
House Member

Home City:Flagstaff

State Representative Bob Thorpe has served in the AZ House since 2013 including being Chairman of three committees, where he currently is the Chairman of the Federalism, Property Rights and Public Policy Committee and Vice Chairman of the Government Committee. Thorpe has received numerous awards and recognitions including the Optometrist Legislator of the Year, Legislator Champion of the Arts (twice), and ACCCC's Arizona Community Colleges Legislator of the Year.

Born and raised in Southern California, Thorpe now lives near Flagstaff with his wife, and has two grown children, two Labradors retrievers and two desert tortoises. Thorpe and his wife designed, built and live in their award winning energy-efficient home.

With a university B.A degree and several years of graduate studies, Thorpe has over 40-years of business experience including Walt Disney as an “Imagineer,” Price Waterhouse accounting firm, and the aerospace industry where he built aircraft training devices for the U.S. Military including the F/A-18, F-16 and the Apache Helicopter. Thorpe both worked and volunteered for over 6-years in K-12 education and 8-years as a high technology instructor at UCLA Extension. Thorpe founded a software business with Fortune 500, international and government clients and has worked at a number of firms in the field of IT, software and website development.

In his late 40's, Thorpe served his community for almost 8-years as a certified Arizona volunteer firefighter / EMT and has volunteered as a K-12 robotics competition judge and coach. Thorpe is a student of the U.S. Constitution and authored a book on the topic. Thorpe volunteers at his church and on cattle round-ups on the Navajo Reservation, and is active in conservative political organizations. Thorpe has climbed numerous mountains including the 14,500' high Mt. Whitney (twice) and the 17,800' high Popocatépetl, and is an avid sportsman enjoying outdoor activities including fly-fishing, shooting sporting clays, snow skiing and armature astronomy.


Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2034Ptechnical correction; materials; resident preference
HB2035Ptechnical correction; Arbor day
HB2036Pgroundwater permits; technical correction
HB2037Ptechnical correction; light pollution
HB2050Cadministrative procedure; declaratory judgment
HB2089Pstudent fees; political purposes; prohibition
HB2096Pnatural resources projects; court actions
HB2097Psovereign authority; commandeering; prohibition; exception
HB2098Pcivil forfeiture; public defender appointment
HB2109Pforfeiture; monies; assets; prohibited distribution
HB2110Puncontested civil forfeiture; repeal
HB2111Panti-racketeering funds; administration; revenue department
HB2112Cmulti-county water district; directors; elections
HB2113Pgovernment vehicles; political speech; prohibition
HB2114Ppeace officers; weapons; federal facilities
HB2115Pschool vehicles; global positioning systems
HB2116Pmunicipal zoning; rezoning protests
HB2117Pstate militia; firearms; rights
HB2118Pfirearms transfers; compact
HB2119Peducational institutions; state law violations
HB2120Peducation; prohibited courses and activities
HB2121Pimmigration; prohibited acts; civil action
HB2122Pcompetitive bidding; legal counsel; limit
HB2123Pvocational and technical education; evaluation
HB2124Pminimum wage; employee benefits; preemption
HB2170Panti-racketeering monies; police training
HB2171Ptechnical correction; land department; seal
HB2185Pjuvenile corrections; transfer to counties
HB2186Pombudsman-citizens aide; reports
HB2226Ccompact; balanced budget; convention
HB2255Pballot measures; contributions; nonresidents; prohibition
HB2256Ptechnical correction; state museum
HB2257Pstate law; local violations
HB2258Pcounty contributions; hospitalization; medical; repeal
HB2259Ptraffic violation surcharges; crime lab
HB2260Pvoter registration; student addresses
HB2261Pdefensive driving school list; prohibition
HB2281Panti-racketeering monies; authorized uses; prohibitions
HB2282Pfederal judge; good behavior; removal
HB2283Ppostsecondary institutions; employment statistics
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2345Cstudy; state board; community colleges
HB2378Cdispensing opticians; repeal of regulation
HB2407Cappropriation; counties; essential services
HB2409Pinjunction against harassment; petition; hearing
HB2410Cworkers' compensation; firefighters; heart-related cases
HB2430Pmarijuana; health warnings
HB2436Cappropriation; memorial; January 8 victims
HB2447Plegislators; mileage rate; distance
HB2448Pvoter registration; identification
HB2449Pconvention; delegates; limitations; oath
HB2450Pgovernment software; purchase and development
HB2451Pgovernment; passwords; data encryption
HB2477Ccivil forfeiture; report information; remedies
HB2501Ccommunity colleges; workforce development
HCM2006Cclean power plan; repeal; replace
HCR2003Pbond elections; technical correction
HCR2006PArticle V convention
HCR2010Capplication; Article V convention
HCR2013Cconvention; balanced federal budget
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HCR2023CArticle V convention; term limits
HCR2031Cdeath resolution; Sharon Giese
HJR2002Clower Colorado basin; forbearance authority.
HJR2003CColorado River allocation; management.
HR2003PArizona aerospace day
SB1061Cuniversities; tuition; rates; fees
SB1129Celectric nonprofit cooperatives; patronage capital
SB1130Chairstylist licenses; cosmetology
SB1189Cstate budget; estimates; notice
SB1327CGold Star memorial
SB1328Celection proclamation; board clerk
SB1337Cindustrial hemp; licensing
SB1366Cpeace officer; victim; aggravating factor
SB1431Cempowerment scholarships; expansion; phase-in
SB1439Cend-of-life; discrimination; prohibition
SB1474Ccommunity engagement district.
SCR1034Cdeath resolution; Eleanor Ann Day