after execution of mortgage
  • 33-704
  • Performance of assessment work or payment of maintenance fees on mining claim by mortgagee; expense as additional debt secured by mortgage
  • 33-705
  • Purchase money mortgage or deed of trust; priority
  • 33-706
  • Assignment of mortgage; recording as notice
  • 33-707
  • Acknowledgment of satisfaction; recording
  • 33-708
  • Release by attorney in fact
  • 33-709
  • Acknowledgment of satisfaction by personal representative of mortgagee to whom indebtedness was paid before death
  • 33-710
  • Release by foreign personal representative, administrator, guardian or conservator
  • 33-711
  • Release by heir or legatee
  • 33-712
  • Liability for failure to acknowledge satisfaction
  • 33-713
  • Discharge by order of court; proof required; effect
  • 33-714
  • Expiration of mortgage and deed of trust; applicability
  • 33-715
  • Payoff demands; definitions
Article 2Foreclosure
  • 33-721
  • Foreclosure of mortgage by court action
  • 33-722
  • Election between action on debt or to foreclose
  • 33-723
  • Right of junior lien holder upon foreclosure action by senior lien holder
  • 33-724
  • State as party to foreclosure actions
  • 33-725
  • Judgment of foreclosure; contents; sale of property; resale
  • 33-726
  • Redemption of property by payment to officer directed under foreclosure judgment to sell the property
  • 33-727
  • Sale under execution; deficiency; order of liens; writ of possession
  • 33-728
  • Recording upon record that mortgage is foreclosed and judgment satisfied; effect
  • 33-729
  • Purchase money mortgage; limitation on liability
  • 33-730
  • Limitation on deficiency judgment on mortgage or deed of trust as collateral for consumer goods
Article 3Forfeiture and Reinstatement of Purchaser's Interest Under Contract for Conveyance of Real Property
  • 33-742
  • Forfeiture of interest of purchaser in default under contract
  • 33-743
  • Notice of election to forfeit and reinstatement of purchaser's interest
  • 33-744
  • Completion of forfeiture by judicial process
  • 33-745
  • Completion of forfeiture by notice
  • 33-746
  • Request for copy of notice of election to forfeit
  • 33-747
  • Appointment of successor account servicing agent
  • 33-748
  • Seller's right to foreclose
  • 33-750
  • Conveyance by seller; payment in full; payoff deed
Chapter 6.1
Sec: 33-801-33-821
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-802
  • Description of trust property; mailing address of trustor and trustee
  • 33-803
  • Trustee of trust deed; qualifications
  • 33-803.01
  • Trustee of trust deed; delegation of duties
  • 33-804
  • Appointment of successor trustee by beneficiary
  • 33-805
  • Deed of trust as security
  • 33-806
  • Transfers in trust of real property; uses
  • 33-806.01
  • Trustor's right to transfer; transfer fee limit; interest rate increase limit
  • 33-807
  • Sale of trust property; power of trustee; foreclosure of trust deed
  • 33-808
  • Notice of trustee's sale
  • 33-809
  • Request for copies of notice of sale; mailing by trustee; disclosure of information regarding trustee sale
  • 33-810
  • Sale by public auction; postponement of sale
  • 33-811
  • Payment of bid; trustee's deed
  • 33-812
  • Disposition of proceeds of sale
  • 33-813
  • Default in performance of contract secured; reinstatement; cancellation of recorded notice of sale
  • 33-814
  • Action to recover balance after sale or foreclosure on property under trust deed
  • 33-816
  • Limitation on action or sale of trust property
  • 33-817
  • Transfer of secured contract
  • 33-818
  • Notice from instruments recorded; assignment of a beneficial interest
  • 33-820
  • Trustee's right to rely; attorney's right to act for trustee and beneficiary
  • 33-821
  • Exemption from definition
Chapter 7
Sec: 33-901-33-1076
Article 1Farm Services Lien
  • 33-901
  • Lien for furnishing labor or machinery upon agricultural land
  • 33-902
  • Procedure to claim lien; foreclosure
  • 33-903
  • Nonliability of vendee of crops upon lien for farm services; demand of statement from vendor; refusal to make or making of erroneous statement by vendor; classification
  • 33-905
  • Demand by lien holder for enforcement of lien against whole or part of property covered
  • 33-906
  • Joinder of actions; costs
