Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HCM2001 | urging Congress; technical correction |
HCM2002 | technical correction; department of agriculture |
HCM2003 | stormwater; groundwater; recharge; urging support |
HCM2004 | military bases; exemption from ESA |
HCM2005 | technical correction; urging the EPA |
HCM2006 | Jimmie Preston; memorial bridge |
HCR2001 | death penalty; prohibition |
HCR2002 | voting centers; precinct voting |
HCR2003 | expenditure limit; school districts; authorization |
HCR2004 | superior court jurisdiction; technical correction |
HCR2005 | annual taxes; technical correction |
HCR2006 | technical correction; illegal aliens |
HCR2007 | aircraft license taxes; technical correction |
HCR2008 | bulk food; technical correction |
HCR2009 | unlawful act; government official; challenge |
HCR2010 | gold star families; legacy preservation |
HCR2011 | Arizona state parks heritage fund |
HCR2012 | income tax; rate; reduction |
HCR2013 | early ballots; deadlines; foreign money |
HCR2014 | house of representatives; designated seats |
HCR2015 | federal funds; legislative approval |
HCR2016 | reinstatement; WIFA monies |
HCR2017 | for-sale housing; development; groundwater replenishment |
HCR2018 | salary; legislators |
HCR2019 | technical correction; national guard |
HCR2020 | technical correction; universities; admissions |
HCR2021 | food; municipal tax; exemption |
HCR2022 | nuclear energy; Palo Verde; support |
HCR2023 | property tax; combat veterans; exemption |
HCR2024 | capital punishment; firing squad |
HCR2025 | constitutional amendments; sixty percent vote |
HCR2026 | legislative sessions; subjects; even-numbered years |
HCR2027 | marijuana; unincorporated areas; reservations; prohibition |
HCR2028 | constitutional right to vote |
HCR2029 | right to work; repeal |
HCR2030 | schools; English language learners; requirements |
HCR2031 | land trust; distributions; common schools |
HCR2032 | short-term rentals; vacation rentals. |
HCR2033 | same-sex marriage; constitutional right |
HCR2034 | firearm sales; transfers; background checks |
HCR2035 | tax prohibition; vehicle mileage; monitoring |
HCR2036 | legislative measure limit; mandatory hearings |
HCR2037 | prohibited weapons; definition repeal |
HCR2038 | rulemaking; legislative ratification; regulatory costs |
HCR2039 | assured water supply; legislative intent |
HCR2040 | elections; foreign contributions; donations; certification |
HR2001 | prosperity; tax relief; supporting |
HR2002 | gun violence; public health crisis |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2001 | behavioral health; temporary licensure; graduates |
HB2002 | transportation tax; deposit; county board |
HB2003 | real estate; membership requirement; prohibition |
HB2004 | voter registration cards; mailing limitation |
HB2005 | voter registrations; recorder; inactive status |
HB2006 | election mailings; third-party disclosures |
HB2007 | voter registrations; payment prohibited |
HB2008 | notary public; requirements |
HB2009 | vehicle license tax; exemption; military |
HB2010 | youth charity organization special plates |
HB2011 | Church of Jesus Christ monument |
HB2012 | emergency use products; employers; prohibition |
HB2013 | public safety cancer insurance |
HB2014 | public libraries; annual report; date |
HB2015 | EORP; CORP; funded ratio |
HB2016 | duty to report; penitent confessions |
HB2017 | voting centers ban; precinct size |
HB2018 | private universities; Arizona teachers academy |
HB2019 | schools; water safety; information; resources |
HB2020 | teacher retention; study; report |
HB2021 | early ballots; early voting; identification |
HB2022 | school safety; employee certification; policies |
HB2023 | municipal general plan; adoption |
HB2024 | prisoners; transition program |
HB2025 | medical assistants; scope of practice |
HB2026 | dental board; formal hearings |
HB2027 | behavior analysts; regulatory board |
HB2028 | genetic counselors; board; licensure |
HB2029 | internet safety instruction; public schools |
HB2030 | impersonation; veteran; armed forces |
HB2031 | boards and commissions; repeal |
HB2032 | workers' compensation; assigned risk plan |
HB2033 | workers' compensation; service; definition |
HB2034 | ASRS; supplemental employee deferral plan |
HB2035 | ASRS; termination incentive programs |
HB2036 | ASRS; temporary personnel service |
HB2037 | technical correction; international registered nurses |
HB2038 | technical correction; accountants; investigations |
HB2039 | technical correction; veterinary board; report |
HB2040 | technical correction; informed consent |
HB2041 | technical correction; air quality; parking |
HB2042 | threatening or intimidating; true threat |
HB2043 | harassment; intent; defense |
HB2044 | corporation commission; securities; jury trial |
HB2045 | ballot order; names; parties; rotation |
HB2046 | audits; precincts; voting centers |
HB2047 | judicial appraisal; costs; attorney fees |
HB2048 | sales of securities; definition |
HB2049 | administrative decisions; security proceedings; hearings |
HB2050 | provisional ballots; cure data |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2051 | governor; question time |
HB2052 | license exemption; basic first aid |
HB2053 | tax credit; private land; border |
HB2054 | DIFI; financial enterprises; insurance; compact |
HB2055 | immunizations; requirements; exemption |
HB2056 | geoengineering; prohibition |
HB2057 | parental rights; medical records |
HB2058 | school immunizations; exemption; adult students |
HB2059 | natural resources; federal law; requirements |
HB2060 | state sovereign authority; elections |
HB2061 | administrative proceedings; jury trials |
HB2062 | sex-based terms; laws; rules; regulations |
HB2063 | parental notification; school immunization exemptions |
HB2064 | health care; interoperability grants; appropriation |
HB2065 | counties; indigent deceased persons; cremation |
HB2066 | child care facilities; program providers |
