
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Glendale
Occupation: Certified Locomotive Engineer at BMSF Railroad
Member Since: 2015 - Present

Richard C. Andrade was born in Winslow, AZ and spent his childhood moving between Arizona, California and New Mexico.

Richard graduated from Gallup High School in Gallup, New Mexico in 1982 and served in the U.S. Air Force from 1982 to 1990. He was stationed at Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ and was an Aircraft Pneudraulics System Specialist on F-15 aircraft. While serving, he also attended Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Leadership Schools. Richard was also the Assistant NCO in charge of Luke AFB, Honor Guard.

Between 1990 and 1994, Richard would work in restaurant management and as a Lab Technician for Allied Signal Aerospace.

In 1994, Richard hired out with the former Santa Fe Railroad, now BNSF Railway. In 1995 he was promoted to certified locomotive engineer and continues today to work as an engineer. Richard has been employed with the railroad for 27 years.

While employed at BNSF, Richard became active with the United Transportation Union, now known as Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART). Richard has held several offices in his Lodge 1081, including Vice President, Vice Local Chairman of the Engineman Committee and the Alternate Legislative Representative and is now the current Legislative Representative. These leadership roles helped him learn the importance in becoming active with Legislative issues at the federal and state level. Richard also attended AFL-CIO conventions and participated in Day of Action at the State Capitol. Finally, Richard was active with the On Site Safety Committee, which was established to address safety concerns on the railroad.

Due to a tragic event in Richard and Sally’s life, in 2011, they lobbied the Arizona State Legislature, 50th Legislature, 1st Regular Session to pass an aggressive dog law also known as Fabian’s Law. Richard’s experience as a Union member and leader were instrumental when it came to lobbying the Arizona State Legislature to pass Fabian’s Law.

Richard was elected as a State Representative for Legislative District 29 in 2014. Serving in the military has made him a strong voice for Veterans. Richard sits on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee.

Richard saw that he could make a difference and believes strongly in protecting working families, worker rights and disappearing middle class families. Richard believes in a strong education system which is much needed in our state and protecting all people rights.