  • 33-907
  • Enforcement of judgment
  • 33-909
  • Release of farm services lien
Article 3Health Care Provider Liens
  • 33-931
  • Lien of health care provider on damages recovered by injured person receiving services; hospital priority; enforcement
  • 33-932
  • Perfecting lien; statement of claim; recording; effect
  • 33-933
  • Recording and indexing lien claim
  • 33-934
  • Release of claim by injured person ineffective as to lienholder; action to enforce lien
  • 33-935
  • Workers' compensation cases exempted
  • 33-936
  • Release of hospital lien; liability
  • 33-937
  • Limitation of lien or assignment; compromise; cause of action; attorney fees
Article 4Innkeeper's Lien
  • 33-951
  • Lien on baggage and property of guests
  • 33-952
  • Sale of property; notice
Article 5Judgment Liens on Real Property
  • 33-961
  • Recording judgments for payment of money; certified copy; perfecting lien; information statement; exemption; retroactive applicability
  • 33-962
  • Procedure for filing judgment of justice or municipal court; recording; lien
  • 33-963
  • Procedure for recording judgment of federal court; lien
  • 33-964
  • Lien of judgment; duration; homestead; partial release of judgment lien; acknowledgment of satisfaction by judgment creditor; applicability; definition
  • 33-965
  • Entry of reversal or remittitur upon judgment docket; affidavit
  • 33-966
  • Superiority of lien for personal injury judgment against person operating railway
  • 33-967
  • Money judgment; information statement; amendment to recorded judgment; exemption; retroactive applicability
  • 33-968
  • Erroneously identified property owner; lien; release
Article 6Mechanics' and Materialmen's Liens
  • 33-981
  • Lien for labor; professional services or materials used in construction, alteration or repair of structures; preliminary twenty day notice; exceptions
  • 33-982
  • Claim of lien by assignee of contract or account for material furnished or labor performed
  • 33-983
  • Lien for improvements to city lots or other land
  • 33-984
  • Lien for labor or materials furnished mill, factory or hoisting works
  • 33-985
  • Lien for labor or materials furnished domestic vessel
  • 33-986
  • Lien for labor in cutting wood, logs or ties
  • 33-987
  • Lien for labor or materials furnished on waterways, highways, excavations or land
  • 33-988
  • Lien for labor or materials furnished railroad
  • 33-989
  • Lien for labor or material furnished mines and mining claims; priority
  • 33-990
  • Posting of "no lien" notice by owner not operating mine; violation; classification
  • 33-991
  • Lands to which liens extend; rural lands; city lots; subdivision lots; mining claims
  • 33-992
  • Preference of liens over subsequent encumbrances; professional services liens
  • 33-992.01
  • Preliminary twenty day notice; definitions; content; election; waiver; service; single service; contract
  • 33-992.02
  • Proof of mailing of preliminary twenty day notice; receipt; affidavit
  • 33-993
  • Procedure to perfect lien; notice and claim of lien; service; recording; definitions
  • 33-994
  • Right of owner of property against which lien is claimed to withhold payment to original contractor; procedure
  • 33-995
  • Duty of contractor to defend action on claim of lien by person other than a contractor; rights of owner against contractor; other rights
  • 33-996
  • Joinder of persons claiming liens; claimant as party defendant; intervention
  • 33-997
  • Sale of property to satisfy lien
  • 33-998
  • Limitation of action to foreclose lien; attorney fees
  • 33-999
  • Right of lienholder to have land and improvements sold together or separately; right of purchaser to possession
  • 33-1000
  • Priority among mechanic's and materialman's liens; prorating proceeds of foreclosure sale
  • 33-1001
  • Priority of claims for current wages owed by owner of property under levy
  • 33-1002
  • Definitions; inapplicability of certain liens to owner-occupied dwelling; waiver void
  • 33-1003
  • Payment bond in lieu of lien right; bond purposes and conditions; recording
  • 33-1004
  • Discharge of mechanic's liens; bond; limitations of actions; discharge of surety; judgment
  • 33-1006
  • Release of mechanic's and materialman's liens; liability
  • 33-1007
  • Definition of professional services