HB2067 | school facilities oversight board; continuation |
HB2068 | landlord tenant; assistance animals |
HB2069 | instructional time models; posting requirements |
HB2070 | clergy, priests; duty to report |
HB2071 | automatic voter registration |
HB2072 | voter registration; same day |
HB2073 | watersheds; beneficial use; instream flows |
HB2074 | school safety; proposals; assessments; plans |
HB2075 | TPT; prime contracting; senior housing |
HB2076 | life insurance; illustrations |
HB2077 | ASRS; long-term disability |
HB2078 | menu of assessments; public schools |
HB2079 | guardianship; minors; appointment; notice |
HB2080 | public retirement systems; administration |
HB2081 | income tax; subtraction; tipped wages |
HB2082 | TPT; exemption; wastewater; pipes |
HB2083 | game and fish commission; membership |
HB2084 | domestic water improvement districts; hauling |
HB2085 | groundwater; transporting requirements; technical correction |
HB2086 | water improvements program; water hauling |
HB2087 | appropriation; groundwater recharge facilities; maintenance |
HB2088 | subsequent AMA; director; removal |
HB2089 | subsequent AMA; voters; removal |
HB2090 | acting in concert; evidence; exceptions |
HB2091 | land division; applicant submissions; review |
HB2092 | land divisions; disclosure affidavit; recording |
HB2093 | subdivided lands; violations; civil penalties |
HB2094 | real estate; definition of contiguous |
HB2095 | homeowners' associations; declaration amendment; vote |
HB2096 | permanent early voting list |
HB2097 | voting rights; restoration |
HB2098 | EORP; appropriations; repayment |
HB2099 | governor; attorney general; duties; immigration |
HB2100 | made in Arizona special plates |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2101 | appropriation; match advantage; rural transportation |
HB2102 | anti-racketeering revolving fund; prohibited transfers |
HB2103 | appropriation; Colorado River Compact; defense |
HB2104 | minerals; land inventory; technical correction |
HB2105 | technical correction; petroleum product storage |
HB2106 | technical correction; supplemental environmental project |
HB2107 | right to redeem; foreclosure; prohibition |
HB2108 | communications from inmate; victims' right |
HB2109 | forced organ harvesting; insurance; prohibition |
HB2110 | development; adaptive reuse; rezoning; prohibition |
HB2111 | suicide prevention special plate |
HB2112 | internet pornography; minors; age verification |
HB2113 | flags; public property; prohibition |
HB2114 | sexual conduct; minor; classification; sentence |
HB2115 | observing nude minor; sexual gratification |
HB2116 | small estate; affidavit; limits |
HB2117 | appropriation; sound barrier; SR24 |
HB2118 | TPT; sourcing; business location; receipt |
HB2119 | model city tax code; notice |
HB2120 | handymen; contractor's license; exemption |
HB2121 | SNAP; mandatory employment and training |
HB2122 | SNAP; work requirement waivers; exemptions |
HB2123 | religious leader; personal information; confidentiality |
HB2124 | hospitals; interfacility transport |
HB2125 | insurance coverage; hearing aids; children |
HB2126 | medical records; parental rights |
HB2127 | hazardous substance release; notice; liability |
HB2128 | environmental remediation; liability; release |
HB2129 | write-in candidates; filings; ballots |
HB2130 | claims; prior authorization; denials; contact |
HB2131 | short-term rentals; online lodging marketplace |
HB2132 | hospitals; outpatient surgical centers; nurses |
HB2133 | nurses; provisional licensure |
HB2134 | physician assistants; qualifications |
HB2135 | unlawful camping; stock; wildlife; access |
HB2136 | industrial development bonds; preapproval; threshold |
HB2137 | dental board; licensure; renewal |
HB2138 | AHCCCS; naturopathic physicians |
HB2139 | cities and towns; technical correction |
HB2140 | communication service information; technical correction |
HB2141 | technical correction; joint school district |
HB2142 | technical correction; state buildings; defibrillators |
HB2143 | water resources; technical correction. |
HB2144 | change of venue; technical correction |
HB2145 | registered sanitarians; qualifications |
HB2146 | Arizona border coordination office; appropriation |
HB2147 | public officers; employees; disqualification; convictions |
HB2148 | foreign medical graduates; nurses; licensure |
HB2149 | technical correction; veterans; conservatorship |
HB2150 | Don Bolles memorial |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2151 | school board candidates; electronic signatures |
HB2152 | right to jury; domestic relations |
HB2153 | voting locations; political party observers |
HB2154 | early voting list; undeliverable ballots |
HB2155 | income tax; subtraction; adoption expenses |
HB2156 | adult incarceration contractors; public records |
HB2157 | inmate telephone system service contracts |
HB2158 | ADE; high school diplomas; database |
HB2159 | prohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory |
HB2160 | Arizona office of African-American affairs |
HB2161 | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition. |
HB2162 | reporting; groundwater pumping; measuring |
HB2163 | licenses; not proof of citizenship |
HB2164 | public schools; ultraprocessed foods |
HB2165 | SNAP; prohibited purchases; waiver |
HB2166 | commercial driver license examiners; notice |
HB2167 | school districts; records; noncompliance; penalties |
HB2168 | long-term RVs; cooling; prohibition |
HB2169 | school districts; board meetings; expenditures |
HB2170 | individualized education programs; dyslexia diagnosis |
HB2171 | law enforcement; families; tuition scholarships |
HB2172 | parent training; schools; K-8 students |
HB2173 | mental health inquiry; prohibition |
HB2174 | eligibility determinations; developmental disabilities |
HB2175 | claims; prior authorization; conduct |
HB2176 | health facilities; complaints; investigations; training |
HB2177 | appropriation; address confidentiality program fund |
