
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Real Estate
Member Since: 2015

Mark Finchem was born in Detroit Michigan and grew up for the most part in southwestern Michigan, a town known in stage and song as Kalamazoo. Upon graduation from high school there he joined the Kalamazoo Fire Department as a Firefighter/Paramedic. In 1984, after graduating with High Honors with a degree in Criminal Justice, and 2nd in his class from the SW Regional Police Academy, he entered the combined service Public Safety Program. He is a graduate of Grand Canyon University with a BA in State and Local Public Policy - Summa Cum Laude, and is currently working to complete his Masters in Law and Economics at the University of Arizona, James E. Rogers School of Law.

Mr. Finchem served 21 years as a Public Safety Officer providing emergency medical, fire suppression and law enforcement services. During much of his career in the Public Safety Department, Mr. Finchem was also a rancher living in the small hamlet of Delton Michigan. Upon retirement he moved to Tucson Arizona.

Once in Tucson, Mr. Finchem was hired by Intuit Inc., the makers of Quick Books small accounting software, where he received a world class business operations education and received his Six Sigma process improvement certification. After 7 years of work, he focused on balance between improving the consumer experience, and the company bottom line then Mr. Finchem left to start his own business.

Elected to represent the 11th Legislative District in the 52nd Arizona Legislature, Mr. Finchem as a Freshman introduced a line of constitutionally sound bills. These included a gold and silver bullion "legal tender", state level protection of public rights-of-way, repeal and replacement of Common Core and a state treasurers payment consolidation bill to streamline consumer interactions, reduce cost while improving efficiency.

Mr. Finchem can be best described as a man dedicated to serving God first, then the rights of man; a Constitutional originalist who's favorite USSC opinion language comes from Norton -v- Shelby County 118 us 425 442, 25 MAR 1886, "An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed."

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2022Phealth emergencies; treatment; vaccinations; repeal
HB2023Pelectronic ballot images; public record
HB2041Cballot fraud countermeasures; paper; ink
HB2079Pcounties; precinct size; maximum
HB2080Phand count; electronic tabulation verification
HB2101Celectric energy; reliability; public policy
HB2107Cemergency powers; business closure; repeal.
HB2108Ctaxi drivers; sex offenders prohibited
HB2109Celection celebration day
HB2182Clivestock assistance program; infrastructure projects
HB2183Cfire insurance; flooding; wildfires
(NOW: wildfires; flooding; fire insurance)
HB2184Cappropriation; State Route 24; connector
HB2244Pauditor general; election systems; audits
HB2245Pin-person early voting; time period
HB2246Pextracurricular and interscholastic activities; eligibility
HB2247Pschools; learning materials; activities
HB2248Pfailure to return vehicle; repeal
HB2249Paggravated assault; biting; bodily fluid
HB2250Pcarfentanil; fentanyl; threshold amount; minors
HB2251Plasers; assault; peace officers; penalty
(NOW: lasers; peace officers; aircraft; penalty)
HB2356Cemployers; businesses; COVID-19 vaccine record
HB2357Celection board clerks; party affiliation
HB2452Cantidiscrimination; employment; vaccination status
HB2453Cgovernmental entities; mask requirement; prohibition
HB2454Cstatutory conformity; property tax exemptions
HB2455Cincorporation; urban areas
HB2482Cmunicipality; general plan; adoption; amendment
HB2495Cschools; sexually explicit materials; prohibition
HB2506Cappropriation; immigration enforcement; reimbursement; fund
HB2507Creligious services; essential services
HB2590Pauthorized emergency vehicle; definition
HB2596Celections; revisions; mail-in; identification; tabulation
HB2597Cschools; pledge; quiet reflection
HB2608Cgender transition; prohibition
HB2609Cambulance services; service areas
(NOW: ambulance services; certificates of necessity)
HB2610CG&F; permits; tags; transfers
(NOW: project unit size; affordable housing)
HB2611Cvaccinations; masks; requirements; enforcement prohibition
HB2613CADOT dynamic message signs
HB2614Cschools; communications; public receipt option
HB2615Cyouth music and art special plates
HB2616Cmask mandates; minors; parental consent
HB2617Cvoter registration; cancellations; causes
HB2621Cconsent decree; prohibited
(NOW: settlement agreement; consent decree; prohibited)
HB2636Cappropriation; retention; certified peace officers
HB2643Csignatures; superior; justice court; constable
HB2644Cnomination petitions; signatures; city office
HB2645Cfalse filings; UCC; penalty
HB2656Ccertain affiliations; banks; prohibition
HB2657Cforced labor; manufactured goods
HB2696Cmandatory sentences; children; trafficking; smuggling
HB2753Cexecutive sessions; public meetings
HB2777Pelections; auditor general; attorney general
HB2778Pelectronic registration information center; prohibition
HB2780Cvoter lists; images; voting records
(NOW: voting; images; records; contests; audits)
HB2786Cvoter registrations; ballot requests; source
(NOW: voting; registration; drop boxes; prohibition)
HB2801Cwrite-in candidates; filing date
HB2853CArizona empowerment scholarship accounts; appropriation
HB2854CK-12; school finance; weights
HCM2009Cdepartment of agriculture; additional offices
HCR2017Cconstitutional property tax exemptions; consolidation
HCR2018Cjudges; merit selection; population
HCR2025Cgovernment-issued voter identification
(NOW: voter identification; voting)
HCR2033Pdecertifying Arizona's 2020 electors
HCR2042Cdeath resolution; Jimmie Muñoz, Sr.
SB1119Celectronic ballot images; public record.
SB1120Cballot fraud countermeasures; paper; ink.
SB1457Cvoting machines; hardware; software; access
SB1708Cmotion picture production; tax credits