Article 7Personal Property Liens
  • 33-1021
  • Lien for labor or materials furnished on personal property; right to possess property
  • 33-1021.01
  • Dry cleaners' and launderers' lien; foreclosure
  • 33-1023
  • Sale of property; disposal of proceeds
Article 8Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act
  • 33-1032
  • Place of filing or recording
  • 33-1033
  • Execution of notices and certificates
  • 33-1034
  • Filing or recording officer; duties
Article 9Stop Notices
  • 33-1052
  • Stop notice; defect in form
  • 33-1054
  • Persons authorized; notice to owner; failure to serve notice after demand
  • 33-1055
  • Persons authorized; election by construction lender to withhold monies; copy of bond; recovery limits
  • 33-1057
  • Withholding of money by owner; payment bond
  • 33-1058
  • Withholding monies by construction lenders; payment bond
  • 33-1059
  • Assignment of monies; effect
  • 33-1060
  • Pro rata distribution of monies
  • 33-1062
  • Release of stop notice or bonded stop notice; surety bond
  • 33-1063
  • Commencement of actions; limitations
Article 10Commercial Real Estate Broker Liens
  • 33-1071
  • Commercial real estate broker lien; definition
  • 33-1072
  • Lien attachment; notice of commercial real estate broker lien; notice to owner
  • 33-1073
  • Contents of notice of lien; verification
  • 33-1074
  • Foreclosure; limitation of action; attorney fees
  • 33-1075
  • Satisfaction of lien; damages
  • 33-1076
  • Discharge of commercial real estate broker's liens; bond; limitations of actions; discharge of surety; judgment
Chapter 8
Sec: 33-1101-33-1153
Article 1Homesteads and Homestead Exemption
  • 33-1101
  • Homestead exemptions; persons entitled to hold homesteads; equity
  • 33-1101; Version 2
  • Homestead exemptions; persons entitled to hold homesteads; annual adjustment
  • 33-1102
  • Exemption by operation of law; designation of multiple properties on creditor's request; recording
  • 33-1103
  • Homestead exemption; extent of exemption; exceptions
  • 33-1104
  • Abandonment of homestead; encumbrance of homestead
  • 33-1105
  • Sale by judgment creditor of property subject to homestead exemption
Article 2Personal Property Exemption
  • 33-1122
  • Debtor's property not exempt from process
  • 33-1123
  • Household furniture, furnishings and appliances; annual adjustment
  • 33-1126
  • Money benefits or proceeds; exception
  • 33-1129
  • Public property or property of a public character
  • 33-1130
  • Tools and equipment used in a commercial activity, trade, business or profession
  • 33-1131
  • Definition; wages; salary; compensation
  • 33-1132
  • Waiver of exemption rights void
Article 3Exemption From Execution of Foreign Judgment
  • 33-1153
  • Abandonment of exemption; maintenance of residency
Chapter 9
Sec: 33-1201-33-1270
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1204
  • Separate titles and taxation
  • 33-1205
  • Applicability of local ordinances, rules and building codes
Article 2Creation, Alteration and Termination of Condominiums
  • 33-1213
  • Construction and validity of declaration and bylaws
  • 33-1217
  • Allocation of common element interests, votes and common expense liabilities
  • 33-1220
  • Exercise of development rights
  • 33-1222
  • Relocation of boundaries between adjoining units
  • 33-1226
  • Easement to facilitate exercise of special declarant rights
  • 33-1230
  • Merger or consolidation of condominiums
Article 3Management of the Condominium
  • 33-1241
  • Organization of unit owners' association
  • 33-1242
  • Powers of unit owners' association; notice to unit owner of violation
  • 33-1243
  • Board of directors and officers; conflict; powers; limitations; removal; annual audit; applicability
  • 33-1244
  • Transfer of special declarant rights
  • 33-1245
  • Termination of contracts and leases of declarant; applicability
  • 33-1248
  • Open meetings; exceptions; notice; agenda; policy statement
  • 33-1250
  • Voting; proxies; absentee ballots; applicability; definition
  • 33-1251
  • Tort and contract liability
  • 33-1252
  • Conveyance or encumbrance of common elements
  • 33-1255
  • Assessments for common expenses; applicability
  • 33-1256
  • Common expense liens; priority; mechanics' and materialmen's liens; notice; applicability
