
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Member Since: 2019

Alma Hernandez was born and raised on the south side of Tucson. She is the youngest legislator in Arizona at 25 and serves on the Health and Human Services and Federal Relations committees. She is a proud product of Sunnyside School District’s Public Schools, Alma earned a Bachelor of Science and Master’s in Public Health at the University of Arizona. She has further Public Health training from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

As a 14-year-old she was brutally attacked and subsequently exposed to the criminal justice system rigged against people of color especially those without means. This experience showed her firsthand what happens in our school to prison pipeline. Because of her experiences, she is an outspoken activist who has worked on a variety of issues from education, women’s rights, criminal justice reform, and health care. As a part of her humanitarian work as a Public Health professional Alma has traveled to developing countries including Ghana and Panama where she helped provide medical and public health services through free clinics.

At home in Tucson, Alma has worked with Powersource Tucson as the program coordinator of Bridging the Gap, a program that is helping women living with HIV/AIDS. Most recently she led Arizonans United for Healthcare working to defeat the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. In this role, Alma organized protests in Tucson and Washington DC representing the underserved, uninsured and underrepresented of our home town.

Alma is also proud alumni and sister of Alpha Chi Omega Panhellenic Sorority, Rho Lambda National Sorority Leadership Society for Women and Sigma Alpha Pi National Society for Leadership and Success.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2073Cschool funding; inflation adjustment
HB2077Ccandidates; school; local; electronic signatures
HB2078Cinitiative; referendum; signatures; electronic submittal
HB2101Celectric energy; reliability; public policy
HB2335Cexpenditure limitation; school districts; repeal.
HB2528Parea agencies on aging; appropriation
HB2593Cschools; calculated opportunity index
HB2618Ppower plants; contractors; workforce requirements
HB2639CAsian American; Pacific Islander month
HB2666Ccarbon capture task force
HB2667Cgrants; school counselors; social workers
HB2680Cvoter registration; same day
HB2691Chealth care workforce; grant programs
HB2704CAHCCCS; preventive dental care
HB2705Cappropriation; teachers' dependents; insurance premiums
HB2707Ppublic schools; moment of silence
HB2718Cminimum parking requirements; prohibition
HB2796Chealth professions; fingerprint clearance cards
HB2804Cdevelopment subsidies; recapture; rescission
HB2805Cextension; low-income housing tax credit
HB2806Cappropriation; housing trust fund
HB2819Peducational institutions; discrimination; religion; anti-Semitism
HB2820Pschool safety; school resource officers
HB2821Pappropriation; religious institutions; security
HCR2012Cschool districts; expenditure limit; authorization.
HCR2022Pprohibited bail; pretrial release presumption
HCR2030Cdeath resolution; Grant Woods
HCR2040COlivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution
HCR2042Cdeath resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr.
SB1708Cmotion picture production; tax credits
SCR1048Carticle V convention; term limits