
House Member

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Member Since: 2017

State Representative Mitzi Epstein represents our community full time, with a caring, collaborative, positive approach. She is a computer systems analyst who has worked for multi-national companies including Olin Brass, and Citicorp. She owns a very small business called Custom Language Training which provides teachers and consultants to help businesses communicate.

Public education, and advocating for children are at the heart of Mitzi's vocation. She has co-founded local and statewide coalitions of parents, teachers, retirees, and business leaders to advocate for high quality public education. She was elected to the Kyrene School Board in 2004 and served through 2008. After that, the AZ State PTA asked Mitzi to be their Legislative Issues Chair, and then elected her as Vice President.

She was first elected to the Arizona Legislature in 2016, and was re-elected in 2018 and 2020. She is the Ranking Member on the Ways and Means Committee, and also serves on the Land, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs Committee, where her analytical and business skills are an asset to the teamwork in the House of Representatives.

In 2017, she established the "Neighbors Council" an open, public group that meets monthly or as needed to work on solving problems and making opportunities for the people of Arizona.

Rep. Mitzi Epstein has had success working on complex problems to find solutions that work.

  • In response to rising teen suicide rates, Epstein’s Neighbors Council has worked on suicide prevention:
    • A full-time statewide Suicide Prevention Coordinator has been added in the budget.
    • Jake’s Law requires health insurance companies to pay for mental healthcare in parity with physical healthcare – lifesaving help for families in times of health crisis.
  • Family Caregiver Grants help pay for modifications like wheelchair ramps to help elders stay in their homes, and not need to move.
  • Unemployment Insurance reforms in 2021 improved benefits for claimants and kept employers’ tax rates at or below 2019 levels. UI is a vital economic tool to slow job layoffs, especially in a recession, thus helping all businesses as well as workers.
  • She has worked with state agencies for improvements in their operations that help the people they serve: taxpayers, families, small businesses, consumers, etcetera.

Rep. Epstein stands on the principle that every solution is better when it is developed with a wide range of perspectives at the table.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2097CACJC; victim compensation fund; allocation
HB2098Cmissing children; mandatory reporting
(NOW: missing children; law enforcement; reporting)
HB2099Cmissing and murdered indigenous peoples
HB2100Cmissing; unidentified person; reporting requirements
HB2350Pdepartment of agriculture; advisory council
HB2351Pstatistical information; disclosure; review committee
HB2352Ptax credits; grants; reporting; repeals
HB2353Ptax expenditures; review; sunset
HB2354Pincome tax subtraction; capital gains
HB2472Cspecial license plates; veterans; design
HB2473Cveterans; special license plates; design
HB2487Cconversion therapy; prohibition; sexual orientation
HB2489Cappropriation; affordable housing
HB2571Cchild care assistance; tiered reimbursement
HB2572Cstate law; local violations; repeal
HB2573Clandlord; tenant; fee disclosure; waiver
HB2574Cappropriation; healthy families program
HB2609Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation
HB2613Cballot measure amendments
HB2660Punemployment insurance; performance audit
HB2661Pappropriation; schools; trees
HB2662Punemployment insurance; dependent allowance
HB2663Punemployment insurance; dangerous conditions
HB2664Pgovernment vehicles; electric; appropriation
HB2665Pauditor general; charter schools
HB2666PArizona online instruction; cost study
HB2675Cappropriations; medical workforce development
HB2676Cappropriation; community health grants
HB2706Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2750Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
HB2762Cstatewide assessment; 2020-2021 school year
HB2788Cpaid sick leave; COVID-19
HB2805Cunemployment insurance; benefits; tax base
HB2852Cstudy committee; educator health insurance
HB2854Cfireworks; permissible sale days; use
HB2873CTPT; reimbursement; motion picture production
HB2884Previsions; unemployment insurance
HB2886Pwatercraft safety; insurance requirements
HCR2040Ctax expenditures; rates; supermajority vote
HCR2041CBarbara Lubin; death resolution
HR2006CMark Finchem; expulsion
HR2013CSue Ellen Allen; death resolution
SB1715Cunemployment insurance; definition; benefit amount