  • 33-1257
  • Other liens affecting the condominium
  • 33-1258
  • Association financial and other records; applicability
  • 33-1260
  • Resale of units; information required; fees; civil penalty; applicability; definition
  • 33-1260.01
  • Rental property; unit owner and agent information; fee; disclosure
  • 33-1261
  • Flag display; for sale, rent or lease signs; political signs; political and community activities; applicability; definitions
Article 4Administration of the Condominium Act
  • 33-1270
  • Department of real estate; enforcement
Chapter 10
Sec: 33-1301-33-1381
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1303
  • Supplementary principles of law applicable
  • 33-1305
  • Administration of remedies; enforcement; notice and pleading requirements
  • 33-1306
  • Settlement of disputed claim or right
  • 33-1308
  • Exclusions from application of chapter
  • 33-1314
  • Terms and conditions of rental agreement; contact information; property; pets
  • 33-1314.01
  • Utility charges; submetering; ratio utility billing; allocation; water system exemption
  • 33-1315
  • Prohibited provisions in rental agreements
  • 33-1316
  • Separation of rents and obligations to maintain property forbidden
  • 33-1317
  • Discrimination by landlord or lessor against tenant with children prohibited; classification; exceptions; civil remedy; applicability
  • 33-1318
  • Early termination by tenant; domestic violence; sexual assault; requirements; lock replacement; access refusal; treble damages; immunity
  • 33-1318.01
  • Early release termination for law enforcement officers; definition
  • 33-1319
  • Bedbug control; landlord and tenant obligations; definitions
Article 2Landlord Obligations
  • 33-1322
  • Disclosure and tender of written rental agreement
  • 33-1323
  • Landlord to supply possession of dwelling unit
  • 33-1324
  • Landlord to maintain fit premises
  • 33-1329
  • Regulation of rents; authority
  • 33-1330
  • Transfer of records on sale
  • 33-1331
  • Notice of foreclosure; effect on lease; damages
  • 33-1332
  • Rent reduction; burden of proof
Article 3Tenant Obligations
  • 33-1341
  • Tenant to maintain dwelling unit
  • 33-1344
  • Tenant to use and occupy as a dwelling unit
Article 4Remedies
  • 33-1361
  • Noncompliance by the landlord
  • 33-1362
  • Failure to deliver possession
  • 33-1363
  • Self-help for minor defects
  • 33-1364
  • Wrongful failure to supply heat, air conditioning, cooling, water, hot water or essential services
  • 33-1365
  • Landlord's noncompliance as defense to action for possession or rent; definition
  • 33-1367
  • Tenant's remedies for landlord's unlawful ouster, exclusion or diminution of services
  • 33-1368
  • Noncompliance with rental agreement by tenant; failure to pay rent; utility discontinuation; liability for guests; definition
  • 33-1370
  • Abandonment; notice; remedies; personal property; definition
  • 33-1371
  • Acceptance of partial payments; waiver of right to terminate; exception
  • 33-1372
  • Landlord liens; distraint for rent
  • 33-1374
  • Recovery of possession limited
  • 33-1375
  • Periodic tenancy; hold-over remedies
  • 33-1376
  • Landlord and tenant remedies for abuse of access
  • 33-1377
  • Special detainer actions; service; trial postponement
  • 33-1379
  • Eviction action; dismissal; sealed records
Article 5Retaliatory Action
  • 33-1381
  • Retaliatory conduct prohibited
Chapter 11
Sec: 33-1401-33-1501
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1403
  • Supplementary principles of law applicable
  • 33-1404
  • Administration of remedies; enforcement; notice and pleading requirements
  • 33-1405
  • Settlement of disputed claim or right
  • 33-1407
  • Exclusions from application of chapter
  • 33-1408
  • Jurisdiction and service of process; recovery of attorney fees; treble damages
  • 33-1413
  • Terms and conditions of rental agreement
  • 33-1413.01
  • Utility charges; waste, garbage and rubbish removal charges
  • 33-1414
  • Prohibited provisions in rental agreements; late payment penalty
  • 33-1415
  • Separation of rents and obligations to maintain property forbidden
  • 33-1416
  • Preemption by state; regulation of rents; exception
  • 33-1417
  • Rebates and referrals prohibited; mobile homes and manufactured homes; damages
