
House Member

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Member Since: 2017

Consultant to small business and non-profits, AZ commerce Exchange, 2008-14; president/CEO, Greenlee County Chamber of Commerce, 2010-13; small business owner and involvement in community activities and programs. Education: Postgraduate work in business and economic development; B.S. cum laude, non-profit and public administration, Western New Mexico University, 2013. Political experience: Candidate, Greenlee County Supervisor, 2012; Chair, Greenlee County Republican Party, 2008-11; precinct committeeman. Memberships included: AZ Rural Small Business Advisory Council to the Arizona Commerce Authority, appointed by Governor Brewer; Project CENTRL Class XXI; Dodie Londen Women in Public Service Series, Class 2010; board member, Gila Valley Community Foundation; charter chapter president, Gila Valley Toastmaster International; member, Greenlee County Foster Care Review Board; member, Greenlee County Planning and Zoning Board; member; NRA; Local Chapter president. American Business Women’s Assn; community and project leader, 4-H Youth Program; member, Nat’l Assn of Realtors; member, Mount Graham Hospital Auxiliary. Interests: Family, writing, reading, hiking, gardening, horses.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2127Cappropriation; state parks; heritage fund
HB2128Cstate licensing; fee waiver
HB2309Cviolent; disorderly assembly; public order
HB2310Cmunicipalities; counties; law enforcement budgets
(NOW: executive orders; review; attorney general)
HB2358Cvoter registration update; address change
HB2359Celection equipment; access; locks
HB2360Cdriver license voter registrations; committee
(NOW: committee; driver license voter registrations)
HB2361Cwrite-ins; early ballots; processing
HB2362Celections; ballot privacy folders
HB2363Cmunicipal election officers; certification training
HB2364Celection pamphlet submittals; identification required
HB2379Cappropriation; southern border region enforcement
HB2421Cschools; distance learning courses; funding
HB2422Cpatients' bill of rights
HB2423Cimmunizations; exemption; requirements
HB2426Cpresidential electors; congressional districts; at-large
HB2438Ccommerce authority; career landscape information
HB2442Pcounty treasurers; reports; posting; website
HB2443Pcertificate of election; technical correction
(NOW: service contracts; preexisting conditions)
HB2444Pjudges; election; technical correction
HB2523Pfour-year degrees; community colleges
HB2531CAHCCCS; eligibility determination
HB2532Cemotional abuse; vulnerable adults
HB2533Cstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2534Chealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2535Cmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2537CAHCCCS; outpatient services
HB2538Csupported decision-making; supporter obligations
HB2551Cmisconduct involving weapons; public places
HB2552Ccriminal damage; monuments; memorials; statues
HB2556Ctobacco; vaping; penalties; legal age
HB2569Celections; private funding; prohibition
HB2620Chealth care workers; assault; prevention
HB2621Cprior authorization; uniform request forms
HB2622Cnonretaliation policies; health care institutions
HB2648Creligious services; essential services
HB2711Pantenna use; private property
HB2714Penvironmental technology; biomass; forestry products
HB2737Ccorporation commission actions; investigation
HB2770Cmask mandates; business exception
HB2772Cfantasy sports betting; event wagering.
HB2773Cspirituous liquor; delivery; off-sale permits
(NOW: liquor; delivery; off-sale permits; leases)
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2792Cearly ballots; request required
HB2793Cvoter registration; request required
HB2794Celection deadlines; modifications prohibited
HB2808Cappropriation; rural broadband grants
HB2809Cmarijuana; advertising; labeling; signage; sale
HB2811Csame day registration; prohibition
HB2827Cbusinesses; firearms; unlawful acts
HB2836Cappropriations; rural community colleges
HB2838Cincome tax; partnerships; S corporations
HCR2002Csupreme court; maintain nine members
HCR2016Cinitiatives; supermajority vote requirement
HCR2020Plieutenant governor; joint candidacy
HCR2021Celectoral college; supporting
HCR2023Celections; state authority; infringement; opposition
HCR2032Cgovernment orders; protection; withdrawal; prohibition
HCR2035CWashington, D.C.; statehood; opposition
HR2009CAlbert Hale; death resolution
HR2017CTommie Rae Martin; death resolution
SCR1003Cexecutive orders; emergencies; reauthorization; termination