Richard has been married to Sally M. Andrade, a Breast Cancer Survivor, for 34 years. Together they have resided in the West Valley since marriage and have lived in Glendale for 30 years.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2097CACJC; victim compensation fund; allocation
HB2098Cmissing children; mandatory reporting
(NOW: missing children; law enforcement; reporting)
HB2099Cmissing and murdered indigenous peoples
HB2100Cmissing; unidentified person; reporting requirements
HB2101CAHCCCS; postpartum care; appropriations
HB2102CAHCCCS; pregnant women; dental care
HB2103Cnursing shortage; workforce preparation; plan
HB2104CDIFI; director; report; surprise billing
HB2105Cschool health program; appropriation
HB2106Cinformed consent; pelvic examinations.
HB2107CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2191Prepeal; right to work
HB2192Pcall center relocation
HB2193Prailroads; annual safety inspections
HB2194Pmisclassification; tax fraud; task force
HB2195Pemployment; conditions; labor organizations; discrimination
HB2196Povertime pay
HB2244Chousing trust fund; unclaimed property
HB2245Ctaxation; repeal; selected exemptions
HB2250Chealthcare providers; religious beliefs
HB2251Csex education; comprehensive; medically accurate
HB2253CTANF; lifetime limit; sanctions
HB2254Cend-of-life decisions; terminally ill patients
HB2255Ccommerce authority; qualified investors; report
HB2256Cmedical marijuana; physicians; definition
HB2269Cinsurance; preexisting conditions; essential benefits
HB2271CAHCCCS; pregnant women; eligibility
HB2272Cconsumer credit; military; federal law
HB2273Celigibility; children's health insurance program
HB2275CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2303Cmarijuana; laboratories; proficiency testing
HB2445Clawn equipment emissions reduction program
HB2470Pbuffalo soldiers memorial; extension
HB2471Pstate agencies; veterans status; inquiry
HB2472Pspecial license plates; veterans; design
HB2473Pveterans; special license plates; design
HB2474Ppost-traumatic stress injury day
HB2475PADOT website; motor vehicle violations
HB2476Pautonomous vehicles; ADOT director's duties
HB2477Pprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2478Pprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2557Cschools; drug violations; reporting options.
HB2558Csentencing; historical prior felony convictions
HB2571Cchild care assistance; tiered reimbursement
HB2572Cstate law; local violations; repeal
HB2573Clandlord; tenant; fee disclosure; waiver
HB2574Cappropriation; healthy families program
HB2608CAHCCCS work requirement; repeal
HB2609Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation
HB2611Cmotor vehicle title loans
HB2613Cballot measure amendments
HB2675Cappropriations; medical workforce development
HB2676Cappropriation; community health grants
HB2699CAZPOST; mandatory reporting; peace officers
HB2703Ctechnology-based school readiness pilot program
HB2704Cschools; instruction; Native American experience
HB2705Cschools; dress codes; graduation ceremonies
HB2706Pappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors
HB2713Crelease credits; prisoners
HB2729Cspecial education; group B weights
HB2731Cappropriations; gifted education programs
HB2732Cteachers academy; mental health professionals
HB2733Cschools; group B weight; eligibility
HB2734Ccandidates; school, local; electronic signatures
HB2735Cinitiative; referendum; signatures; electronic submittal
HB2736Cpresidential preference election; independent voters.
HB2746Pworkers' rights; public health emergency
HB2747Pbroadband; fiber optic services; committee
HB2748Prailroads; train length; prohibition
HB2750Cautomatic voter registration; same day.
HB2751Csearch warrants; audible notice; requirements.
HB2752Csexual harassment; nondisclosure agreements; prohibition
HB2756Cemployers; paid family leave.
HB2762Cstatewide assessment; 2020-2021 school year
HB2769Ptransportation funding task force
HB2775Cprisoners; earned release; credits
HB2776Cexecutive clemency board; medical parole.
HB2777Ccorrectional health services; prohibited contracts
HB2780Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2781Cpolitical signs; size requirements
HB2782Cclean elections; county candidates
HB2783Ccampaign finance; contribution limits
HB2787Coccupational regulation; good character; definition
HB2788Cpaid sick leave; COVID-19
HB2805Cunemployment insurance; benefits; tax base
HB2824Cadult education; grant program; appropriations
HB2839Cagricultural employment relations board; members
HB2842Chealth care workers; employment rights
HB2843Cchemical agents; prohibited uses; police
HB2852Cstudy committee; educator health insurance
HB2853Cspecial plates; ovarian cancer; design
HB2854Cfireworks; permissible sale days; use
HB2855Cbuilding permits; requirements; statewide preemption
HB2857Cemployee protections; public health-related pandemic
HB2858Cfamily and medical leave; paid.
HB2867Cemployers; COVID-19 exposure; notification
HB2868Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2870Cmedication abortion; telemedicine; ultrasound
HB2871CTPT; additional rate; online lodging
HCM2002Ppostal service, urging independence; prefunding
HCM2006CERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress
HCR2007Pright to work; repeal
HCR2010Cratification; equal rights amendment.
HCR2012Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2022PFisher house; service members; supporting
HCR2027Ccampaign finance; source disclosure
HCR2039Cdeath penalty; prohibition
HCR2040Ctax expenditures; rates; supermajority vote
HCR2041CBarbara Lubin; death resolution
HM2001Pmilitary sexual assault; service members
HR2006CMark Finchem; expulsion
HR2007CCOVID-19 memorial day
HR2009CAlbert Hale; death resolution
HR2013CSue Ellen Allen; death resolution
SB1188Cresults-based funding; repeal; special education
SB1189Cspecial education; group B weights.
SB1190Cprice gouging; abnormal market disruptions
SB1514Cappropriation; emergency shelter beds; seniors
(NOW: emergency shelter beds; seniors)
SB1573Conline lodging; regulation; property classification
SB1574Cemployment practices; consumer reports; limitation
SB1575Cdevelopment subsidies; recapture; recission
SB1576Cemployers; compensation history; prohibitions
SB1577Cemployee rights; wage disclosure
SB1578Clarge electronics; recycling
SB1580Crepeal; right to work.
SB1581Cincome tax; addition net worth
SB1655Celectricity; gas; disconnection prohibited
SB1656Cwells; permits; spacing rules
SB1657Clocal planning; residential housing; prohibitions
SB1688Chorizontal hydraulic fracturing; prohibition
SB1689Ccampaign finance; public service corporations
SB1690Cstate law; local violation; repeal
SB1691Crent increases; emergency calls; restrictions
SB1692Cresidential rentals; rent increase notice
SB1693Cpublic facilities; environmental policies
SB1697Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement.
SB1698Cvoting; ranking; ballot format
SB1699Cemployment; employee work scheduling
SB1700Ctelecommuting; alternative schedules; state employees
SB1701Cinterstate compact; economic best practices
SB1703Ccall center relocation; notice; penalty
SB1709Celections; polling places; standards
SB1710Cracial impact; analysis; legislative council
SB1711Coffice of new Americans
SB1712Cimmigrant; alien; terminology
SB1725Cinsulin drugs; cost sharing limit
SB1726Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation.
SB1728Cchildren's health insurance program; eligibility
SB1729Cabortion; objection; pharmacists; repeal
SB1730Cprivate medical offices; DHS oversight
SB1731Cconsular identification cards; permitted use
SB1732Cprescription drugs; importation program
SCR1012Cratification; equal rights amendment
SCR1013Cequal rights; equal protection
SCR1037Cright to work; repeal.
SCR1038Cvoting age; sixteen years
SCR1041Cenvironment; constitutional amendment
SCR1043Cincreased revenues; supermajority requirement; repeal