HB2178 | petty offenses; lawful detainment; identification |
HB2179 | marijuana; advertising; restrictions |
HB2180 | acute care services; pilot program |
HB2181 | physical therapy; durable medical equipment |
HB2182 | ALTCS; preadmission screening; cognitive impairment |
HB2183 | nursing care; assisted living; board |
HB2184 | appropriations; health innovation trust fund |
HB2185 | exchange teachers; technical correction |
HB2186 | prohibition; cat declawing; exceptions |
HB2187 | ABOR; university presidents; compensation |
HB2188 | national guard; active duty combat |
HB2189 | mobile home park managers; training |
HB2190 | dentists; dental hygienists; compact |
HB2191 | religious institutions; development; allowed use |
HB2192 | appropriations; Interstate 10; vehicle lanes |
HB2193 | captive insurers; certificate of dormancy |
HB2194 | DCS; investigation; permanent guardianship |
HB2195 | digital advertising; content; children; penalty |
HB2196 | schools; AEDs; CPR training; requirements |
HB2197 | certificate of necessity; repeal |
HB2198 | AHCCCS; reimbursement rates; rural hospitals |
HB2199 | prescription drugs; advertising; requirements |
HB2200 | professional registration; reciprocity; endorsement |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2201 | technical correction; electricity; power authority |
HB2202 | subsequent AMA; previously nonirrigated land |
HB2203 | historical water use; subsequent AMA |
HB2204 | assured water supply; commingling |
HB2205 | election procedures manual; authority |
HB2206 | multistate voter registration system; prohibition |
HB2207 | child sex trafficking; juvenile defendants |
HB2208 | pharmacists; pharmacies; reimbursement costs; appeals |
HB2209 | Arizona department of housing; continuation |
HB2210 | DIFI; continuation |
HB2211 | severe threat order of protection |
HB2212 | minors; artistic performers; contracts; trust |
HB2213 | appropriation; free school meals |
HB2214 | failure to secure weapon; minor |
HB2215 | inmate medical records; electronic storage |
HB2216 | pregnancy centers; grant program |
HB2217 | national guard; life insurance |
HB2218 | workforce Arizona council; annual report |
HB2219 | appropriation; Taylor-Snowflake; fire; medical |
HB2220 | appropriation; Woolford Road extension |
HB2221 | law enforcement; defunding; prohibition |
HB2222 | settlement agreements; report; approval |
HB2223 | wind farms; construction; policies; procedures |
HB2224 | unlawful wildlife feeding; enforcement; penalty |
HB2225 | technical correction; student status guidelines |
HB2226 | AHCCCS; applied behavior analysis |
HB2227 | bond; override; contributions; contracts; prohibition |
HB2228 | jurors; peremptory challenge; civil action |
HB2229 | executive clemency; medical confinement release |
HB2230 | intensive probation; young adult |
HB2231 | advisory committee; subcommittee; exemption |
HB2232 | on-site wastewater treatment; general permit |
HB2233 | elevator contractors; elevator mechanics; regulation |
HB2234 | Interstate 11; environmental; engineering; study |
HB2235 | signs; lane use; civil penalty |
HB2236 | appropriation; Fort Defiance; streetlights |
HB2237 | Navajo Nation; oil; gas; appropriation |
HB2238 | appropriation; N9003 bridge project |
HB2239 | appropriation; N9073 Rockfall/Roadway project |
HB2240 | citizen suits; environment |
HB2241 | energy measuring; reporting prohibition; repeal |
HB2242 | utilities; restrictions; prohibitions; preemption; repeal |
HB2243 | terminally ill individuals; end-of-life decisions |
HB2244 | light rail extension; public monies |
HB2245 | appropriation; medical marijuana; veterans; fees |
HB2246 | appropriation; irrigation grandfathered rights; retirement |
HB2247 | PFAS; health study; appropriation |
HB2248 | well drilling application; location; GPS |
HB2249 | state waters; rules; ecological services. |
HB2250 | AHCCCS; preventative dental care |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2251 | Arizona bicycling special plates |
HB2252 | vehicle emission standards; waiver; rules |
HB2253 | water efficient plumbing fixtures |
HB2254 | domestic relations; temporary orders; hearings |
HB2255 | domestic relations; court appointments; fees |
HB2256 | parental alienation; testimony; prohibition |
HB2257 | DCS; vaccinations; child placement |
HB2258 | groundwater replenishment; qualification; subbasin |
HB2259 | railroad grade crossing; on-track equipment.. |
HB2260 | employers; unpaid wages; penalties |
HB2261 | medical marijuana; fee; exemption; veterans |
HB2262 | railroads; train length |
HB2263 | fire protection systems, inspections |
HB2264 | technical correction; sports facilities account |
HB2265 | technical correction; revenue bond authority |
HB2266 | technical correction; wage board; powers |
HB2267 | technical correction; privacy policies; agencies |
HB2268 | fire districts; homeowner's policies; DIFI |
HB2269 | appropriation; state mine inspector; safety |
HB2270 | groundwater model; stormwater recharge; AMAs |
HB2271 | supply and demand; assessment; groundwater |
HB2272 | municipal separate storm sewer system |
HB2273 | lottery; on-farm irrigation efficiency fund |
HB2274 | technical correction; assured water supply |
HB2275 | income tax credit; historic preservation |
HB2276 | legislative ratification; rulemaking; regulatory costs |
HB2277 | qualified immunity; unmanned aircraft |
HB2278 | homeowners' associations; records requests |
HB2279 | homeowners' associations; virtual meetings; proxies |
HB2280 | homeowners' associations; assessments; liens; payments |
HB2281 | missing indigenous person; alert system |
HB2282 | occupational licenses; apprenticeships |
HB2283 | emergencies; price regulations; unlawful practices |
HB2284 | traffic; vehicle laws; cities; prohibition |
HB2285 | prohibited agreements; public works contracts |
HB2286 | financial aid; private scholarships; requirements |
HB2287 | mobile home landlord tenant; protections |
