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Home City: Avondale Occupation: Member Since: 2019 |
The son of a Vietnam veteran and copper miner, Lorenzo came up through the public school system in Tucson’s impoverished Sunnyside School District. He was the first in his family to make it to – and through – college, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Arizona State University. He began a career in corporate communications, creating award-winning marketing and community development projects that earned him a career in Fortune 100 and 500 industries. His roots and experiences drive his passion for local and statewide community service and advocacy. His proven ability to innovate and collaborate, bringing meaningful improvements to individuals and communities, has earned him appointments to:
Having experienced the American Dream firsthand, Lorenzo is determined to give back. Investing in education, creating good jobs and building strong neighborhoods are a cornerstone of his service, delivering on the promise of the American Dream for those he serves. Lorenzo and his wife, Rhonda, are proud to call Arizona home. They are raising their family, including two very friendly dogs, in the heart of Avondale. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2046 | C | TANF; sanctions |
HB2047 | C | railroad crew requirements |
HB2048 | C | executive session; school safety plans. |
HB2049 | C | medical conditions; medical marijuana |
HB2056 | C | appropriation; Tonto Basin bridge |
HB2061 | P | project labor agreements |
HB2190 | C | state employees; paid family leave |
HB2191 | C | crime reporting; gender; age; homelessness |
HB2192 | C | appropriation; domestic violence; sexual assault |
HB2194 | C | appropriation; Kayenta judicial complex |
HB2195 | C | appropriations; Native American veterans; renovations |
HB2196 | C | appropriation; Navajo nation; safety plan |
HB2197 | C | appropriation; Cove chapter; economic development |
HB2199 | C | appropriations; tribal college remedial education |
HB2200 | C | appropriation; state aviation fund |
HB2201 | C | appropriation; state parks heritage fund |
HB2202 | C | appropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement |
HB2203 | C | appropriation; tribal reunification ceremonies |
HB2204 | C | appropriation; Vernon fire district |
HB2207 | C | appropriation; route H60 |
HB2321 | C | severe threat order of protection |
HB2322 | C | firearm sales; transfers; background checks |
HB2323 | C | patient information; gun safety; appropriation |
HB2324 | C | prohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory. |
HB2325 | C | firearm sales; permit verification; requirements |
HB2333 | C | private prison security officers; certification |
HB2334 | C | private prison contractors; public records |
HB2335 | C | employment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination |
HB2336 | C | overtime pay |
HB2337 | C | repeal; right to work |
HB2338 | C | appropriation; schools; trees |
HB2340 | C | autonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties |
HB2348 | C | municipal TPT; residential rentals; limit |
HB2392 | C | AZPOST; membership |
HB2393 | C | appropriation; Chinle veterans nursing home |
HB2450 | C | early childhood mental health; appropriations |
HB2451 | C | appropriation; 2020 census; outreach |
HB2518 | C | schools; expenditure limit; overrides |
HB2538 | C | health care workers; assault; prevention |
HB2539 | C | statewide ADA coordinator; appropriation |
HB2540 | C | emotional abuse; vulnerable adults |
HB2541 | C | health care institutions; education; abuse |
HB2542 | C | mandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties |
HB2544 | C | firearm; ammunition storage; civil penalty |
HB2549 | C | adult protective services; audit; appropriation |
HB2550 | C | DHS; long-term care facility surveyors. |
HB2569 | C | DCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities |
HB2570 | C | archaeology advisory commission; continuation |
HB2576 | C | appropriation; St. Michael's chapter house |
HB2577 | C | appropriations; tribal senior citizens programs |
HB2578 | C | appropriations; state employee salary increases |
HB2579 | C | informed consent; pelvic examinations.. |
HB2600 | C | adoption; original birth certificate; release |
HB2682 | C | schools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides |
HB2683 | C | anti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor |
HB2692 | C | appropriation; coordinated homeless youth services |
HB2693 | C | abortion; waiting period; authorized providers |
HB2694 | C | repeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation. |
HB2707 | C | conversion therapy; prohibition; sexual orientation |
HB2708 | C | wrongful arrest; record clearance |
HB2715 | P | wage contracts; prohibited agreements; repeal |
HB2728 | C | biometric identifiers; commercial purpose; consent |
HB2729 | C | personal data; processing; security standards |
HB2734 | C | power plants; contractors; workforce requirements |
HB2736 | P | prohibited agreements; public works contracts |
HB2750 | C | appropriation; Loop 101 slip ramp |
HB2754 | C | corrections oversight committee; duties; ombudsman |
HB2755 | C | schools; drug violations; reporting options |
HB2757 | C | income tax; credits; subtractions |
HB2762 | C | project rocket pilot program; appropriations |
HB2766 | C | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition |
HB2770 | C | water rights; general adjudications; funding |
HB2777 | C | appropriations; capital projects; Greasewood Springs |
HB2780 | C | appropriations; hunger services; food banks |
HB2781 | C | appropriations; dyslexia screening and education |
HB2782 | C | CTEDs; 9th grade; workforce needs |
HB2783 | C | educator health insurance; study committee |
HB2799 | C | appropriation; area agencies on aging. |
HB2801 | C | automatic voter registration; same day |
HB2806 | P | appropriations; preschool development grants |
HB2808 | C | prisoners; release credits |
HB2814 | C | rural economic development; project certification |
HB2866 | C | appropriation; Arizona arts trust fund |
HB2869 | C | charter schools; holders; governing bodies |
HB2873 | C | income tax credits; repeal |
HB2875 | C | regulation; short-term rentals |
HB2876 | C | farm wineries; production |
HB2878 | C | public resources; prohibited; deportation proceedings |
HB2887 | C | mental health; parity; advisory committee |
HCM2007 | C | Navajo generating station; PROMISE Act. |
HCM2009 | C | floodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress |
HCR2003 | C | English language education; requirements. |
HCR2004 | C | public programs; citizens; repeal |
HCR2018 | C | firearm sales; transfers; background checks |
HCR2019 | C | right to work; repeal |
HCR2029 | C | campaign finance; source disclosure |
HM2002 | C | military sexual trauma; servicemembers |