  • 33-1418
  • Incorporated tenants' park purchase association
  • 33-1419
  • Inheritance of mobile home; requirements
Article 2Landlord Obligations
  • 33-1432
  • Disclosure of written rental agreement
  • 33-1433
  • Landlord to deliver possession of mobile home space
  • 33-1434
  • Landlord to maintain fit premises
  • 33-1436
  • Statement of policy; amendment; contents; new statements
  • 33-1437
  • Education requirements for park managers; complaint; administrative hearing; civil penalty
  • 33-1438
  • Transfer of records; sale of park
Article 3Tenant Obligations
  • 33-1451
  • Tenant to maintain mobile home space; notice of vacating; clearance for removal; criminal violation
  • 33-1454
  • Tenant to occupy as a dwelling unit; authority to sublet
Article 4Remedies
  • 33-1471
  • Noncompliance by the landlord
  • 33-1472
  • Failure to deliver possession
  • 33-1473
  • Self-help for minor defects
  • 33-1474
  • Wrongful failure to supply essential services
  • 33-1475
  • Tenant's remedies for landlord's unlawful ouster, exclusion or diminution of services
  • 33-1476
  • Termination or nonrenewal of rental agreement by landlord; noncompliance with rental agreement by tenant; failure to pay rent
  • 33-1476.01
  • Change in use; notices; compensation for moving expenses; payments by the landlord; applicability
  • 33-1476.02
  • Mobile home relocation fund; investment of monies
  • 33-1476.03
  • Assessments for mobile home relocation fund; waiver
  • 33-1476.04
  • Relocations due to rent increase; mobile home relocation fund; applicability
  • 33-1476.05
  • Relocations due to change in age-restricted community use; payment from mobile home relocation fund; applicability
  • 33-1477
  • Failure to maintain by tenant
  • 33-1478
  • Remedies for abandonment; required registration
  • 33-1480
  • Landlord liens; distraint for rent abolished
  • 33-1482
  • Recovery of possession limited
  • 33-1483
  • Periodic tenancy; holdover remedies
  • 33-1484
  • Landlord and tenant remedies for abuse of access
  • 33-1485
  • Special detainer actions; service; trial postponement
  • 33-1485.01
  • Removal of mobile home from mobile home park; violation; joint and several liability
Article 5Retaliatory Action
  • 33-1491
  • Retaliatory conduct prohibited; eviction
Article 6Affidavit of Affixture
  • 33-1501
  • Affidavit of affixture for mobile home in mobile home park
Chapter 12
Sec: 33-1551
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1551
  • Duty of owner, lessee or occupant of premises to recreational users or educational users; liability; definitions
Chapter 13
Sec: 33-1571
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1571
  • Real property loans; exercise of due on sale clauses; prohibition
Chapter 15
Sec: 33-1701-33-1706
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1702
  • Residential use; prohibition
  • 33-1703
  • Lien; rental agreement; contents; late fees
  • 33-1705
  • Notice posted in the office
Chapter 16
Sec: 33-1801-33-1820
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1801
  • Applicability; exemptions; voluntary election to be subjected to chapter
  • 33-1803
  • Assessment limitation; penalties; notice to member of violation
  • 33-1804
  • Open meetings; exceptions; notice; agenda; policy statement
  • 33-1805
  • Association financial and other records
  • 33-1806
  • Resale of units; information required; fees; civil penalty; definition
  • 33-1806.01
  • Rental property; member and agent information; fee; disclosure
  • 33-1807
  • Common expense liens; priority; mechanics' and materialmen's liens; notice
  • 33-1808
  • Flag display; political signs; caution signs; for sale, rent or lease signs; political and community activities; definitions
  • 33-1809
  • Parking; public service and public safety emergency vehicles; definition
  • 33-1810
  • Board of directors; annual audit
  • 33-1811
  • Board of directors; contracts; conflict
  • 33-1812
  • Proxies; absentee ballots; definition
  • 33-1813
  • Removal of board member; special meeting
  • 33-1814
  • Slum property; professional management
  • 33-1815
  • Association authority; commercial signage
  • 33-1816
  • Solar energy devices; reasonable restrictions; fees and costs
  • 33-1817
  • Declaration amendment; design, architectural committees; review