HB2288 | higher education; increased costs; restrictions |
HB2289 | minimum wage increase |
HB2290 | student loan servicers; licensure |
HB2291 | opioids; containers; labeling; requirements; repeal |
HB2292 | cancer screening; coverage; gene mutation |
HB2293 | tobacco products; vaping; minimum age |
HB2294 | outpatient treatment centers; facility fees |
HB2295 | juveniles; change of judge; impartiality |
HB2296 | shared parenting time; presumption; prohibition |
HB2297 | designation; assured water supply; offset |
HB2298 | technical correction; management goals; AMAs |
HB2299 | assured water supply; certificate; model |
HB2300 | electric vehicle charging stations; report |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2301 | solar; building permits; approval process |
HB2302 | accommodation schools; building renewal grants |
HB2303 | total loss vehicle; electronic signatures |
HB2304 | appropriations; highway and road projects |
HB2305 | technical correction; double punishment |
HB2306 | technical correction; discharging firearms |
HB2307 | technical correction; emergency interception |
HB2308 | vacation rentals; ordinance; limits; exemption |
HB2309 | vacation rentals; short-term rentals; restrictions |
HB2310 | advanced practice registered nurses; compact |
HB2311 | continuation; massage therapy board |
HB2312 | dental board; continuation |
HB2313 | behavioral health examiners board; continuation |
HB2314 | osteopathic examiners board; continuation |
HB2315 | respiratory care examiners board; continuation |
HB2316 | short-term rentals; property classification |
HB2317 | residential building materials; requirements; prohibition |
HB2318 | assessed valuation; agricultural land |
HB2319 | private property; design; regulations; prohibition |
HB2320 | appropriation; veterans' services; mental health |
HB2321 | victims; witnesses; names; disclosure requirements |
HB2322 | condominiums; commercial structures; residential structures |
HB2323 | technical correction; unordered merchandise |
HB2324 | technical correction; unclaimed property; interest |
HB2325 | technical correction; workers' compensation; investigation |
HB2326 | consumer fraud; technical correction |
HB2327 | technical correction; unemployment compensation withholding |
HB2328 | technical correction; liquor licenses |
HB2329 | appropriation; health care directives registry |
HB2330 | disability; voluntary disclosure; licenses |
HB2331 | failure to provide identification |
HB2332 | postpartum depression; treatment; insurers |
HB2333 | technical correction; health services; fees |
HB2334 | technical correction; contractors; complaints |
HB2335 | ASRS; return to work |
HB2336 | Native American veteran special plates |
HB2337 | rent regulation; state preemption. |
HB2338 | appropriations; capital projects; Snowflake |
HB2339 | historical society; local chapters; fund |
HB2340 | murder; law enforcement officer; punishment |
HB2341 | fire protection systems; inspections. |
HB2342 | cell phone carrier; spam calls |
HB2343 | legal document preparers; license requirements |
HB2344 | notaries; businesses; prohibition |
HB2345 | loan agreements; escrow |
HB2346 | medical records; reproduction; fee |
HB2347 | legislators; salary; county supervisors |
HB2348 | behavioral health services; insurance coverage |
HB2349 | TANF; cash assistance; duration |
HB2350 | appropriation; housing assistance; elderly |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2351 | health professionals; website; time limitation |
HB2352 | auxillary containers; regulation; prohibition; repeal |
HB2353 | online lodging marketplaces |
HB2354 | TPT; online lodging marketplace; reporting |
HB2355 | massage therapy board; continuation |
HB2356 | adult incarceration contracts; services; costs |
HB2357 | landlord tenant; notice; assistance information |
HB2358 | adequate provocation; unavailability; transgender; gay |
HB2359 | conversion therapy; funding; prohibitions; minors |
HB2360 | home purchase; corporate buyer restriction |
HB2361 | collective bargaining; warehouse employees; quotas |
HB2362 | plant; transmission line; definitions |
HB2363 | voting centers; requirements |
HB2364 | antidiscrimination; employment; housing; public accommodations |
HB2365 | corporate income tax; disclosure; database |
HB2366 | employers; list; welfare recipients; commission |
HB2367 | environmental permitting; requirements; burdened communities |
HB2368 | auditor general; records; financial institutions |
HB2369 | auditor general; county treasurer; review |
HB2370 | entrance fee; refunds; time frame |
HB2371 | planning; home design; restrictions; prohibition |
HB2372 | liquified petroleum gas containers; penalties |
HB2373 | county attorneys; qualifications; requirements |
HB2374 | transnational repression; foreign adversaries |
HB2375 | children with disabilities; evaluation; deadline |
HB2376 | county candidates; clean elections pamphlet |
HB2377 | water resources; technical correction |
HB2378 | juvenile restoration; rights; guns; civil |
HB2379 | appropriations; area agencies on aging |
HB2380 | rare disease advisory council |
HB2381 | wage claims; employment practices |
HB2382 | working conditions; temperatures; employers; definitions |
HB2383 | appropriations; applied research centers; technology |
HB2384 | fire insurance; wildfire risk modeling |
HB2385 | produce incentive program; annual appropriation |
HB2386 | pay parity; law enforcement; benchmarks |
HB2387 | cryptocurrency kiosk; license; fraud prevention |
HB2388 | silent witness; records; nondisclosure; exceptions |
HB2389 | business personal property; exemption. |
HB2390 | justices of the peace; online signature |
HB2391 | JPs; constables; signatures |
HB2392 | appropriation; summer youth program |
HB2393 | appropriation; veterans warming center; Payson |
HB2394 | appropriation; after-school program; Snowflake-Taylor |
HB2395 | appropriation; White Mountain fire program |
HB2396 | appropriation; Navajo county; reentry facility |
