
Senate Member

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Having completed two terms (four years) in the House of Representatives, Lisa Otondo is pleased to start the 2017 Legislative session as District 4's new Senator. As a second-generation Arizonan, (born and raised in Yuma), she comes from a large Basque family with deep farming roots. This upbringing has given her a keen awareness of the issues and challenges facing farming and rural communities. She is passionate about water issues in Arizona and the need to address these issues. Sen. Otondo is proud to serve on the Jon Kyle Leadership Round Table, the Agribusiness and Water Council, (ABWC) and she received her water management certificate from the ABWC/ASU Water Management program.

As a former public school teacher, Senator Otondo knows first-hand the importance of supporting our schools our teachers and staff. She has worked in a bipartisan manner to increase state funding for our public schools, universities, Junior Career & Technical Education Districts (JTEDs) and Community Technical Enterprises (CTE's). She will continue to fight to improve public education funding, teachers' salaries and reduced class sizes.

Senator Otondo is the ranking Democrat on the Transportation & Technology Committee, and serves on the Natural Resources Energy & Water Committee. One of her goals for the 2017-2018 session is to bring stakeholders together for "Water Wise" lunches for networking and keeping abreast of legislation for sensible water policy. She is also concerned about the serious transportation and infrastructure problems facing Arizona, and is adamant that the Highway User Revenue Funds (HURF) not continue to be swept for a "quick fix" to other budgetary problems.

Ms. Otondo completed her Master's Degree in International Public Administration from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and speaks five languages including Spanish, Mandarin, French and Portuguese.

During her spare time, she volunteers as an interpreter for various non-profit agencies. She enjoys reading, traveling and the arts. She looks forward to serving her constituents in District 4.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort Title
HB2569CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2682Cschools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides
HB2683Canti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor
HB2737Cwater efficient plumbing fixtures
HB2738Cirrigation non-expansion areas; water supplies.
HB2780Cappropriations; hunger services; food banks
HB2799Cappropriation; area agencies on aging.
HB2814Crural economic development; project certification
HB2847Cschool counselors; social workers; grants
HCM2009Cfloodwater harvesting; study; urging Congress
HCR2002Cratification; equal rights amendment..
SB1026Cindigenous peoples; civil rights holidays
SB1107Cappropriation; Gillespie Canal bridge project
SB1140CTPT; exemptions; Indian tribes
SB1200Cschools; sexual abuse prevention education
SB1206Cagriculture workforce program; interns; appropriation
SB1214Cadministrative costs; limit; STOs.
SB1215Cteachers academy; counselors; social workers.
SB1216Cschool counselors; grants
SB1217Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation
SB1218Cabortion; authorized providers; waiting period
SB1221CSNAP; benefit match; appropriation
SB1222Cbuilding permits; utilities; restrictions; prohibitions.
SB1235Cclergy; priests; duty to report
SB1283Cappropriation; emergency shelter beds; seniors
SB1285Cinsurance coverage; prosthetics; orthotics
SB1286Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory
SB1287Cmedicare supplement insurance; guaranteed availability
SB1288Cauxiliary containers; regulation; prohibition; repeal
SB1301Cwater banking; storage credits; subcontractors
SB1349Cappropriation; students with disabilities
SB1450Cadult incarceration contracts; cost comparison
SB1452Crestoration; voting rights; website notification
SB1454Cschools; incentive program; dual enrollment
SB1455Cteachers academy; dual enrollment courses
SB1456Ccommunity colleges; dual enrollment; funding
SB1460Celectric cooperatives; broadband service
SB1461Clegislators; opt out; per diem
SB1462Caggravated assault; strangulation; sentencing
SB1463Ccommunity college opportunity grants; appropriations
SB1464Cjuvenile court jurisdiction; age extension
SB1467Cobscenity; human trafficking; prostitution; prevention
SB1469Cbilling limits; health care providers
SB1471Cinitiative, referendum signatures; electronic submittal.
SB1479Conline lodging; regulation; property classification
SB1480Clocal planning; residential housing; prohibitions
SB1481Ccampaign finance; public service corporations
SB1482Cinterstate compact; company tax subsidies
SB1483Cdevelopment subsidies; recapture; rescission
SB1488Pappropriation; best land management practices
SB1494Cdepartment of water resources; continuation.
SB1495Cchild care; waiting list; appropriation
SB1496Cappropriation; domestic violence; strangulation; examinations
SB1497Cend-of-life decisions; terminally ill
SB1523Cmental health omnibus
SB1528Cfamily college savings program; treasurer
SB1548CTANF; lifetime limit
SB1559Cinmate telephone system service contracts.
SB1560Ccorrections department; visitor fee repeal
SB1561Cvoting rights; felonies; automatic restoration..
SB1562Cappropriations; tribal colleges
SB1563Cadult immunizations; reporting system
SB1564Cimmigration; law enforcement; repeal..
SB1565Cblood testing; perfluorinated chemicals; appropriation
SB1566CIndian child welfare; custody proceedings
SB1595Ccharter school omnibus
SB1596Ccommunity schools pilot program; appropriation
SB1597Cstudent loans; ombudsman-citizens aide
SB1598Cschool-sponsored media; student journalists
SB1599Chealth care insurance; requirements
SB1600Cprescription drugs; importation program
SB1601Cinsulin drugs; cost sharing limit
SB1602Chealth insurance; surprise out-of-network bills
SB1603Cemployers; paid family leave
SB1604Cemployee rights; wage disclosure
SB1605Cemployers; compensation history; prohibitions
SB1606Cpublic works contracts; prohibited agreements
SB1607Crent increases; emergency calls; restrictions
SB1608Crental housing; income source discrimination
SB1609Cantidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations.
SB1610Cvoter registration; same day
SB1611Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
SB1612Cearly voting locations; operation
SB1613Ccampaign finance; repeal; reenactment.
SB1614Cconsumer data; privacy
SB1615Cearned release; good time credits
SB1616Crelease conditions; unsecured bond
SB1617Cprisoners; isolated confinement; restrictions
SB1618Ccriminal justice information; reporting; collection
SB1619Ccriminal history; required disclosure; limitations
SB1620Cpostsecondary institutions; criminal history; applicants
SB1621Cresidences; mobile homes; prohibited disclosures
SB1622Cincarceration contracts; private entities; prohibited
SB1623Ccorrectional health services; prohibited contracts.
SB1624Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks.
SB1625Cassault weapons; magazines; prohibition; registration
SB1626Corder of protection; firearm possession
SB1627Cunlawful securing; firearm; minors
SB1628Cstate finance review; task force
SB1629Ctax credit review; committee; repeal
SB1630Cmicrobusiness loans; commerce authority
SB1632Cstate parks; heritage fund; lottery
SB1633Cdrinking water pollutants; standards
SB1634Cstate vehicle fleet; electric vehicles
SB1635Psubsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; procedures
SB1638Cwell drilling; groundwater basins
SB1639Padequate water supply; statewide requirements
SCM1004Crestoration; Cherrybell mail processing center
SCM1005Cclimate change
SCR1026Cincreased revenues; supermajority requirement; repeal
SCR1027Ccorporation commissioner appointments; office vacancies
SCR1028Creligious freedom day; recognition
SCR1030Cwear red day 2020