
House Member

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Member Since: 2017

Daniel Hernandez Jr., is a native Arizonan, lifelong Democrat, and Member of the Arizona State Legislature representing South Tucson, Sahuarita, Green Valley and Santa Cruz County. He currently serves on the Public Safety and State & International Affairs Committees and is the Co-Founder of the LGBT Caucus.

In his first term, Hernandez has received praise for his work to find bipartisan solutions; from introducing a bipartisan resolution in recognition of Israel's Independence Day, to his first bill to exempting diapers, baby formula, and feminine hygiene products from sales taxes, which was passed in committee with wide bipartisan support, he has worked hard to achieve meaningful impact. In the Judiciary and Public Safety committee, Hernandez has been a vocal supporter of reproductive rights and gun violence prevention. Additionally, he fought against legislation that would have made it more difficult for victims of sexual assault to pursue justice.

Dedicated to working on innovative solutions to address Arizona's economy, Hernandez helped pass legislation to protect small business from frivolous lawsuits. He has also brought his years of experience in education to help advocate for issues around K-12 education.

In 2011, while working in the office of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Hernandez took actions on January 8th with which he is credited with saving her life. That day and the aftermath drove him to advocate for Gun Violence Prevention at the state and national level, which he does to this day.

Prior to serving in the legislature, Hernandez was elected to the Sunnyside Unified School District Governing board in November 2011. While serving as president of the board, he was successful in creating a 5-year strategic plan, opening a K-8 fine arts magnet school, vetting and hiring a new superintendent, as well as passing a comprehensive sex education curriculum.

He will continue to fight for education funding, protections for marginalized communities, access to quality and affordable healthcare and an economy that works for all Arizonans.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2153CTPT; diapers; feminine hygiene; formula
HB2154Cprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2155Cprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2156Cemployment; training; termination; conditions; discrimination
HB2160Punlawful securing; firearm; minors.
HB2161Porder of protection; firearm possession.
HB2162Cschools; immunizations; personal exemption; elimination
HB2218Cappropriations; primary care loan repayment
HB2219Cresults-based funding; schools; repeal; appropriation
HB2221Ccharter school board members; conflicts
HB2223Cyouth entrepreneurship; pilot program; appropriation
HB2226Cfamily leave
HB2227Cemployment; employee work scheduling
HB2228Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2247Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory.
HB2248Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks.
HB2249Cmental health; injunction; firearm possession
HB2311Cincorrect arrest; record clearance
(NOW: record clearance; incorrect arrest)
HB2312Cappropriation; coordinated homeless youth services
HB2314Cconsular identification cards; permitted use
HB2332Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2334Cindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosure
HB2337Cfamily planning; grant distribution; repeal
HB2338Cappropriation; financial aid trust fund
HB2339Cappropriation; affordable housing
HB2344Ccriminal responsibility; gender identity; expression
HB2365Ctax credits; affordable housing
HB2380Cresidential pesticide misting systems; prohibition
HB2381Ccrime reporting; gender identity; expression
HB2383Phighway patrol; emergency response requirement
HB2384Pexplosives; minimum age
HB2385Psuspensions; expulsions; kindergarten; preschool
HB2386Phealth insurance; fertility coverage.
HB2387Pmedical marijuana; autism spectrum disorder
HB2398Cappropriation; lead screening; charter schools
HB2404Cmarijuana possession; paraphernalia; classification; sentencing
HB2424Cundesignated felony; misdemeanor designation
HB2426Cstate employees; paid family leave
HB2455Cstate aviation fund; purpose
HB2456Cappropriation; state aviation fund
HB2457Cschool instruction; AIDS; homosexuality.
HB2497Csingle use plastics; recyclables; fee
HB2499Cappropriation; Navajo veterans housing assistance
HB2510Cjuveniles; detention; assessment; counsel waiver
HB2511Cstudent loan ombudsman; loan servicers
HB2512Cterminally ill patients; care choices..
HB2527Cemergency personnel; rest periods; violence
HB2529Cdiaper changing stations; public restrooms
HB2531Chands-free wireless communication devices; driving
HB2546Pantidiscrimination; employment; housing; public accommodations.
HB2558Cstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2567Cprobation; monthly fee determination
HB2568Cprecinct committeemen; redesignation
HB2575Cfirearms dealers; firearm transfers; requirements
HB2583Cinternal revenue code; conformity
HB2585Pcondominiums, planned communities; write-in candidates
HB2597Pschool safety; plans; task force
HB2619Cschool district overexpenditures; crisis teams
HB2624CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2632Cteacher recruitment and retention
HB2646Cdepartment of agriculture; application review
(NOW: commerce authority; application review)
HB2653Cschool funding task force
HB2656Cabortion; reason; report; repeal
HB2658Csexual orientation; conversion therapy; prohibition
HB2665Chealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2666Cmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2681Cappropriation; drug diversion programs; Pima
HB2691Cappropriation; rollover; additional assistance
HB2696Cfetal resuscitation; repeal
HB2702CTPT; marketplace facilitators; nexus
HB2709CCTEDs; nonprofits; private postsecondary institutions
HB2713CAHCCCS; physical therapy
HB2714Cappropriations; universities; resident tuition.
HB2730Cjoint legislative education funding committee
HB2735Cdomestic violence offenses; sentencing; treatment
HB2738Pparent-child relationship; termination; grounds
HB2739Pschools; health education curriculum
HB2740Cdomestic violence offenses; firearm transfers.
HB2760Clegislators; mileage rate; distance.
HCM2006Cpostal service; urging independence
HCR2012Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2016Cmarriage requirement; repeal
HCR2022CArticle V convention; term limits
HCR2030Cratification of equal rights amendment. . .
HCR2032Cholocaust education; support; schools
HCR2035COfficer Clayton Townsend; death resolution
HCR2037Ccampaign finance; disclosure; source
HR2001CGrand Canyon park; 100th anniversary.
HR2003Cwhite supremacists; neo-Nazis; condemning
SB1047Csexual orientation; conversion therapy; prohibition.
SB1099Cpatriotic youth groups; school access
SB1165Cprohibition; texting while driving
(NOW: texting while driving; prohibition)
SB1219Cdomestic violence offenses; firearm transfers
SB1249Cantidiscrimination; employment; housing; public accommodations
SB1394Ccharter school; training; posting; procurement
(NOW: charter schools; training; information; procurement)