
House Member

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Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2084Cinternational boundary wall; building permits
HB2371Cappropriations; DNA analysis instruments
HB2386Ccounty free library districts; programs
HB2387Ccontinuing high school program
HB2388Cappropriations; direct services; referrals
HB2422Ccoordinated reentry planning services programs
HB2440Cdeath benefit; transitional housing benefit
HB2448Cpublic schools; innovation plans
HB2462Ptechnical correction; health services; monitoring
HB2463Ptechnical correction; tax refund account
HB2464Pstate bonds; technical correction
HB2465Ptechnical correction; deaf; blind schools
HB2466Pwage rates; technical correction
HB2467PADOT peace officers; rifles
HB2468Plaw enforcement; prosecution; grants; acceptance
HB2469Plaw enforcement officers; additional benefits.
HB2470Pfireworks; penalties
HB2471Passessment; peace officer training equipment
HB2472Pworkers' compensation; heart-related cases; presumption
HB2473Pcriminal speeding
HB2474Ppedestrians; street crossing; medians
HB2475Plaw enforcement officers; rights; privileges
HB2476Ppenalty assessment; driving school fees
HB2477Ppurchaser dwelling actions
HB2484Cdepartment of education; career information
HB2485Cparked vehicles blocking sidewalk; prohibition
HB2486Cimmunizations; requirements; exemption
HB2501Ccommerce authority; adult workforce education.
HB2552Cprisoners; injuries; industrial commission notification
HB2598Csanctuary jurisdiction; liability; civil action
HB2622Pcounty officials; practice of law.
HB2658Cschools; sex education
HB2682Cschools; instruction; Holocaust; genocides
HB2683Canti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor
HB2705Cvacant; abandoned buildings; ordinances
HB2706Cinterscholastic athletics; biological sex
HB2714Clicense plate designs
HB2727CAHCCCS; pregnant women; dental care.
HB2737Cwater efficient plumbing fixtures
HB2759Csentencing; mandatory minimum; exception
HB2760Cappropriation; DPS; body cameras
HB2762Cproject rocket pilot program; appropriations
HB2776Cpublicity pamphlet; submittal dates
HB2779Cstate equalization assistance; rate; appropriation
HB2780Cappropriations; hunger services; food banks
HB2784Pmedical marijuana; research; grants
HB2785Pappropriations; DPS: school safety program
HB2786Pclinical laboratories; violations
HB2796Pdefensive driving schools; website; advertising
HB2797Paggravated assault; security guard; definition
HB2799Cappropriation; area agencies on aging.
HB2800CCORP; defined benefit election
HB2808Cprisoners; release credits
HB2817Cairport fees prohibited; ride sharing
HB2827Celections; tabulation review; referral; logs
HB2855Celectric charging providers; regulation
HB2875Cregulation; short-term rentals
HB2879CDOC; substance abuse programs; appropriations
HB2885Cappropriation; transportation; infrastructure projects
HCR2021Cabortion data; survivors act; supporting
HCR2023Cschool districts; expenditure limit; authorization
HCR2032Cinitiatives; single subject; title
HCR2033Csecond amendment; supporting
HCR2035Ptechnical correction; racing commission; prohibition
HR2005Csmall business day 2020
SB1132Cvulnerable adults; theft inferences; jurisdiction
SB1160Cfirefighters; cancers; presumption; workers' compensation
(NOW: firefighters; cancers; irrebuttable presumption; applicability)
SB1328Cappropriations; direct services; referrals.
SB1398Ctax omnibus
SB1438Cfantasy sports competitions; definition
SB1461Clegislators; opt out; per diem
SB1493Cpharmacists; dispensing authority; hormonal contraceptives
SB1508Claw enforcement officers; additional benefits
SB1664Ccivil liability; gun-free zones
SB1665Cmisconduct involving weapons; classification
SB1667Cfireworks; aerial devices
SCR1031Cstatewide gaming