
House Member

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Member Since: 2019

Jennifer Longdon is one of two elected members of the Arizona House of Representatives serving LD 24 which covers Central Phoenix and South Scottsdale.

She is a Phoenix-based speaker, writer, and activist. Jennifer worked for three years as the content coordinator, chief writer and editor of LivAbility magazine, an Arizona-based quarterly lifestyle magazine.

Longdon previously served as Chair for the Phoenix Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Council, the State Independent Living Council of Arizona, Arizonans for Gun Safety, and Public Impact Advisory Panel to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. She has been profiled in AZ magazine, the Phoenix New Times, the Washington Post, Salon, Mother Jones and Rolling Stone.

Longdon is a TEDx and Ignite presenter. She is the recipient of the MASK UNITY award (2013), City of Phoenix Impact Volunteer Award (2013) The MLK Celebration I Have a Dream Award (2014) and the National Association of Social Workers, AZ Chapter Citizen of the Year (2014).

Paralyzed in a random shooting in 2004, Jennifer is an outspoken advocate for people with disabilities and strengthening laws to curb gun violence.


Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2035Cappropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors.
HB2185Cappropriations; school safety program
HB2186Cappropriation; gifted education programs.
HB2187Cappropriation; school facilities; building renewal
HB2188Cappropriation; school support personnel; salaries
HB2189Cschool funding; inflation adjustments
HB2190Cstate employees; paid family leave
HB2191Ccrime reporting; gender; age; homelessness
HB2192Cappropriation; domestic violence; sexual assault
HB2193Cappropriation; judicial; public safety complex
HB2194Cappropriation; Kayenta judicial complex
HB2196Cappropriation; Navajo nation; safety plan
HB2197Cappropriation; Cove chapter; economic development
HB2199Cappropriations; tribal college remedial education
HB2200Cappropriation; state aviation fund
HB2201Cappropriation; state parks heritage fund
HB2202Cappropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement
HB2203Cappropriation; tribal reunification ceremonies
HB2204Cappropriation; Vernon fire district
HB2207Cappropriation; route H60
HB2277Cschools; sex education instruction.
HB2321Csevere threat order of protection
HB2323Cpatient information; gun safety; appropriation
HB2324Cprohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory.
HB2325Cfirearm sales; permit verification; requirements
HB2338Cappropriation; schools; trees
HB2339Cballoon releases; prohibition; enforcement
HB2372Cschools; dyslexia; screening; training
HB2390Ccommunity colleges; districts; workforce development
HB2391Csexual violence; interpreters; service providers
HB2392CAZPOST; membership
HB2393Cappropriation; Chinle veterans nursing home
HB2402Ccriminal conviction; set aside; applicability
HB2423CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2424CAHCCCS; pregnant women; eligibility
HB2427Cmedical services; purchase; premiums
HB2429Cschools; immunizations; registered nurses; posting
HB2431Cphysical body adornment; establishments; certification
HB2433Cclinical laboratories; proficiency testing
HB2485Cparked vehicles blocking sidewalk; prohibition
HB2497Clawn equipment emissions reduction program
HB2504Cappropriations; affordable housing
HB2505Cstudent loans servicers; licensure
HB2506Ccredit security freezes; timing
HB2508Crecalls; city elections; signatures required
HB2509Cstate employees; political activities
HB2510Ccontraception; cost sharing prohibition
HB2514Cschools; special education weights; funding
HB2515Cchlorpyrifos; prohibition
HB2517Cschools; charter management organizations; contracts
HB2520Cchild care assistance; rates
HB2521Cadministrative costs; limit; STOs
HB2523Coverrides; informational pamphlets; argument submittals
HB2525Cappropriation; child care assistance
HB2526CArizona online instruction; funding
HB2527Cinitiative, referendum signatures; electronic submittal
HB2531Cpet dealers; state preemption; repeal
