
House Member

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Member Since: 2017

Daniel Hernandez Jr., is a native Arizonan, lifelong Democrat, and Member of the Arizona State Legislature representing South Tucson, Sahuarita, Green Valley and Santa Cruz County. He currently serves on the Public Safety and State & International Affairs Committees and is the Co-Founder of the LGBT Caucus.

In his first term, Hernandez has received praise for his work to find bipartisan solutions; from introducing a bipartisan resolution in recognition of Israel's Independence Day, to his first bill to exempting diapers, baby formula, and feminine hygiene products from sales taxes, which was passed in committee with wide bipartisan support, he has worked hard to achieve meaningful impact. In the Judiciary and Public Safety committee, Hernandez has been a vocal supporter of reproductive rights and gun violence prevention. Additionally, he fought against legislation that would have made it more difficult for victims of sexual assault to pursue justice.

Dedicated to working on innovative solutions to address Arizona's economy, Hernandez helped pass legislation to protect small business from frivolous lawsuits. He has also brought his years of experience in education to help advocate for issues around K-12 education.

In 2011, while working in the office of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Hernandez took actions on January 8th with which he is credited with saving her life. That day and the aftermath drove him to advocate for Gun Violence Prevention at the state and national level, which he does to this day.

Prior to serving in the legislature, Hernandez was elected to the Sunnyside Unified School District Governing board in November 2011. While serving as president of the board, he was successful in creating a 5-year strategic plan, opening a K-8 fine arts magnet school, vetting and hiring a new superintendent, as well as passing a comprehensive sex education curriculum.

He will continue to fight for education funding, protections for marginalized communities, access to quality and affordable healthcare and an economy that works for all Arizonans.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2097CACJC; victim compensation fund; allocation
HB2098Cmissing children; mandatory reporting
(NOW: missing children; law enforcement; reporting)
HB2099Cmissing and murdered indigenous peoples
HB2100Cmissing; unidentified person; reporting requirements
HB2101CAHCCCS; postpartum care; appropriations
HB2102CAHCCCS; pregnant women; dental care
HB2103Cnursing shortage; workforce preparation; plan
HB2105Cschool health program; appropriation
HB2106Cinformed consent; pelvic examinations.
HB2107CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2210Pschool functions; food; beverages
HB2241Cschools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides
HB2347Pearned income; tax credit
HB2348Pfailure; return vehicle; offense; repeal
HB2349PTPT; diapers; feminine hygiene; exemption
HB2448Cfirearm purchases; waiting period; offense.
HB2449Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2450Cpatient information; gun safety; appropriation
HB2451Csevere threat order of protection
HB2452Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory
HB2487Cconversion therapy; prohibition; sexual orientation
HB2489Cappropriation; affordable housing
HB2490Cauxiliary containers; regulation; prohibition; repeal
HB2565Carea agencies on aging; appropriation
HB2581Cfirearms dealers; firearms transfers; requirements
HB2582Cfirearm; ammunition storage; civil penalty
HB2583Cfirearm transfers; domestic violence offenses
HB2646Pfirearm transfers; domestic violence offenses.
HB2647Pschools; sex education instruction.
HB2652Ptransgender equality task force
HB2653Cgovernment contracts; antidiscrimination; civil rights
HB2654Psearch and rescue equipment; fund
HB2655Pbirth certificates; amendments; sex designation
HB2656Pschools; curriculum; mental health.
HB2699CAZPOST; mandatory reporting; peace officers
HB2703Ctechnology-based school readiness pilot program
HB2704Cschools; instruction; Native American experience
HB2705Cschools; dress codes; graduation ceremonies
HB2729Cspecial education; group B weights
HB2730Cpublic schools; 2020-2021; 2021-2022; funding.
HB2742Psexual assault survivors; protocols
HB2743Ppublic accommodation; restrooms; gender
HB2744Pantidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations.
HB2745Pluxury tax; packaged cocktails; records
HB2750Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
HB2751Csearch warrants; audible notice; requirements.
HB2752Csexual harassment; nondisclosure agreements; prohibition
HB2753Cdistilleries; licensing; environmental exemption
(NOW: liquor licensees; records; food safety)
HB2755Pappropriation; Arizona arts trust fund
HB2756Cemployers; paid family leave.
HB2762Cstatewide assessment; 2020-2021 school year
HB2772Cfantasy sports betting; event wagering.
HB2788Cpaid sick leave; COVID-19
HB2803Ppublic schools; panic alarm; requirement
HB2805Cunemployment insurance; benefits; tax base
HB2824Cadult education; grant program; appropriations
HB2825CArizona online instruction; study committee
HB2844Cwineries; microbreweries; distilled spirits
HB2847Cnursing homes; advisory council
HB2848Cminimum staff ratios; nursing homes
HB2849Csexual assault survivors; rights.
HB2851Cbalanced budget compact; repeal
HB2857Cemployee protections; public health-related pandemic
HB2867Cemployers; COVID-19 exposure; notification
HB2868Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2871CTPT; additional rate; online lodging
HB2873CTPT; reimbursement; motion picture production
HCR2033Pwhite supremacists; domestic terrorists
HCR2041CBarbara Lubin; death resolution
HR2006CMark Finchem; expulsion
HR2007CCOVID-19 memorial day
SB1454CUniversity of Arizona; hypersonics; appropriations
SB1683Cschools; transportation support; programs; appropriation