Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Appropriations Subcommittee on Budgetary Funding Formulas | Chairman | Click here | Click here |
Appropriations | Member | Click here | Click here |
Commerce | Member | Click here | Click here |
Health & Human Services | Member | Click here | Click here |
No Personal Biography Available
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2062 | C | Gila River Indian Community plates. (NOW: license plates; special plates) |
HB2070 | C | emergency response plans; community engagement |
HB2075 | C | school blueprints; public records; exemption |
HB2142 | C | produce incentive program; annual appropriation |
HB2149 | C | exchange programs; student count |
HB2150 | C | humanitarian service organization special plates |
HB2222 | P | driver license fees; homeless exemption |
HB2223 | P | liquor; licensing; processes; procedures |
HB2224 | P | homeschool; private school students; examinations |
HB2225 | P | ADOA; alternative routes applicants |
HB2226 | P | appropriation; fentanyl prosecution; testing; fund |
HB2227 | P | child care monies; eligible organizations (NOW: eligible organizations; registration; childcare monies) |
HB2228 | P | home solicitation sales (NOW: sales; home solicitation) |
HB2321 | C | adverse actions; religious; political beliefs |
HB2339 | C | prisoners; medical records; family access |
HB2353 | C | pupils; unpaid school meal fees |
HB2355 | C | appropriation; constables; body armor |
HB2376 | C | agricultural land; foreign ownership; prohibition |
HB2379 | P | hotel; motel; vouchers; homeless; prohibition |
HB2380 | P | secretary of state; address confidentiality |
HB2381 | P | mobile homes; recreational vehicles; fund |
HB2382 | P | technical correction; chiropractic |
HB2394 | C | firearms; sovereign authority |
HB2402 | P | small business incubator program |
HB2403 | P | JROTC; public safety academy; grants |
HB2410 | P | public schools; contracts; early termination |
HB2412 | P | foreclosure sales; housing department; registry |
HB2416 | P | technical correction; sports facilities account (NOW: electronic applications; government employees; prohibition) |
HB2417 | P | HOV lane; pregnant drivers |
HB2418 | P | law enforcement; response times; requirements (NOW: police response time; study committee) |
HB2419 | P | moving violations; injured pedestrians; penalties |
HB2420 | P | law enforcement; families; tuition scholarships |
HB2421 | P | CPR training; teachers; students |
HB2422 | P | Arizona criminal justice academy |
HB2423 | P | technical correction; public records (NOW: appropriation; healthcare; interoperability) |
HB2424 | P | county procedures; technical correction |
HB2425 | P | cities and towns; technical correction |
HB2426 | P | technical correction; prior authorization; timelines |
HB2427 | P | domestic violence; pregnant victim; sentencing |
HB2428 | P | private universities; Arizona teachers academy |
HB2446 | C | smart and safe fund; distribution |
HB2450 | C | Ak Chin Indian Community plates |
HB2459 | C | schools; governing board members; employment |
HB2493 | P | nonresident real estate transactions; notice |
HB2494 | P | technical correction; health services; fees |
HB2495 | P | technical correction; liquor licenses |
HB2499 | P | nutrition assistance; transition pilot program |
HB2500 | P | sexual assault victims; financial assistance |
HB2501 | P | dependent tax credit; additional amount |
HB2502 | P | child support; date of pregnancy |
HB2533 | C | classroom instruction; posting requirements |
HB2535 | C | private property; wells; regulation; prohibition |
HB2539 | C | school choice; failing schools; notice |
HB2540 | C | fire incident management fund; appropriation |
HB2552 | C | voting; elections; tally; prohibition |
HB2563 | C | on-call health services; appropriations |
HB2640 | C | state debt payoff |
HB2666 | C | Alzheimer's disease state plan; appropriation. |
HB2738 | C | prohibition; cat declawing; exceptions |
HB2800 | P | teacher salary increases; public schools |
HB2801 | P | extended foster care service model |
HB2802 | P | fentanyl sales; manufacture; sentencing; testing |
HB2803 | P | forestry and fire management; appropriation |
HB2804 | P | appropriation; grants; family support services |
HB2805 | P | appropriation; victim compensation and assistance |
HB2808 | C | public records; time frame |
HB2809 | C | public infrastructure improvements; reimbursement |
HCR2002 | P | school district expenditures; authorization |
HCR2004 | P | legislators; minimum age of eighteen |
HCR2037 | C | Assyrian New Year; recognizing |
HCR2043 | P | compensation; state preemption; limitation |
HCR2048 | C | Joe Hart; death resolution |
HCR2050 | PZ | school districts; expenditure limit; authorization |
SB1207 | C | fire incident management fund; appropriation. |
SB1252 | C | child fatality review committee; establishment (NOW: maltreatment oversight committee; establishment) |
SB1600 | C | infants; born alive; requirements |