
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2085Creal estate; employees; rent collection
HB2110Ccivil penalties; traffic; mitigation; restitution
(NOW: civil penalties; mitigation; restitution)
HB2111C2nd amendment; unenforceable federal laws
HB2112Ctruth in taxation; press releases
HB2113Ccharitable contribution; deduction; inflation adjustment
HB2114Cincome tax; returns; filing extension.
HB2128Cstate licensing; fee waiver
HB2131Ccongenital heart defect special plates.
(NOW: license plate standardization; study committee)
HB2132Cwishes; critically ill children; plates
HB2133Cappropriation; Grand Avenue; SR 303
HB2134Ccommercial driver licenses; third parties.
HB2173Ccommercial driver licenses; renewal time
HB2211CTPT; prime contracting; exemptions; certificates
HB2309Cviolent; disorderly assembly; public order
HB2310Cmunicipalities; counties; law enforcement budgets
(NOW: executive orders; review; attorney general)
HB2316Pcentrally assessed property; valuation; pipelines
HB2317Pcommunity facilities districts
HB2318Psentencing; repetitive offenders
HB2319Plicense denial; prohibition; drug convictions
HB2320Psealing arrest; liability; sentencing records
(NOW: sentencing records; sealing arrest; liability)
HB2321PDOR; administrative rulings; procedures
(NOW: qualified facilities)
HB2322Pvocational and technical education; evaluations
HB2323Ptechnical correction; collection agencies; qualifications
HB2324Ptechnical correction; mandatory vehicle insurance
HB2325Pspecial masters; technical correction
HB2326Ptechnical correction; capital reserve fund
HB2327Ptechnical correction; legal opinions; schools
HB2328Pcounty procedures; technical correction
HB2346Ptechnical correction; change of venue
HB2376Cclass 2 property; guest ranches
HB2400Cmunicipal ordinances; posting
HB2407Cappropriation; 67th Avenue; widening; drainage
HB2427Cunused tax credit; termination; time.
(NOW: attendance boundaries; schools; open enrollment)
HB2428Pvictims' privacy; criminal case information.
HB2429Ctax corrections act of 2021
HB2431CDOR; bond election pamphlets; storage
HB2442Ccounty treasurers; reports; posting; website
HB2522Cgraduated driver licenses; education program
HB2523Cfour-year degrees; community colleges
HB2546Chome solicitation sales; definition
HB2551Cmisconduct involving weapons; public places
HB2552Ccriminal damage; monuments; memorials; statues
HB2557Cschools; drug violations; reporting options.
HB2558Csentencing; historical prior felony convictions
HB2569Celections; private funding; prohibition
HB2570Clicenses; pandemics; revocation prohibition
HB2575Chospitals; visitation
HB2615Cepinephrine injections; first responders immunity
HB2617Pjudgments; liens; homestead
HB2620Chealth care workers; assault; prevention
HB2621Cprior authorization; uniform request forms
HB2622Cnonretaliation policies; health care institutions
HB2648Preligious services; essential services
HB2649Pcomputer data centers; tax incentives
HB2650Cabortion prohibition; licensure repealed
HB2706Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2712Chighway alignments; environmental impact statement
HB2713Crelease credits; prisoners
HB2715Cresidential picketing; offense
HB2737Ccorporation commission actions; investigation
HB2758Cemissions inspection; collectible vehicles; dealers
HB2770Cmask mandates; business exception
HB2772Cfantasy sports betting; event wagering.
HB2774Ccounty transportation planning assistant.
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2790Cprisoners; escape; classification
HB2793Cvoter registration; request required
HB2794Celection deadlines; modifications prohibited
HB2798Cearly voting procedures; signature cards
HB2799Cvoter registration rolls; electioneering
HB2804Cpublic meetings; executive sessions
HB2809Cmarijuana; advertising; labeling; signage; sale
HB2810Ccivil asset forfeiture; conviction; procedures
HB2811Csame day registration; prohibition
HB2816Cchildren and families special plates
HB2821Cbonds; change of purpose; election
HB2827Cbusinesses; firearms; unlawful acts
HB2835Ctheme park districts; extension
HB2838Cincome tax; partnerships; S corporations
HB2879Pconformity; internal revenue code; exception
(NOW: DOR; procedures; administrative rulings)
HB2899PZrevenue; budget reconciliation; 2021-2022.
HB2900PZomnibus; taxation.
HCM2004Cfloodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress
HCR2002Csupreme court; maintain nine members
HCR2015Particle V convention; term limits.
HCR2020Clieutenant governor; joint candidacy
HCR2021Celectoral college; supporting
HCR2023Celections; state authority; infringement; opposition
HCR2028Cabortion data; survivors act; supporting.
HCR2032Cgovernment orders; protection; withdrawal; prohibition
HCR2035CWashington, D.C.; statehood; opposition
HM2001Cmilitary sexual assault; service members
HR2017CTommie Rae Martin; death resolution
SB1050Ccongenital heart defect special plates
SB1081Cwishes; critically ill children; license plates.
SB1250Coverdose; disease prevention; programs
SB1377Ccivil liability; public health pandemic
SB1399Ccourse options; funding portability; program
SB1400Cschools; course equivalents
SB1420Cschools; universities; consular identification cards
(NOW: consular identification; validity; biometric verification)
SB1514Cappropriation; emergency shelter beds; seniors
(NOW: emergency shelter beds; seniors)