
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Glendale
Occupation: Certified Locomotive Engineer at BMSF Railroad
Member Since: 2015 - Present

Richard C. Andrade was born in Winslow, AZ and spent his childhood moving between Arizona, California and New Mexico.

Richard graduated from Gallup High School in Gallup, New Mexico in 1982 and served in the U.S. Air Force from 1982 to 1990. He was stationed at Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ and was an Aircraft Pneudraulics System Specialist on F-15 aircraft. While serving, he also attended Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Leadership Schools. Richard was also the Assistant NCO in charge of Luke AFB, Honor Guard.

Between 1990 and 1994, Richard would work in restaurant management and as a Lab Technician for Allied Signal Aerospace.

In 1994, Richard hired out with the former Santa Fe Railroad, now BNSF Railway. In 1995 he was promoted to certified locomotive engineer and continues today to work as an engineer. Richard has been employed with the railroad for 27 years.

While employed at BNSF, Richard became active with the United Transportation Union, now known as Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART). Richard has held several offices in his Lodge 1081, including Vice President, Vice Local Chairman of the Engineman Committee and the Alternate Legislative Representative and is now the current Legislative Representative. These leadership roles helped him learn the importance in becoming active with Legislative issues at the federal and state level. Richard also attended AFL-CIO conventions and participated in Day of Action at the State Capitol. Finally, Richard was active with the On Site Safety Committee, which was established to address safety concerns on the railroad.

Due to a tragic event in Richard and Sally’s life, in 2011, they lobbied the Arizona State Legislature, 50th Legislature, 1st Regular Session to pass an aggressive dog law also known as Fabian’s Law. Richard’s experience as a Union member and leader were instrumental when it came to lobbying the Arizona State Legislature to pass Fabian’s Law.

Richard was elected as a State Representative for Legislative District 29 in 2014. Serving in the military has made him a strong voice for Veterans. Richard sits on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee.

Richard saw that he could make a difference and believes strongly in protecting working families, worker rights and disappearing middle class families. Richard believes in a strong education system which is much needed in our state and protecting all people rights.