HB2397 | appropriation; robotics program |
HB2398 | appropriations; White Mountain fire contingency |
HB2399 | appropriations; child care development centers |
HB2400 | appropriation; fire contingency program; Payson |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2401 | appropriation; Taylor rodeo grounds; expansion |
HB2402 | appropriation; Snowflake-Taylor police department |
HB2403 | appropriations; road expansions; Show Low |
HB2404 | commerce authority; board of directors |
HB2405 | topical medications |
HB2406 | property tax; exemption; combat veterans |
HB2407 | schools; purchases; board members |
HB2408 | DWR; compact call; curtailment; appropriation |
HB2409 | excessive speeding |
HB2410 | condominiums; planned communities; directors' duties |
HB2411 | alcohol consumption; golf courses |
HB2412 | augmentation; Phoenix; Pinal; Tucson; AMA |
HB2413 | effluent; proportional share; recharge; compensation |
HB2414 | remedial groundwater incentives; PFAS |
HB2415 | basin-fill aquifers; groundwater; correlative rights |
HB2416 | unlawful act; government official; challenge. |
HB2417 | system logs; voter notices; inactives |
HB2418 | income tax; credit; savings plans |
HB2419 | voting center elections; voter distance |
HB2420 | appropriation; college credit; examination; incentive |
HB2421 | corporate income tax rate; reduction |
HB2422 | income tax; deduction; tuition; loans |
HB2423 | election workers; nondisclosure; no waiver |
HB2424 | election plan; ballot printing deadline |
HB2425 | voter registration information; registers; violations |
HB2426 | municipal council vacancies; appointment; deadline |
HB2427 | appropriations; Tohono O'odham community college |
HB2428 | appropriations; San Carlos Apache college |
HB2429 | pharmacy benefits; pharmacy management networks |
HB2430 | corrections; Marana; transitional facility; study |
HB2431 | firearms regulated by state; repeal |
HB2432 | parenting time; neutral exchange location |
HB2433 | county treasurers; continuing education |
HB2434 | emergency response plans; charter schools |
HB2435 | homelessness; data; performance audit |
HB2436 | DCS; investigations; interviews; recording |
HB2437 | drug-free homeless zones |
HB2438 | birth certificates; amendments; prohibition |
HB2439 | website information; pregnant women |
HB2440 | attorney general; election certification; prohibition |
HB2441 | psychologist board; complaint-related documents |
HB2442 | homeowners' associations; budget ratification; requirements |
HB2443 | housing trust fund; unclaimed property |
HB2444 | local planning; residential housing; repeal |
HB2445 | tax deed; sale; affordable housing |
HB2446 | technical correction; conservation easements; applicability |
HB2447 | self-certification program; administrative review |
HB2448 | voting locations; emergency designation; electioneering |
HB2449 | AHCCCS; enrollment verification; presumptive eligibility |
HB2450 | unemployment insurance; benefit amounts |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2451 | administrative hearings; change of judge |
HB2452 | appropriation; AHCCCS; provider increases |
HB2453 | defensive driving schools; fees |
HB2454 | appropriations; community colleges; police training |
HB2455 | appropriations; law enforcement; records management. |
HB2456 | appropriation; fire incident management grants.. |
HB2457 | fire districts; formation; county supervisors |
HB2458 | prisoners; medical treatment; pregnancy; requirements |
HB2459 | prisoners; strip search; pat search |
HB2460 | eligibility; children's health insurance program |
HB2461 | coverage; family and medical leave |
HB2462 | child neglect; financial resources; exception |
HB2463 | telemedicine; abortion prohibition; repeal |
HB2464 | abortion; medication; mailing; repeal |
HB2465 | advertising; produce abortion; conception; repeal |
HB2466 | campaign finance; caregiver expenses |
HB2467 | campaign finance; corporate contributions; registration |
HB2468 | municipal; county measures; filings; actions |
HB2469 | ballot measures; descriptive title; summary |
HB2470 | ballot measure amendments |
HB2471 | early voting; hours; emergency voting |
HB2472 | early voting; hours; weekends; emergencies |
HB2473 | early ballot collection; limitations; repeal |
HB2474 | voting centers; board of supervisors |
HB2475 | early ballot return; voter intimidation |
HB2476 | appropriation; water conservation grant fund |
HB2477 | state lands; leases; groundwater use |
HB2478 | subsequent irrigation; non-expansion areas; procedures |
HB2479 | subsequent active management area; designation |
HB2480 | watershed health; use; survey |
HB2481 | adequate water supply; statewide requirements |
HB2482 | condominiums; rental property; information disclosure |
HB2483 | registrar of contractors; licensure |
HB2484 | school policies; internet; wireless devices |
HB2485 | land division; application; attestation |
HB2486 | office of resiliency; climate change |
HB2487 | multifamily property; water; certificate |
HB2488 | apprenticeship; supervised probation. |
HB2489 | public health emergencies; essential medicines |
HB2490 | bailable offenses; requirements; release |
HB2491 | ALTCS eligibility; psychiatric conditions |
HB2492 | guardianship; court appointments; care placement |
HB2493 | providers; financial audits; academic performance |
HB2494 | misclassification; tax fraud; task force |
HB2495 | full-day kindergarten students; ADM |
HB2496 | citizenship status; licensure; documentation |
HB2497 | study committee; educator health insurance |
HB2498 | school safety program; mental health |
HB2499 | pesticides; sale and use restrictions |
HB2500 | school mental health professionals; academy |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2501 | repeal; right to work; liability |
HB2502 | employment; labor standards; meal breaks |
HB2503 | licenses; tax number; consular cards |
HB2504 | immigrant; alien; terminology |
HB2505 | immigration; law enforcement; repeal |
