
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Glendale
Occupation: Certified Locomotive Engineer at BMSF Railroad
Member Since: 2015 - Present

Richard C. Andrade was born in Winslow, AZ and spent his childhood moving between Arizona, California and New Mexico.

Richard graduated from Gallup High School in Gallup, New Mexico in 1982 and served in the U.S. Air Force from 1982 to 1990. He was stationed at Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ and was an Aircraft Pneudraulics System Specialist on F-15 aircraft. While serving, he also attended Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Leadership Schools. Richard was also the Assistant NCO in charge of Luke AFB, Honor Guard. Between 1990 and 1994, Richard would work in restaurant management and as a Lab Technician for Allied Signal Aerospace. In 1994, Richard hired out with the former Santa Fe Railroad, now BNSF Railway. In 1995 he was promoted to certified locomotive engineer and continues today to work as an engineer. Richard has been employed with the railroad for 23 years.

While employed at BNSF, Richard became active with the United Transportation Union, now known as Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART). Richard has held several offices in his Lodge 1081, including Vice President, Vice Local Chairman of the Engineman Committee and the Alternate Legislative Representative. These leadership roles helped him learn the importance in becoming active with Legislative issues at the federal and state level. Richard also attended AFL-CIO conventions and participated in Day of Action at the State Capitol. Finally, Richard was active with the On Site Safety Committee, which was established to address safety concerns on the railroad.

Due to a tragic event in Richard and Sally’s life, in 2011, they lobbied the Arizona State Legislature, 50th Legislature, 1st Regular Session to pass an aggressive dog law also known as Fabian’s Law. Richard’s experience as a Union member and leader were instrumental when it came to lobbying the Arizona State Legislature to pass Fabian’s Law.

Richard was re-elected as a State Representative for Legislative District 29 in 2016. Serving in the military has made him a strong voice for Veterans. Richard sits on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as a ranking member and the Military, Veterans and Regulatory Affairs Committee as a ranking member.

Richard saw that he could make a difference and believes strongly in protecting working families, worker rights and disappearing middle class families. Richard believes in a strong education system which is much needed in our state and protecting all people rights.