  • 33-1818
  • Community authority over public roadways; vote of the membership; applicability
  • 33-1819
  • Artificial turf ban; prohibition; restrictions; attorney fees; applicability
Chapter 17
Sec: 33-1901-33-1907
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-1902
  • Residential rental property; recording with the assessor; agent designation; civil penalty; fee
  • 33-1903
  • Appointment of temporary receiver; term; duties, accounting
  • 33-1906
  • Licensed property management company; training program
  • 33-1907
  • Registration with one-call notification center
Chapter 18
Sec: 33-2001-33-2003
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-2002
  • Homeowners' association dwelling actions; conditions
Chapter 19
Sec: 33-2101-33-2151
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-2101
  • Application; duration of stay; exclusions; notice and pleading requirements
  • 33-2105
  • Terms and conditions of rental agreement; notice, removal
  • 33-2106
  • Prohibited provisions in rental agreements
  • 33-2107
  • Utility fees; service interruption; waste, garbage and rubbish removal fees; refunds; enforcement
Article 2Landlord Obligations
  • 33-2123
  • Landlord to maintain fit premises
Article 3Tenant Obligations
  • 33-2131
  • Tenant to maintain recreational vehicle space
Article 4Remedies
  • 33-2141
  • Noncompliance by the landlord
  • 33-2142
  • Tenant's remedies for landlord's unlawful ouster, exclusion or diminution of services
  • 33-2143
  • Termination or nonrenewal of rental agreement by landlord; noncompliance with rental agreement by tenant; failure to pay rent; notice; damages; definition
  • 33-2146
  • Failure to maintain by tenant
  • 33-2147
  • Periodic tenancy; holdover remedies
  • 33-2148
  • Retaliatory conduct prohibited; eviction
  • 33-2149
  • Change in use; notices; compensation for moving expenses; payments by the landlord; applicability
  • 33-2150
  • Relocations due to change in age-restricted community use; payment from mobile home relocation fund; applicability
  • 33-2151
  • Assessments for mobile home relocation fund; waiver
Chapter 20
Sec: 33-2201-33-2211
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-2203
  • Management of timeshare plan and timeshare property
  • 33-2204
  • Powers of board; limitations; period of developer control; election of directors and officers; removal of directors
  • 33-2206
  • Duties of the managing entity
  • 33-2207
  • Foreclosure of assessment liens
  • 33-2208
  • Association open meetings; exceptions; notices
  • 33-2209
  • Financial and other records
  • 33-2211
  • Trustee's sale of timeshare estates; notice; cure; notice to prevent sale; definitions
Chapter 21
Sec: 33-2301-33-2302
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-2301
  • Commercial buildings; telecommunications service; notice; definition
  • 33-2302
  • Applicability; commercial properties
Chapter 22
Sec: 33-2401
Article 1General Provisions
Chapter 23
Sec: 33-2501
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-2501
  • Drop box; private property; required consent; exemptions; definitions
Chapter 24
Sec: 33-2601-33-2626
Article 1General Provisions
  • 33-2602
  • Notice and opportunity for hearing; exceptions
  • 33-2606
  • Disqualification from appointment as a receiver; exceptions; nomination
  • 33-2607
  • Receiver's bond; alternative security
  • 33-2608
  • Status of receiver as lien creditor
  • 33-2609
  • Security agreement covering after-acquired property
  • 33-2610
  • Collection and turnover of receivership property
  • 33-2611
  • Powers and duties of receiver
  • 33-2614
  • Engagement and compensation of professional
  • 33-2615
  • Use or transfer of receivership property not in the ordinary course of business; definition
  • 33-2616
  • Executory contract; definition
  • 33-2617
  • Defenses and immunities of receiver
  • 33-2620
  • Removal of receiver; replacement; termination of receivership
  • 33-2621
  • Final report of receiver; discharge
  • 33-2622
  • Receivership in another state; ancillary proceeding
  • 33-2623
  • Effect of enforcement by mortgagee
  • 33-2624
  • Court's authority under this chapter
  • 33-2625
  • Uniformity of application and construction
  • 33-2626
  • Relation to electronic signature in global and national commerce act