HB2506 | Dolores Huerta; Cesar Chavez; holiday |
HB2507 | school districts; expenditure limitation |
HB2508 | study committee; human trafficking |
HB2509 | utilities; contributions; lobbying; nonrecoverable expenses |
HB2510 | ADEQ; waste programs; funding; rules |
HB2511 | technical correction; home health agencies. |
HB2512 | firearm transfers; offenses; domestic violence |
HB2513 | misconduct involving weapons; instigation |
HB2514 | notices; directory information; disclosure; consent |
HB2515 | truth in taxation; bonds; notices |
HB2516 | unclaimed property; transfer; state treasurer |
HB2517 | written request; property locators |
HB2518 | employment; prohibitions; corporation commission |
HB2519 | appropriation; State Route 24 |
HB2520 | defense of duress; unavailable offenses |
HB2521 | elections; foreign money |
HB2522 | technical correction; payment method |
HB2523 | regents; officers; technical correction |
HB2524 | education; federal funds; technical correction |
HB2525 | technical correction; process service |
HB2526 | public offices; holidays; technical correction |
HB2527 | corporation commission; electricity; reliability; management |
HB2528 | marriage; minimum age |
HB2529 | duty to retreat; repeal |
HB2530 | homelessness rights; criminal liability |
HB2531 | access and success special plates. |
HB2532 | election officers; privacy protections. |
HB2533 | workers' rights; public health emergency |
HB2534 | ballot delivery; collection. |
HB2535 | firearms dealers; firearms transfers; requirements |
HB2536 | sentencing; concealed weapons permits; surrender |
HB2537 | employees; school conferences; leave |
HB2538 | rental housing; income source discrimination. |
HB2539 | appropriation; State Route 303 |
HB2540 | statewide assessment; accommodations; written form |
HB2541 | DCS; hearings; complete disclosure requirements |
HB2542 | state contracts; foreign adversary; prohibition |
HB2543 | agricultural lessees; energy projects; compensation |
HB2544 | appropriation; agriculture; brand inspectors |
HB2545 | early ballots; Friday return |
HB2546 | school elections; county administration; recorder |
HB2547 | abortions; public funding; prohibition |
HB2548 | subsequent AMA; designation; petition; election |
HB2549 | appropriation; subsequent AMA; assistance grants |
HB2550 | department of water resources; review |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2551 | grandfathered right; Willcox AMA; extension |
HB2552 | dogs; hunting; rules; prohibition |
HB2553 | independent corrections ombudsman office |
HB2554 | appropriation; tribal shelter beds |
HB2555 | appropriation; Ganado traffic light project |
HB2556 | liquor licenses; issuance; prohibition |
HB2557 | appropriation; State Route 347; widening |
HB2558 | vacation rentals; number; population; cap |
HB2559 | justification; criminal offenses |
HB2560 | school mapping data; requirements; accessibility |
HB2561 | insurance; cost sharing; breast examinations |
HB2562 | appropriation; Somerton bridge replacement |
HB2563 | elections; tribal consultation; voting locations |
HB2564 | poll workers; counties; statewide database |
HB2565 | ballots; cure period; precinct information |
HB2566 | transportation excise tax; election authority |
HB2567 | replenishment obligation; one hundred-year period |
HB2568 | conservation requirements; industrial water use |
HB2569 | certificate; residential lease community; water |
HB2570 | temporary non-expansion area |
HB2571 | stormwater infrastructure; groundwater recharge; credit |
HB2572 | technical correction; groundwater rights; AMAs |
HB2573 | technical correction; plants; containers; non-irrigation |
HB2574 | small land subdivision; requirements |
HB2575 | appropriation; Arizona geological survey |
HB2576 | notice; violation; deficiency correction |
HB2577 | native plants; fire prevention; exemption |
HB2578 | memorial; Don Bolles |
HB2579 | sex offender registry; lifetime registration |
HB2580 | sex offenders; duty to register |
HB2581 | tracking system; sexual assault kits |
HB2582 | failure to maintain medical records |
HB2583 | physical therapists; imaging; laboratory tests |
HB2584 | nonemergency medical transportation; study |
HB2585 | school open enrollment; tribal students |
HB2586 | election worker communications platform; pilot |
HB2587 | voter registration; requirements |
HB2588 | wildlife; taking; landowner permits; rules |
HB2589 | employers; contracts; noncompete clause; prohibition |
HB2590 | residential rental property; definition |
HB2591 | appropriation; commission of African-American affairs |
HB2592 | taxation; repeal; selected exemptions |
HB2593 | preschool; children with disabilities; eligibility |
HB2594 | GRRC; continuation |
HB2595 | municipal attainable housing; development |
HB2596 | municipal improvement districts; authorization; petitions |
HB2597 | municipal improvement districts; enhanced services |
HB2598 | public service corporations; siting committee |
HB2599 | condominiums; construction defects; actions |
HB2600 | department of child safety; review |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2601 | income tax; exemption; minors |
HB2602 | sex offender registration; convicted; definition |
HB2603 | hunting; fishing; license; deferred prosecution |
HB2604 | child and family representation; appropriation |
HB2605 | telecommunications fund; report; posting |
HB2606 | appropriation; local border support |
HB2607 | fentanyl; motor vehicle; sentencing |
HB2608 | public officers; photographs; official use |
HB2609 | advanced mathematics courses; student enrollment |
HB2610 | school districts; board members; superintendent |
HB2611 | aggravated assault; accomplices; classification |
HB2612 | veterans' benefits; claims; prohibition |
HB2613 | fire insurance review task force |
HB2614 | election committee; security standards; practices |
HB2615 | election worker harassment task force |
HB2616 | public service scholarship fund |
