Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Natural Resources, Energy & Water | Vice-Chairman | Click here | Click here |
Municipal Oversight & Elections | Member | Click here | Click here |
Ways & Means | Member | Click here | Click here |
No Personal Biography Available
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2123 | P | wells; water measuring devices; prohibition |
HB2124 | P | agricultural operations; water; protection; definition |
HB2125 | P | annexation; notice; approval |
HB2150 | C | groundwater sales; online exchange |
HB2181 | C | national guard; active duty combat |
HB2182 | C | augmentation; Phoenix; Pinal; Tucson; AMA |
HB2184 | P | brackish groundwater pilot program |
HB2186 | C | remedial groundwater incentive; brackish groundwater (NOW: brackish groundwater incentive) |
HB2276 | C | state militia; governor; active duty |
HB2290 | C | certificates of operation; interfacility transfers |
HB2378 | C | continuation; PSPRS |
HB2382 | C | TPT; sourcing; validation |
HB2393 | C | presidential preference; parties; voting methods |
HB2404 | C | voter registration cards; mailing limitation |
HB2405 | C | voter registrations; recorder; inactive status |
HB2406 | C | agricultural vaccinations; disclosure (NOW: agriculture; hemp; regulation; vaccination; disclosure) |
HB2407 | C | foreign entities; land ownership; prohibition |
HB2409 | C | deeds; personal appearance requirement |
HB2470 | C | planned communities; authority; public roadways |
HB2471 | C | rulemaking; legislative approval |
HB2542 | C | foster children; educational support |
HB2543 | C | group foster homes; staffing requirement |
HB2544 | C | legislative intent; secrecy; mail voting |
HB2545 | C | annual vehicle emissions testing; exemption |
HB2546 | C | vehicle emissions; exemption |
HB2547 | C | voting centers ban; precinct size |
HB2590 | C | voter registration database; updates; counties |
HB2592 | C | unemployment insurance; benefit amounts; definition |
HB2593 | C | public records; time frame |
HB2617 | C | juvenile restoration of civil rights |
HB2618 | C | spirituous liquor; DHS; inspection; exemption |
HB2620 | C | voting equipment; requirements; origin |
HB2621 | C | sovereign authority; border; health crisis |
HB2622 | C | drug cartels; terrorist organizations |
HB2631 | C | businesses; requirement to accept cash |
HB2632 | C | zoning violations; enforcement; notice; service (NOW: state agencies; powers; continuations) |
HB2647 | P | physical availability credits; water supply. |
HB2655 | C | public schools; teachers; expressive rights |
HB2656 | C | internet pornography; age verification |
HB2657 | C | parent's rights; mental; physical health |
HB2658 | C | pedestrians; congregating; medians; unsafe locations (NOW: pedestrians; congregating; medians; intersections) |
HB2668 | C | middle school students; CTE courses |
HB2674 | C | anesthesiologist assistants; licensure |
HB2703 | C | supervisors; legislative vacancy; appointment |
HB2719 | C | bond elections; date; voter turnout (NOW: bond elections; date; supermajority vote) |
HB2720 | C | accessory dwelling units; requirements. |
HB2721 | C | municipal zoning; middle housing |
HB2739 | C | homeopathic board; repeal |
HB2740 | C | board of dispensing opticians; repeal |
HB2748 | C | illegal border crossings; state; crime |
HB2753 | C | voter registration rolls; auditor general |
HB2757 | C | appropriations; Arizona Holocaust education center |
HB2759 | C | student organizations; terrorism; withholding monies |
HB2779 | C | Holocaust education; instruction requirements |
HB2783 | P | private prisons; contracts; requirements |
HB2784 | C | marijuana; warnings; mental health |
HB2786 | C | presidential candidates; disqualification; prohibition |
HB2788 | C | United Nations; sustainable development; prohibition |
HB2821 | C | state crime; illegal border crossings. |
HB2824 | C | students; community service commendation |
HB2851 | C | elections; ballot chain of custody |
HB2852 | C | voter registrations; organizations; prohibition |
HCM2004 | P | federal land acquisition; acreage return |
HCM2005 | P | federal lands; transfer to states |
HCM2007 | C | Grand Canyon Footprints monument; repeal |
HCM2008 | C | urging Congress; Antiquities Act; repeal |
HCR2001 | C | voting; qualifications; methods |
HCR2002 | P | supporting Arizona's beef producers |
HCR2009 | C | Israel; support |
HCR2027 | C | house of representatives; designated seats |
HCR2030 | C | death penalty writ of execution |
HCR2032 | C | voting centers; precinct voting |
HCR2038 | C | drug cartels; terrorist organizations |
HCR2040 | P | public monies; prohibited expenditures |
HCR2041 | P | state retirement systems; digital assets. |
HCR2042 | C | sex trafficking; minors; natural life |
HCR2045 | C | illegal aliens; money transfers; tax |
HCR2048 | P | schools; teacher salary increases; reporting. |
HCR2050 | C | energy source; restriction; prohibition |
HCR2052 | C | rulemaking; legislative approval (NOW: rulemaking; legislative authority) |
HCR2054 | C | Daughters of American Revolution |
HCR2056 | C | preferential treatment; discrimination; prohibition (NOW: elections; foreign contributions; donations; certification) |
HCR2058 | C | legislative districts; population; census; citizenship |
HCR2062 | C | date; bond elections; voter turnout |
HR2004 | P | supporting Israel |
SB1041 | C | groundwater savings certificate; assured water |
SB1044 | C | Arizona commerce authority; repeal |
SB1064 | C | gasoline formulations; air quality. (NOW: conditional enactment; fuel reformulations) |
SB1121 | C | national guard; active duty; requirements |
SB1124 | C | social media platforms; standards; notification |
SB1148 | C | income tax; rebate; seniors |
SB1150 | C | student activity fees; conscience exemption. |
SB1151 | C | school classrooms; ten commandments; posting |
SB1152 | C | Arizona state university; appropriation reduction |
SB1153 | C | regulatory costs; rulemaking; legislative ratification |
SB1155 | C | lifetime probation; sexual offenses; termination |
SB1156 | C | concealed weapons; notice; repeal |
SB1158 | C | presidential candidates; qualification; no exclusion |
SB1237 | C | working animals; restrictions; prohibition |
SB1240 | C | cast vote record; public records |
SB1284 | C | major incident division; repeal |
SB1286 | C | elections; voting centers; polling places |
SB1292 | C | Maricopa county; division; new counties |
SB1303 | C | ABOR; high school honors endorsements |
SB1304 | C | ABOR; postsecondary institutions; policies |
SB1305 | C | public universities; posting requirements |
SB1306 | C | ABOR; administrative powers; delegation; limitation |
SB1307 | C | postsecondary institutions; free expression; policies |
SCM1004 | C | space national guard; urging establishment |
SCR1002 | C | prohibit tax; monitoring; vehicle mileage |
SCR1019 | C | preferential treatment; discrimination; prohibited. |
SCR1021 | C | sex trafficking; minors; natural life (NOW: sex trafficking; child; natural life) |