Personal Information: | |
Home City: Occupation: Member Since: 2017 |
Consultant to small business and non-profits, AZ commerce Exchange, 2008-14; president/CEO, Greenlee County Chamber of Commerce, 2010-13; small business owner and involvement in community activities and programs. Education: Postgraduate work in business and economic development; B.S. cum laude, non-profit and public administration, Western New Mexico University, 2013. Political experience: Candidate, Greenlee County Supervisor, 2012; Chair, Greenlee County Republican Party, 2008-11; precinct committeeman. Memberships included: AZ Rural Small Business Advisory Council to the Arizona Commerce Authority, appointed by Governor Brewer; Project CENTRL Class XXI; Dodie Londen Women in Public Service Series, Class 2010; board member, Gila Valley Community Foundation; charter chapter president, Gila Valley Toastmaster International; member, Greenlee County Foster Care Review Board; member, Greenlee County Planning and Zoning Board; member; NRA; Local Chapter president. American Business Women’s Assn; community and project leader, 4-H Youth Program; member, Nat’l Assn of Realtors; member, Mount Graham Hospital Auxiliary. Interests: Family, writing, reading, hiking, gardening, horses. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2084 | C | international boundary wall; building permits |
HB2092 | C | federal government; land acquisition; consent |
HB2093 | C | 2nd amendment; unenforceable federal laws |
HB2101 | C | appropriation; Arizona water protection fund |
HB2102 | C | appropriation; unreimbursed wildland suppression activities |
HB2111 | C | schools; resources; services; consolidation grants |
HB2112 | C | schools; safety; executive session |
HB2152 | C | appropriation; STEM; learning; workforce development |
HB2288 | C | state licensing; fee waiver |
HB2289 | C | appropriation; plant services division; inspectors |
HB2295 | C | appropriation; natural resource conservation districts |
HB2422 | C | coordinated reentry planning services programs |
HB2433 | P | clinical laboratories; proficiency testing |
HB2532 | C | prior authorization; uniform request form |
HB2536 | C | telemedicine; health care providers |
HB2539 | C | statewide ADA coordinator; appropriation |
HB2549 | C | adult protective services; audit; appropriation |
HB2550 | C | DHS; long-term care facility surveyors. |
HB2589 | C | land divisions; county regulation; surveys |
HB2590 | C | ADOT; signs; driving on right (NOW: driving on right; educational information) |
HB2598 | C | sanctuary jurisdiction; liability; civil action |
HB2614 | C | archaeology advisory commission; continuation |
HB2617 | C | temporary irrigation efficiency projects fund. |
HB2623 | C | schools; posting; civil rights data |
HB2624 | C | human trafficking; civil action; liability |
HB2625 | C | civics celebration day; civics education |
HB2630 | C | motorcycle safety fund |
HB2640 | P | environmental technology; biomass; forestry products |
HB2650 | C | schools; statewide assessment; ACT; SAT |
HB2658 | C | schools; sex education |
HB2666 | C | appropriation; financing agreement; retirement; defeasance |
HB2674 | C | water; substitute acreage |
HB2675 | C | water conservation notice; no abandonment |
HB2676 | C | veterans; income tax subtraction; increase |
HB2682 | C | schools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides |
HB2683 | C | anti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor |
HB2690 | C | state agencies; veterans status; inquiry |
HB2695 | P | TANF; financial literacy education |
HB2696 | P | family law; domestic violence; resources |
HB2701 | C | children; aggravating circumstances; effect |
HB2702 | P | trespassing; civil unmanned aircraft |
HB2703 | P | civil action; invasion of privacy |
HB2706 | C | interscholastic athletics; biological sex |
HB2709 | P | Arizona competes fund; rural businesses |
HB2710 | P | Arizona competes fund; rural areas |
HB2723 | C | county fair racing; council; appropriations |
HB2761 | C | property value determination; modifications; verification |
HB2762 | C | project rocket pilot program; appropriations |
HB2770 | C | water rights; general adjudications; funding |
HB2778 | C | taxation; omnibus |
HB2779 | C | state equalization assistance; rate; appropriation |
HB2790 | P | baccalaureate degrees; community colleges |
HB2799 | C | appropriation; area agencies on aging. |
HB2814 | C | rural economic development; project certification |
HB2817 | C | airport fees prohibited; ride sharing |
HB2855 | C | electric charging providers; regulation |
HB2876 | C | farm wineries; production |
HB2879 | C | DOC; substance abuse programs; appropriations |
HB2885 | C | appropriation; transportation; infrastructure projects |
HCM2006 | C | remote sellers; taxes; urging Congress |
HCM2008 | C | ports of entry; seven-day entry |
HCM2009 | C | floodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress |
HCR2010 | C | law enforcement; first responders; honoring |
HCR2012 | C | honoring Arizona rangers |
HCR2020 | P | lieutenant governor; joint candidacy |
HCR2021 | C | abortion data; survivors act; supporting |
HCR2023 | C | school districts; expenditure limit; authorization |
HCR2032 | C | initiatives; single subject; title |
HCR2033 | C | second amendment; supporting |
HCR2036 | C | sanctuary jurisdiction; prohibition; law enforcement |
HCR2042 | C | teachers; ethics standards; rules |
HCR2045 | C | medical marijuana; mental health; research |
HCR2046 | C | initiatives; referendums; reauthorization |
HM2002 | C | military sexual trauma; servicemembers |
SB1109 | C | appropriation; Pomerene Road bridge project |
SB1111 | C | appropriation; RCB 5160 bridge project |
SB1438 | C | fantasy sports competitions; definition |
SB1460 | C | electric cooperatives; broadband service |
SB1663 | C | state permitting council (NOW: state permitting dashboard) |
SB1664 | C | civil liability; gun-free zones |
SB1665 | C | misconduct involving weapons; classification |
SB1668 | C | appropriations; Interstate 10; street replacement |
SCR1031 | C | statewide gaming |