HB2617 | processing arrestees; veteran status |
HB2618 | voluntary prohibited possessor; definition |
HB2619 | assault weapons; magazines; prohibition; registration |
HB2620 | firearm sales; permit verification; requirements |
HB2621 | firearm sales; transfers; background checks |
HB2622 | campaign finance; filings; penalties |
HB2623 | campaign finance; candidate committee transfers |
HB2624 | timeshare salespersons; licensure |
HB2625 | competitive sealed bidding; questions; answers |
HB2626 | manufactured housing; certification; compliance |
HB2627 | pharmacies; emergency authority |
HB2628 | pharmacists; emergency medication; administration |
HB2629 | merchant; fees; calculation; transactions; penalty |
HB2630 | governor nominations; agency position; eligibility |
HB2631 | election procedures manual; legislative approval |
HB2632 | regulatory costs; rulemaking; legislative ratification |
HB2633 | special actions; public participation; postconviction |
HB2634 | municipal parking; civil penalties; maximum |
HB2635 | TPT; exemption; firearm storage devices |
HB2636 | infancy; penalty recommendation; juvenile offenders |
HB2637 | board of dispensing opticians; repeal |
HB2638 | on-farm irrigation efficiency program; continuation |
HB2639 | TPT; exemption; qualifying equipment; extension |
HB2640 | school districts; leases; termination; nonrenewal |
HB2641 | appropriation; N9054 bridge construction project |
HB2642 | appropriation; N351 Road improvement |
HB2643 | appropriations; child care assistance |
HB2644 | rainwater harvesting; appropriation |
HB2645 | retirement benefits; waiting period; repeal |
HB2646 | pesticides; fertilizer; PFAS; prohibition |
HB2647 | rental payments; credit reporting |
HB2648 | child care; assistance; eligibility |
HB2649 | electoral college; support |
HB2650 | social credit; use; prohibition |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
HB2651 | voting equipment; requirements; origin |
HB2652 | discrimination; prohibited; protective hairstyles |
HB2653 | victims; disclosure requirements; witnesses; names |
HB2654 | blockchain and cryptocurrency study committee |
HB2655 | special district; technical correction |
HB2656 | HOA's; termination of declarant |
HB2657 | trusts; estates; policies; procedures |
HB2658 | expungement of misdemeanor convictions |
HB2659 | transfer to minors; age increase |
HB2660 | affordable housing tax credits; extension |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
SCM1001 | Donald J. Trump highway |
SCR1001 | property tax exemption; virtual currency |
SCR1002 | photo enforcement systems; prohibition |
SCR1003 | compensation; elective state officers; inflation |
SCR1004 | prohibit tax; monitoring; vehicle mileage |
SCR1005 | state retirement systems; digital assets |
SCR1006 | state trust land; land exchanges |
SCR1007 | referendum; municipal zoning change; prohibition |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
SB1001 | early ballots; identification; tabulation |
SB1002 | pronouns; biological sex; school policies |
SB1003 | public schools; restrooms; reasonable accommodations |
SB1004 | unlawful release of balloons |
SB1005 | alternative dispute resolution; justice; fund |
SB1006 | fair jury improvement fund |
SB1007 | public school tax credit; purposes |
SB1008 | eyeglasses; prescriptions |
SB1009 | appropriations; nuclear emergency management fund |
SB1010 | appropriation; state department of corrections |
SB1011 | early voting; ballot deadlines; certificates |
SB1012 | sanitary districts; directors; payment |
SB1013 | municipalities; counties; fee increases; vote |
SB1014 | prohibited weapons; muffling device; repeal |
SB1015 | blockchain technology; tax; fee; prohibition |
SB1016 | wind farms; location limits |
SB1017 | appropriation; historical society; pioneer museum |
SB1018 | false allegations; child abuse; parents |
SB1019 | photo enforcement systems; prohibition |
SB1020 | disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon |
SB1021 | ROTC cadets; in-state student status |
SB1022 | small claims court; jurisdictional limit |
SB1023 | critical infrastructure; prohibited agreements |
SB1024 | state agencies; payments; cryptocurrency |
SB1025 | public monies; investment; virtual currency |
SB1026 | virtual currency; property tax exemption |
SB1027 | critical telecommunications infrastructure; construction requirements |
SB1028 | high school graduation; requirements |
SB1029 | pedestrians; street median; prohibition |
SB1030 | veterinarian malpractice actions; damages |
SB1031 | cosmetics sales; animal testing; prohibitions |
SB1032 | veterinarians; malpractice; unprofessional conduct |
SB1033 | animal seizure; bond amount |
SB1034 | ASRS; return to work; prosecutors |
SB1035 | postconviction relief proceedings; hourly rate |
SB1036 | public resources; influencing elections; penalties |
SB1037 | health boards; fund balances; fees |
SB1038 | aggravated assault; commission; certain officials |
SB1039 | homeowner's associations; meetings; recordings |
SB1040 | recall elections; procedures; timeline |
SB1041 | school board candidates; electronic signatures. |
SB1042 | public entities; immunity |
SB1043 | homeless shelter services fund; appropriation |
SB1044 | secure behavioral health facilities |
SB1045 | secure behavioral health facilities; appropriations |
SB1046 | mental illness; prisoners; diagnosis; treatment |
SB1047 | appropriations; named claimants |
SB1048 | cruelty to working animals; classification |
SB1049 | nonresident real estate sales; notice |
SB1050 | GPLET; notice; abatement period |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
SB1051 | engineers; alterations; commercial space |
SB1052 | voter registration; temporary absence |
SB1053 | wildlife; firearms discharge; structures; distance |
SB1054 | assisted living; hyperbaric oxygen therapy |
SB1055 | municipalities; retired police officers; volunteers |
SB1056 | liquified petroleum gas containers; penalties. |
