
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2086Ptechnical correction; process service
HB2087Ptechnical correction; estates
HB2088Ptechnical correction; ballot; presidential candidates
HB2089Ptechnical correction; cease; desist order
HB2090Pluxury tax; exemption; technical correction
HB2110Ccivil penalties; traffic; mitigation; restitution
(NOW: civil penalties; mitigation; restitution)
HB2112Ptruth in taxation; press releases
HB2113Pcharitable contribution; deduction; inflation adjustment
HB2114Pincome tax; returns; filing extension.
HB2115Pmotorcycle safety fund; continuation
HB2116Phuman trafficking; civil action; liability
HB2117Pteachers academy; service requirement
HB2118Pfurnishing tobacco; minors; enterprise penalties
HB2119Phealth care insurance; amendments
HB2120Ptimeshares; public reports; purchase contracts
HB2121Pschools; superintendents; severance packages; prohibition
HB2122Pbonds; financial advisory fees
HB2184Csex education; parental consent; schools
HB2211CTPT; prime contracting; exemptions; certificates
HB2260CArizona criminal justice commission; membership.
HB2309Cviolent; disorderly assembly; public order
HB2310Cmunicipalities; counties; law enforcement budgets
(NOW: executive orders; review; attorney general)
HB2357Cattorney general; voter fraud; subpoenas
HB2358Cvoter registration update; address change
HB2359Celection equipment; access; locks
HB2360Cdriver license voter registrations; committee
(NOW: committee; driver license voter registrations)
HB2362Celections; ballot privacy folders
HB2363Cmunicipal election officers; certification training
HB2364Celection pamphlet submittals; identification required
HB2391Ccounty property tax information; worksheet
HB2421Cschools; distance learning courses; funding
HB2427Punused tax credit; termination; time.
(NOW: attendance boundaries; schools; open enrollment)
HB2429Ptax corrections act of 2021
HB2430Ppublicity pamphlet; submittal dates
HB2431PDOR; bond election pamphlets; storage
HB2432Pcommunity colleges; lease-purchase agreements; indebtedness.
HB2433Pstate agencies; cash payment; acceptance
HB2434Pteacher salary information; revenue streams
HB2442Ccounty treasurers; reports; posting; website
HB2501Plegislative subpoena
HB2502Pelectronic communications; personal information; harassment
HB2503Pempowerment scholarship accounts; student victims
HB2507Plandlords; deceased tenant; pets
HB2508Pmoney transmitters; exemptions; authorized delegates
HB2552Ccriminal damage; monuments; memorials; statues
HB2568Celectronic communications; social media post.
HB2569Celections; private funding; prohibition
HB2620Chealth care workers; assault; prevention
HB2648Creligious services; essential services
HB2650Cabortion prohibition; licensure repealed
HB2713Crelease credits; prisoners
HB2715Cresidential picketing; offense
HB2720Pballots; election contests; certificates
HB2721Pmotor vehicle transactions; advertised vehicle price
HB2722Pemergency voting; manual; photographs; electioneering
HB2737Ccorporation commission actions; investigation
HB2770Cmask mandates; business exception
HB2772Cfantasy sports betting; event wagering.
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2792Cearly ballots; request required
HB2793Cvoter registration; request required
HB2794Celection deadlines; modifications prohibited
HB2809Cmarijuana; advertising; labeling; signage; sale
HB2810Ccivil asset forfeiture; conviction; procedures
HB2811Csame day registration; prohibition
HB2812Ppatient consent; specimen disposal; use
HB2821Pbonds; change of purpose; election
HB2827Cbusinesses; firearms; unlawful acts
HB2838Cincome tax; partnerships; S corporations
HB2889Csexual offenses; children; sentencing
(NOW: sentencing; sexual offenses; children)
HB2905Cearly ballots; request required
HB2906Cgovernance; audits; training
HCR2002Csupreme court; maintain nine members
HCR2020Clieutenant governor; joint candidacy
HCR2021Celectoral college; supporting
HCR2023Celections; state authority; infringement; opposition
HCR2035CWashington, D.C.; statehood; opposition
HR2017CTommie Rae Martin; death resolution
SB1374Ccrisis standards of care; requirements
SB1377Ccivil liability; public health pandemic
SB1428Csocial media; censorship; civil action
SB1660Ccrimes against children; dependencies; omnibus
SB1683Cschools; transportation support; programs; appropriation
SB1783Csmall businesses; alternate income tax
SCR1025Carticle V convention; term limits