
Senate Member

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Having completed two terms (four years) in the House of Representatives, Lisa Otondo is pleased to start the 2017 Legislative session as District 4's new Senator. As a second-generation Arizonan, (born and raised in Yuma), she comes from a large Basque family with deep farming roots. This upbringing has given her a keen awareness of the issues and challenges facing farming and rural communities. She is passionate about water issues in Arizona and the need to address these issues. Sen. Otondo is proud to serve on the Jon Kyle Leadership Round Table, the Agribusiness and Water Council, (ABWC) and she received her water management certificate from the ABWC/ASU Water Management program.

As a former public school teacher, Senator Otondo knows first-hand the importance of supporting our schools our teachers and staff. She has worked in a bipartisan manner to increase state funding for our public schools, universities, Junior Career & Technical Education Districts (JTEDs) and Community Technical Enterprises (CTE's). She will continue to fight to improve public education funding, teachers' salaries and reduced class sizes.

Senator Otondo is the ranking Democrat on the Transportation & Technology Committee, and serves on the Natural Resources Energy & Water Committee. One of her goals for the 2017-2018 session is to bring stakeholders together for "Water Wise" lunches for networking and keeping abreast of legislation for sensible water policy. She is also concerned about the serious transportation and infrastructure problems facing Arizona, and is adamant that the Highway User Revenue Funds (HURF) not continue to be swept for a "quick fix" to other budgetary problems.

Ms. Otondo completed her Master's Degree in International Public Administration from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and speaks five languages including Spanish, Mandarin, French and Portuguese.

During her spare time, she volunteers as an interpreter for various non-profit agencies. She enjoys reading, traveling and the arts. She looks forward to serving her constituents in District 4.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort Title
HB2558Cstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2570Cstudy committee; murdered indigenous women.
HB2672Cvacation rentals; short-term rentals; regulation
SB1142Ctrust land fund monies; distributions
SB1165Cprohibition; texting while driving
(NOW: texting while driving; prohibition)
SB1184Cschools; economics; personal financial management
SB1227CColorado River drought contingency amendments
SB1241Cstate parks board; heritage fund
SB1250Csexual assault protective order
(NOW: protective orders; sexual assault)
SB1252Cschools; sex education curriculum
SB1253Cstudy committee; murdered indigenous women
SB1254Csexual assault; survivor rights
SB1262Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
SB1263Cimmigrant; alien; terminology
SB1264CArizona community schools pilot program
SB1266CDiné college; appropriation
SB1268CTPT; distribution; tribal college compact
SB1269CIndian nations; tribes; legislative day
SB1270Coffice of Indian education; assistance
SB1272Cappropriation; Fredonia flood project
SB1273Ctribal nations; veterans' services; appropriation
SB1274Cappropriation; Hopi Route 60 construction
SB1286Cmedical marijuana; dispensary registration; priority
SB1299Cstate warrants; substitute checks
SB1325Cschools; counselors on campus; appropriation
SB1326Cfamily leave.
SB1327Cemployment; employee work scheduling.
SB1344Cschool counselors; grants
SB1360Cadult incarceration contractors; public records
SB1361Cinmate telephone system service contracts
SB1374Cspouses; married couples; terminology.
SB1376Cadult incarceration contracts; cost comparison
SB1377Crestoration; voting rights; website notification
SB1378Cearned release credits; prisoners
SB1383Cappropriation; elderly assistance fund
SB1384Cappropriation; adult protective services
SB1385Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
SB1386Cchild care waiting list; appropriation.
SB1387Ctextbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation
SB1388Chearing evaluations; preschools
SB1389Cemployment; housing; public accommodations; antidiscrimination
SB1390Cschool personnel; reporting; drug offenses
SB1391Ckinship foster care stipend
SB1392Cappropriation; school finance system
SB1450Cgrants; invasive vegetation eradication.
(NOW: invasive vegetation eradication; grants)
SB1452CPSPRS; normal retirement; age
SB1454Cdriver licenses; gender selection
SB1455Cabortion; objection; pharmacists; repeal
SB1463Crepeal; God we trust plates
SB1468Cschools; suicide prevention training
SB1474CPOW/MIA flag; display
SB1476Pagricultural workforce; interns; appropriation
SB1477Pappropriation; best land management practices
SB1478Pmunicipalities; counties; wildfire hazard removal
SB1479Pmedical marijuana; medical conditions.
SB1480Pcondominiums, homeowners' associations; declaration amendments
SB1490Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory
SB1491Cstate-owned bank task force
SB1492Cappropriation; office of tourism.
SB1496Chousing; eviction prevention; fund
SB1497Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
SB1499Csupplemental appropriation; child care assistance.
SB1500Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal.
SB1501CTANF; lifetime limit
SB1502CAHCCCS; lifetime limit; repeal
SB1503Pteam-teaching pilot program; appropriations
SB1504Cschools; bullying policy; definition
SB1505Cvoter registration; same day.
SB1506Ccampaign finance; covered transfers; disclosure.
SB1507Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
SB1508Cunlawful securing; firearm; minors
SB1509Cstate parks; heritage fund; lottery.
SB1510Cenergy measuring; reporting; prohibition; repeal.
SB1511Cappliance efficiency standards; rules
SB1512Cstate law; local violation; repeal
SB1513Cpolitical subdivisions; cost sharing; revisions
SB1514Cemployment and labor omnibus
SB1515Cdigital goods and services; taxation
SB1516Ccorporate STO cap; low-income qualification
SB1517Cinternal revenue code; conformity.
SB1534Cfixed-index annuities; disclosure; indexing
(NOW: annuity disclosure; rules)
SB1542Celectricity; gas; disconnection prohibited
SB1558Clegislators; mileage rate; distance
SCM1005Cpersons with disabilities; secret ballots.
SCR1009Cratification of equal rights amendment..
SCR1010CChicanx history week
SCR1015Cworld hearing day
SCR1024Cclimate change; supporting management
SCR1027CStan Furman; death resolution
SJR1001CColorado river drought contingency plan
SJR1002CNative American veterans highways