Richard has been married to Sally M. Andrade, a Breast Cancer Survivor, for 28 years. Together they have resided in the West Valley since marriage and have lived in Glendale for 24 years.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2035Pappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors.
HB2066CTANF; lifetime limit; sanctions
HB2321Csevere threat order of protection
HB2322Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2323Cpatient information; gun safety; appropriation
HB2324Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory.
HB2325Cfirearm sales; permit verification; requirements
HB2333Pprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2334Pprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2335Pemployment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination
HB2336Povertime pay
HB2337Prepeal; right to work
HB2338Cappropriation; schools; trees
HB2339Cballoon releases; prohibition; enforcement
HB2340Pautonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties
HB2341Pspecial license plates; veterans; design
HB2342Pveterans; special license plates; design
HB2348Cmunicipal TPT; residential rentals; limit
HB2502Cindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosure
HB2503Ccampaign finance; corporate recipients; registration
HB2504Cappropriations; affordable housing
HB2505Cstudent loans servicers; licensure
HB2506Ccredit security freezes; timing
HB2507Cinsurance premium tax reductions; freeze
HB2508Crecalls; city elections; signatures required
HB2509Cstate employees; political activities
HB2510Ccontraception; cost sharing prohibition
HB2511Cappropriation; financial aid trust fund
HB2512Cconsumer credit lending; military members
HB2513Cfinancial institutions; examinations; military lending
HB2569CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2570Carchaeology advisory commission; continuation
HB2571Cappropriation; military; discharge; tribal ceremonies
HB2572Cappropriation; Navajo veterans housing
HB2573Cappropriation; laboratory; Navajo technical university
HB2577Cappropriations; tribal senior citizens programs
HB2578Cappropriations; state employee salary increases
HB2579Cinformed consent; pelvic examinations..
HB2582Cend-of-life decisions; terminally ill patients
HB2583Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2584Cstate law; local violation; repeal
HB2585Cappropriations; medical workforce development
HB2586Cappropriation; healthy families program
HB2587Cappropriation; community health grants
HB2588Cchild care assistance; tiered reimbursement
HB2596Cchildren's health insurance program; eligibility
HB2600Cadoption; original birth certificate; release
HB2610PADOT website; motor dealer violations
HB2682Cschools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides
HB2683Canti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor
HB2688Pcall center relocation
HB2689Pmisclassification; tax fraud; task force
HB2690Pstate agencies; veterans status; inquiry
HB2692Cappropriation; coordinated homeless youth services
HB2693Cabortion; waiting period; authorized providers
HB2694Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation.
HB2707Cconversion therapy; prohibition; sexual orientation
HB2708Cwrongful arrest; record clearance
HB2714Clicense plate designs
HB2751Cdetained juveniles; advisements; notifications
HB2753Cearned release; good time credits.
HB2754Ccorrections oversight committee; duties; ombudsman
HB2755Cschools; drug violations; reporting options
HB2757Cincome tax; credits; subtractions
HB2766Cgreenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition
HB2770Cwater rights; general adjudications; funding
HB2780Cappropriations; hunger services; food banks
HB2801Cautomatic voter registration; same day
HB2832Csocial workers; fee reductions; scholarships
HB2838Cmedical marijuana; physicians; definition
HB2839CTANF; cash assistance amount
HB2840Cmedical marijuana; registry identification cards
HB2857Cpaid family leave
HB2866Cappropriation; Arizona arts trust fund
HB2867Cbirth certificates; amendment; gender identity
HB2868Clocal planning; residential housing; repeal
HB2869Ccharter schools; holders; governing bodies
HB2870Ccommerce authority; qualified investors; report
HB2871Crecreational; adult use; marijuana
HB2875Cregulation; short-term rentals
HB2878Cpublic resources; prohibited; deportation proceedings
HB2887Cmental health; parity; advisory committee
HCM2002CNogales wastewater fairness; urging Congress
HCM2005Ppostal service; urging independence; prefunding
HCR2002Cratification; equal rights amendment..
HCR2018Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2019Pright to work; repeal
HCR2029Ccampaign finance; source disclosure
HM2002Pmilitary sexual trauma; servicemembers
SB1177Cappropriation; Ganado School Loop Road.
SB1178CGanado center building; appropriation
SB1179CCameron cultural museum; appropriation
SB1180Cappropriation; Hopi Route 60 construction
SB1181CFort Defiance veterans cemetery; appropriation
SB1182CLukachukai veterans' multipurpose complex; appropriation
SB1183CTeesto multipurpose community center; appropriation
SB1184Cappropriation; Fredonia flood project
SB1185Ctribal nations; veterans' services; appropriation
SB1186CIndian nations; tribes; legislative day
SB1187CNative American veterans; tax settlement
SB1188CNative American tribes; TPT revenues
SB1190CTPT; distribution; tribal college compact
SB1191Cappropriation; Diné college
SB1192Cappropriation; Little Colorado visitor center
SB1193Coffice of Indian education; assistance
SB1194Cchildhood trauma; training; appropriation
SB1217Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation
SB1218Cabortion; authorized providers; waiting period
SB1248Cjustification; deadly physical force; exceptions
SB1249Cdeath penalty; repeal
SB1250Cdeath penalty; serious mental illness
SB1251Cwater infrastructure finance authority; appropriation
SB1281Cappropriation; WQARF
SB1282Cenvironmental quality; task force
SB1358Cinmate telephone system service contracts
SB1359Cadult incarceration contractors; public records
SB1360Ccriminal justice commission; legislative recommendations
SB1361Cweapons; misconduct; firearm storage
SB1362Cerroneous conviction; damages; tuition assistance
SB1363Cracial impact; analysis; legislative council
SB1374Cprisoners; visitation; healthcare; ombudsman
SB1389Chistoric name board; membership
SB1450Cadult incarceration contracts; cost comparison
SB1451Csexual harassment; training; poster
SB1452Crestoration; voting rights; website notification
SB1453Cappropriation; Maricopa community college district
SB1454Cschools; incentive program; dual enrollment
SB1455Cteachers academy; dual enrollment courses
SB1456Ccommunity colleges; dual enrollment; funding
SB1511Cjustification; deadly force; law enforcement
SB1512Celectronic recording; custodial interrogation
SB1513Cfalse reporting; victim identity; classification
SB1514Cprisoners; civics peer education program
SB1515Cprisoners; monthly supervision fees
SB1516Cminimum wage; increase
SB1517Clandlord tenant; noncompliance remedy; notice
SB1518Ctheft; rented property; defense
SB1519Cappropriation; youth entrepreneurship; pilot program
SB1532Cpresidential preference election; independent voters
SB1533Cearly ballot collection; limitations; repeal
SB1534Cregistration; voting; jails; confinement
SB1535Cimmigrant legal fund
SB1536Cimmigration enforcement; limits; state policy
SB1537Cdriver licenses; authorized presence repeal
SB1538Cimmigration certification form; crime victims
SB1539Cidentity theft; census taker; classification
SB1540Credistricting data; inmates; residential address
SB1541Cappropriation; census; complete count committees
SB1542Cboard of supervisors; seal
SB1543Cemployee identification; law enforcement
SB1578Crepeal; results-based funding; schools; appropriation
SB1579Cschool report cards
SB1580Ccharter schools; sale; vacant buildings
SB1581Ccharter schools; formation; petition requirements
SB1582CArizona online instruction; reporting
SB1583Cspecial education; cost studies
SB1584Cschools; pupil discipline; annual report
SB1587Cpupils; unpaid school meal fees
SB1588Cschools; students' rights handbook; posting
SB1589Cmodel ethnic studies curriculum
SB1590Cwage claims; report
SB1640Cpublic employees; collective bargaining
SB1641Cemployment and labor omnibus
SB1642Cstate employees; meet and confer
SB1643Cpublic works contracts; apprentice labor
SB1644Cproperty crimes; classification; sentencing
SB1645Celder parole; prisoner release
SB1646Cattorney general; detention facilities; review
SB1647Cpretrial diversion program; primary caregiver
SB1648Cdrug possession; classification
SB1649Csentencing; aggravating factors; repeal
SB1650Cevidence disclosure violation; prosecutor; crime
SB1651Cjuvenile delinquency; minimum age
SB1652Cjuveniles; custodial interrogation; attorney; recordings
SB1653Cjuvenile court jurisdiction; age
SB1654Cjuvenile court jurisdiction; classification; age
SB1655Ccriminal street gang database; appeal
SB1656Cjuvenile court disposition; commitment findings
SCM1002CNavajo generating station; PROMISE Act
SCR1024Csupporting refugees
SCR1036Cconduct of elections; voters' rights
SCR1037Cimmigrant heritage month
SCR1038Cpublic programs; citizens; repeal.
SCR1039Clegislature; sixty house districts
SCR1040Cracism; public health crisis
SCR1045Cschools; English language learners; requirements