SB1057 | working animal; harm; classification |
SB1058 | retirement; reemployment; school resource officers |
SB1059 | move over law; study committee |
SB1060 | internal investigations; notice; confidentiality |
SB1061 | appropriations; criminal justice; salary increases |
SB1062 | legal tender; cryptocurrency |
SB1063 | juror summons; election worker option |
SB1064 | voting; equipment; internet; custody; violation |
SB1065 | appropriation; reduction; courts |
SB1066 | foreign entities; land; legislative approval |
SB1067 | community college districts; tax rate |
SB1068 | federal government; land acquisition; consent |
SB1069 | personal property exemption; increase |
SB1070 | tax deed land sales; procedures |
SB1071 | SNAP; TANF; public welfare; verification |
SB1072 | medical boards; complaints; time limit |
SB1073 | legislature; time of assembly |
SB1074 | railroad grade crossing; on-track equipment |
SB1075 | audiologists; speech-language pathologists; compact |
SB1076 | newborn screening; Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
SB1077 | adult incarceration contracts |
SB1078 | manufacturer plates; proof of contract |
SB1079 | appropriations; victims of crime; services |
SB1080 | tax credit review committee; standard |
SB1081 | obstetrics; gynecology services; rural communities |
SB1082 | constables; report; board of supervisors |
SB1083 | appropriation; university of Arizona; agriculture |
SB1084 | adult education programs; revisions; appropriation |
SB1085 | TPT; use tax; exemption; aviation |
SB1086 | transportation system performance; ADOT |
SB1087 | residential contractor assessments; recovery fund |
SB1088 | ADWR; hydrology reports |
SB1089 | ADOT; report; construction projects; bidders |
SB1090 | schools; libraries; explicit materials; classification |
SB1091 | school districts; bonds; overrides; ballots |
SB1092 | vehicle mileage; tracking; tax; prohibitions |
SB1093 | government investments; products; fiduciaries; plans |
SB1094 | business; discrimination prohibition; social criteria |
SB1095 | central bank digital currency; ban |
SB1096 | bullion depository; establishment |
SB1097 | elections; voting centers; polling places |
SB1098 | early ballot drop off; identification |
SB1099 | sexually explicit materials; government; prohibition |
SB1100 | Maricopa county; division; new counties |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
SB1101 | Maricopa county; new counties; division |
SB1102 | pharmacy benefits; prescribing; exemption |
SB1103 | penalty assessment; victims' rights enforcement |
SB1104 | police reports; victims; prosecuting agency |
SB1105 | medical marijuana dispensaries; location |
SB1106 | public entity liability; sexual offenses |
SB1107 | motorcycle safety fund continuation |
SB1108 | international medical licensees; provisional licensure |
SB1109 | designated countries; land ownership; prohibition |
SB1110 | accessory dwelling units; codes; owners |
SB1111 | nonhealth regulatory boards; challenges; prohibition |
SB1112 | apprenticeship; supervised probation |
SB1113 | renewable energy; public service corporations |
SB1114 | assured water supply; analysis; availability |
SB1115 | demand calculator; rules; conservation code |
SB1116 | groundwater model; receipt; written findings |
SB1117 | barbering and cosmetology fund; enforcement |
SB1118 | barbering and cosmetology; licensure |
SB1119 | residential utilities; consumer office; definition |
SB1120 | assessor's valuations; special districts; petitions |
SB1121 | property tax; limited value; methodology |
SB1122 | property tax exemptions; inflation adjustment |
SB1123 | watermark; paper ballots |
SB1124 | dental board; oral preventive assistants |
SB1125 | psychologists; prescribing authority |
SB1126 | equine economic improvement fund |
SB1127 | vehicle towing rates; regulation |
SB1128 | air quality; causation; state boundaries |
SB1129 | vehicle accident; insurance verification |
SB1130 | appropriation; older individuals; blind |
SB1131 | technical correction; public records |
SB1132 | AHCCCS; continuous glucose monitors |
SB1133 | history of communism; instruction requirement |
SB1134 | ADWR; application; review; time frames |
SB1135 | dietitian nutritionists; licensure |
SB1136 | schools; noncertificated personnel; background investigations |
SB1137 | ESA program; performance review; termination |
SB1138 | school psychologists; school safety program |
SB1139 | ESAs; qualified schools; personnel qualifications |
SB1140 | telehealth program; homeless; recovery services |
SB1141 | vacation rentals; violations; penalties |
SB1142 | elections; foreign contributions; prohibition |
SB1143 | firearms transactions; merchant codes; prohibition |
SB1144 | jail facilities excise tax; extension |
SB1145 | community facilities districts; prompt pay |
SB1146 | photo enforcement; traffic violations |
SB1147 | appropriations; law enforcement; records management |
SB1148 | CORP; defined contribution; membership election |
SB1149 | appropriation; fire incident management grants. |
SB1150 | state land; exchanges |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
SB1151 | kidney disease awareness special plates |
SB1152 | early voting; mailing date |
SB1153 | write-in candidates; nomination paper filing |
SB1154 | write-in candidate; filing deadline; cancellation |
SB1155 | income tax; subtraction; uniformed services |
SB1156 | death benefits; burial costs |
SB1157 | workers' compensation; death benefits; remarriage |
SB1158 | property tax; exemption; widows; widowers |
SB1159 | employment practices; wage claims |
SB1160 | office of defense innovation; appropriation |
SB1161 | sheriffs; constables; service; mileage; fees |
SB1162 | appropriation; highway project; Patagonia; use |
SB1163 | veterans; emergency admission; transport |
Bill Number | Short / NOW Title |
House | Senate | Total | |
Bills Introduced: | 660 | 163 | 823 |
Memorials and Resolutions Introduced: | 48 | 8 | 56 |
Totals: | 708 | 171 | 879 |