
Senate Member

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Rep. Kelly Townsend has proudly served the citizens of the 16th Legislative District since 2013.

A mother, veteran, small business owner, and certified Doula and Doula Trainer, Kelly's roots in Arizona run deep, going all the way back to the heyday of Tombstone, where her Great Great Grandfather George Buford was a successful silver miner.

Kelly grew up in Oregon and then volunteered for the U.S. Navy, where she served as an Aviation Structural Mechanic on F-14s and F/A-18 aircraft. After her Navy service, Kelly launched a career in Corporate Management, then shifted to health care as a Birth Doula, guiding expectant mothers through the adventure of birth and post-partum adjustment, and established her own small business.

In 2004 Kelly returned her family to Arizona to raise her children and finish her degree. She earned her Bachelor's of Science in Human Communications, and her Master's Degree in Infant & Family Practice at Arizona State University.

Kelly is an accomplished author with books published in the USA, Croatia, and Slovenia. She is well traveled internationally, with a deep interest in other cultures and customs, languages, and of course, International and State government. She is a fierce defender of the Constitution and is a national leader in the Article V movement.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort Title
HB2101Celectric energy; reliability; public policy
HB2609Cambulance services; service areas
(NOW: ambulance services; certificates of necessity)
HB2610CG&F; permits; tags; transfers
(NOW: project unit size; affordable housing)
HB2611Cvaccinations; masks; requirements; enforcement prohibition
HCM2003CIndian boarding schools; urging investigation.
HCR2033Cdecertifying Arizona's 2020 electors
SB1011Pschool board associations; membership; payment
SB1012Pregistration database; federal voters; report
SB1013Psecretary of state; federal form
SB1014Pambulance services; rural areas
SB1015Pmedical records; minors; parent access
SB1016Ppharmacies; off-label use; refusal prohibition
(NOW: prescriptions; public health emergency)
SB1048Cemergency powers; business closure; repeal
SB1049Pparents' bill of rights; violation
SB1050Pneglected children; definition
SB1051Phomeschool instruction
SB1052Pmedical procedures; prohibitions
SB1053Preligious exemption; vaccine; violation; classification
SB1054Pelection equipment; security; legislative review
SB1055Pelection process; contractors and contracts
SB1056Pmisplaced ballots; invalidity; misdemeanor; damages
SB1119Celectronic ballot images; public record.
SB1120Cballot fraud countermeasures; paper; ink.
SB1137Cchange of judge; grounds; decision
(NOW: settlement agreement; consent decree; prohibition)
SB1163Cindividualized investigational treatment; availability; prohibitions
SB1165Cinterscholastic; intramural athletics; biological sex
SB1210Cmentally ill; transportation; evaluation; treatment
SB1211Cschools; materials; activities; posting; review
(NOW: materials; activities; review; posting; schools)
SB1254Cmedical product; procedure; mandates; liability
SB1355Ccampaign finance report; due date
SB1357Pelection equipment; certification; results
SB1358Phand counts; precincts; procedures manual
SB1359Pelection workers; unique passwords
SB1360Pelection observers; access
SB1401Ccontinuation; state department of corrections.
SB1457Cvoting machines; hardware; software; access
SB1474Pvoting; election day only; holiday
SB1475Pvoter registration; citizenship; falsification; penalties
(NOW: election complaints; attorney general)
SB1476Ppublic meetings; in-person attendance
(NOW: ballot numbering; custody)
SB1477Pvoter registration; felonies; clerk; database
SB1478Pelections; county supervisors; ballot; markers
SB1479Pprecinct size; voters; vote centers
SB1490Cappropriation; Cesar Chavez Boulevard
SB1514Chealth care institutions; visitation
(NOW: hospitals; visitation; policy)
SB1570Pelection equipment; security; results; tabulation
SB1571Pballot drop boxes; surveillance; appropriation
SB1572Pvoting list; images; cast votes
SB1573Phand count; political parties; employees
SB1574Pvoting irregularities; report; legislative review
SB1575Plegislative subpoenas; disobedience
SB1576Ptabulating equipment; fractional votes; manual
SB1577Pelections; adjudicated ballots; categories
SB1603Pelections; auditor general
SB1604PDCS; misconduct; temporary custody; removal
SB1605Pfinancial incentives; diagnosis; death; prohibition
SB1606Pstate monument; memorial repair fund
SB1607Pstate guard; volunteers
SB1608Pprecinct tabulation; verification; elections
SB1609Pelection contests; invalidated election; sanctions
SB1629Cregistration; verification; images; audits; boxes
SCR1005Pfederal ballot voters; identification
SCR1021CUnited States; Taiwan partnership.
SCR1032Pplenary legislative authority; elections
SCR1046Cvoter identification; Arizona card
SCR1048Carticle V convention; term limits