Richard has been married to Sally M. Andrade, a Breast Cancer Survivor, for 34 years. Together they have resided in the West Valley since marriage and have lived in Glendale for 30 years.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2147Pstate agencies; veterans status; inquiry
HB2148Ppost-traumatic stress injury day
HB2149Phomeowners' associations; military flags
HB2186Prailroads; train length; prohibition
HB2187Pautonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties
HB2188PADOT website; motor vehicle violations
HB2189Pprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2190Pprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2192Csex education; comprehensive; medically accurate
HB2193Cstate law; local violations; repeal.
HB2194Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2195Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2196Chealth care providers; religious beliefs
HB2205Cchildren's health insurance program; eligibility.
HB2207Conline home sharing; repeal
HB2208Covarian cancer awareness special plates
HB2209Cinsurance; preexisting conditions; essential benefits
HB2210Cconsumer credit; military; federal law
HB2262Pminimum wage increase
HB2263Ptransportation funding task force
HB2264Pcall center relocation
HB2265Pmisclassification; tax fraud; task force
HB2266Pworkers' rights; public health emergency
HB2267Povertime pay
HB2335Cexpenditure limitation; school districts; repeal.
HB2529Cbreast cancer gene; screening; coverage
HB2530Cteachers academy; mental health professionals
HB2630Pemployment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination
HB2631Prepeal; right to work; liability
HB2651Cappropriation; Cesar Chavez Boulevard.
HB2667Cgrants; school counselors; social workers
HB2669Pappropriation; railway safety inspectors
HB2670Prailroads; annual safety inspections
HB2702Pbroadband; internet protocol services; commission
HB2708Cworking conditions; heat illness; prevention
HB2718Cminimum parking requirements; prohibition
HB2750Cprisoners; forest restoration projects; expungement
HB2754Cpermanent early voting list
HB2761Cwater efficient plumbing fixtures
HB2762Cterminally ill individuals; end-of-life options.
HB2764CSTO scholarships; beneficiary recommendations.
HB2765CSTOs; administrative cost allocation
HB2766CSTO cap; general fund percentage
HB2775Ctax expenditures; review; sunset
HB2790Cpersonal data; processing; security standards
HB2791Clife sentence; indeterminate period; parole
HB2793Crent increase; limitation; substantial remodel
HB2794Clandlord; tenant; fee disclosure; waiver
HB2795Cwireless facilities; residential neighborhoods; approval
HB2796Chealth professions; fingerprint clearance cards
HB2797CSNAP; eligible benefits.
HB2804Cdevelopment subsidies; recapture; rescission
HB2805Cextension; low-income housing tax credit
HB2806Cappropriation; housing trust fund
HB2812Crainwater harvesting program
HB2813Cvehicle finance transaction; clear title
HB2816Cappropriation; basic state aid; increase
HB2817Cprofessional development personnel; teachers; appropriation
HB2818CCTE; articulated credit; statewide agreement
HB2823Ctuition waiver; veterans; felonies; eligibility
HCM2005CERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress
HCM2007Ppostal service; urging independence; prefunding
HCR2006Cshort-term rentals; vacation rentals
HCR2012Cschool districts; expenditure limit; authorization.
HCR2021Cratification; equal rights amendment.
HCR2026Pright to work; repeal
HCR2037Ccampaign finance; source disclosure
HCR2040COlivia Cajero Bedford; death resolution
HCR2042Cdeath resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr.
HR2002PFisher house; service members; supporting
SB1194CIndian nations; tribes; legislative day
SB1195Cchildhood trauma training; program; appropriation
SB1196Cindigenous peoples; civil rights holidays
SB1212Cveterans' services department; commission; continuation
SB1224Ccriminal law; purpose
SB1225Ccriminal justice information; reporting; collection
SB1227Ccourt witness; arrest; prohibited
SB1244Cschools; group B weight; eligibility.
SB1281Cauxiliary containers; regulation; prohibition; repeal
SB1282Cenergy efficient standards; products
SB1283Cdrinking water standards; pollutants
SB1284Caffording housing; appropriation
SB1293Chealth insurance; hearing aids; children
SB1294CSTO scholarships; low-income requirements
SB1295Cappropriation; early childhood; waitlist
SB1296Cclass size limits; policies; appropriations
SB1301Cjuvenile delinquency; minimum age
SB1302Ccriminal street gang database; appeal
SB1303Cjuveniles; custodial interrogation; attorney; recordings
SB1304Cjuvenile court jurisdiction; age
SB1305Cjuvenile court jurisdiction; classification; age
SB1306Cjuvenile court disposition; commitment findings
SB1384Cpeace officer certification; disqualifying acts
SB1388Cjustification; deadly force; law enforcement
SB1416Cemployees; school conferences; leave
SB1417Ccall center relocation; notice; penalty
SB1418Cemployers; compensation history; prohibitions
SB1419Ctelecommuting; alternative schedules; state employees
SB1420Crepeal; right to work
SB1421Cemployment; employee work scheduling
SB1422Cemployment practices; consumer reports; limitation
SB1423Cemployee rights; wage disclosure
SB1424Cmilitary and surveillance equipment; approval
SB1425Cinterstate compact; economic best practices
SB1426Cstate law; local violation; repeal
SB1427Cpublic facilities; environmental policies
SB1428Coffice of new Americans
SB1429Cenvironmental permitting; burdened communities; requirements
SB1430Chorizontal hydraulic fracturing; prohibition
SB1434CArizona climate resiliency planning group
SB1435Cappropriation; water infrastructure finance authority
SB1449Chistorical prior felony conviction; definition
SB1472Cproperty crimes; classification; sentencing
SB1491Cadequate water supply; statewide requirements
SB1492Csubsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; procedures..
SB1501Celder parole; prisoner release
SB1502Cprisoners; monthly supervision fees
SB1507Ccriminal conviction record; disclosure; limitations
SB1529Cchild care; waiting list; appropriation
SB1531Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
(NOW: housing trust fund; appropriation)
SB1532Cschool personnel; reporting; drug offenses
SB1533Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
SB1534Cschools; corporal punishment; prohibition
SB1535Cappropriation; adult protective services
SB1536Cappropriation; home; community based services
(NOW: appropriation; community-based services)
SB1540Ctextbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation
SB1544CArizona criminal justice commission; membership
SB1558Cappropriation; Little Colorado visitor center
SB1559Cstate parks; heritage fund; lottery
SCM1005Cnational infrastructure bank; urging Congress
SCR1034Cenvironment; constitutional amendment
SCR1035Cright to work; repeal