HB2537Ccat declawing; prohibition; exceptions
HB2538Chealth care workers; assault; prevention
HB2539Pstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2540Pemotional abuse; vulnerable adults
HB2541Phealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2542Pmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2543Pfirearm transfers; domestic violence offenses.
HB2544Pfirearm; ammunition storage; civil penalty
HB2545Pfirearm dealers; firearm transfers; requirements
HB2546Pfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2547Pwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2548Pemployers; employee salary history; prohibitions
HB2549Cadult protective services; audit; appropriation
HB2550CDHS; long-term care facility surveyors.
HB2569CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2570Carchaeology advisory commission; continuation
HB2571Cappropriation; military; discharge; tribal ceremonies
HB2577Cappropriations; tribal senior citizens programs
HB2579Cinformed consent; pelvic examinations..
HB2596Cchildren's health insurance program; eligibility
HB2600Cadoption; original birth certificate; release
HB2614Carchaeology advisory commission; continuation
HB2682Cschools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides
HB2683Canti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor
HB2691Cprisoners; isolated confinement; prohibited
HB2692Cappropriation; coordinated homeless youth services
HB2693Cabortion; waiting period; authorized providers
HB2694Crepeal; imprisonment; abortion; solicitation.
HB2707Cconversion therapy; prohibition; sexual orientation
HB2708Cwrongful arrest; record clearance
HB2725Cschools; certificates of educational convenience
HB2726Cappropriation: Tolikan senior center facility
HB2734Cpower plants; contractors; workforce requirements
HB2751Cdetained juveniles; advisements; notifications
HB2760Cappropriation; DPS; body cameras
HB2761Cproperty value determination; modifications; verification
HB2762Cproject rocket pilot program; appropriations
HB2764Cmental health omnibus.
HB2766Cgreenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition
HB2768PAHCCCS; complex rehabilitation technology
HB2769Pguardianship; supported decision-making
(NOW: supported decision making; supporter obligations)
HB2777Cappropriations; capital projects; Greasewood Springs
HB2793Cgroup homes; monitoring; appropriation
HB2799Cappropriation; area agencies on aging.
HB2801Cautomatic voter registration; same day
HB2847Pschool counselors; social workers; grants
HB2848PAHCCCS; eligibility determination
HB2866Cappropriation; Arizona arts trust fund
HB2867Cbirth certificates; amendment; gender identity
HB2869Ccharter schools; holders; governing bodies
HB2870Ccommerce authority; qualified investors; report
HB2875Cregulation; short-term rentals
HB2878Cpublic resources; prohibited; deportation proceedings
HB2886Clandlord; tenant; fee disclosure
HB2887Cmental health; parity; advisory committee
HCM2002CNogales wastewater fairness; urging Congress
HCM2007CNavajo generating station; PROMISE Act.
HCR2002Cratification; equal rights amendment..
HCR2018Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2020Clieutenant governor; joint candidacy
HCR2025Clegislative immunity; repeal
HCR2026Crepeal; marriage
HCR2029Ccampaign finance; source disclosure
HCR2034Cvaping; feminine hygiene; tax; exemption
HM2002Cmilitary sexual trauma; servicemembers
SB1180Cappropriation; Hopi Route 60 construction
SB1181CFort Defiance veterans cemetery; appropriation
SB1182CLukachukai veterans' multipurpose complex; appropriation
SB1186CIndian nations; tribes; legislative day
SB1200Cschools; sexual abuse prevention education
SB1201Cbuilding permits; electrical outlet capacity
SB1202Celectric vehicle outlet; program
SB1203Celectric charging stations pilot; appropriation
SB1310Cappropriation; adult protective services
SB1312Cschools; corporal punishment; prohibition
SB1313Ctextbooks; representation; disabilities; sexual orientation
SB1314Chearing evaluations; preschools
SB1315Ckinship foster care stipend
SB1317Celderly assistance fund; appropriation
SB1453Cappropriation; Maricopa community college district
SCR1015Cworld hearing day