
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2154Cprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2155Cprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2156Cemployment; training; termination; conditions; discrimination
HB2157Covertime pay
HB2160Cunlawful securing; firearm; minors.
HB2161Corder of protection; firearm possession.
HB2162Cschools; immunizations; personal exemption; elimination
HB2183Cmemorial; Frances Munds; women suffrage
HB2206Csexual assault victims; study committee
HB2208Cearly ballots; affidavit; collection
HB2209Cearly ballot collection; limitations; repeal
HB2210Ccampaign finance; covered transfers; disclosure
HB2211Cvoting centers; board of supervisors
HB2212Cballot measure circulators; challenges
HB2214Cmotor vehicle title loans; prohibition
HB2215Cautomatic voter registration; licenses; IDs
HB2216Cvoter registration same day
HB2219Cresults-based funding; schools; repeal; appropriation
HB2221Ccharter school board members; conflicts
HB2222Ccharter schools; procurement requirements
HB2226Cfamily leave
HB2227Cemployment; employee work scheduling
HB2228Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2250CSTO scholarship; means testing
HB2251CSTO aggregate credits; cap freeze
HB2252CSTO scholarship; student transfers
HB2253CSTO scholarships; beneficiary recommendations
HB2254CSTO cap; general fund percentage
HB2255CSTO credit cap; growth trigger
HB2256CSTO; administrative costs; allocation
HB2268Cappropriations; community colleges
HB2291Cappropriation; Santa Cruz community college
HB2292Cappropriation; election equipment
HB2293Cappropriation; Arizona teacher academy
HB2294Cappropriation; office of tourism
HB2295Cappropriation; street and highway purposes
HB2322Cauditor general; instructional spending report
HB2323Ccharter schools; parent councils
HB2324CSTO cap; education funding
HB2325Ccharter schools; administrative costs; cap
HB2326Ccharter schools; financial reform; appropriation
HB2327CDES; child care quality; appropriation
HB2332Pabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
HB2333Pcampaign finance; corporate recipients; registration
HB2334Pindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosure
HB2335Pstudent loan servicers; licensure
HB2336Pstate employees; political activities
HB2337Pfamily planning; grant distribution; repeal
HB2338Pappropriation; financial aid trust fund
HB2339Pappropriation; affordable housing
HB2340Pcampaign finance; repeal; reenactment
HB2341Pballot measures; descriptive title; summary
HB2342Pinsurance premium tax reductions; freeze
HB2343Pcontraception; cost sharing prohibition
HB2344Pcriminal responsibility; gender identity; expression
HB2345Pcredit security freezes; timing
HB2346Pretirement systems; investment fees; disclosures
HB2347Cmedical services; purchase; premiums
HB2350Cappropriations; children's health insurance program
HB2351Cmedical services; purchase; study committee
HB2352Cschools; immunizations; registered nurses; posting
HB2355Pstudent organization fees; prohibition; repeal
HB2379Cundesignated felony offenses; misdemeanors
HB2381Ccrime reporting; gender identity; expression
HB2388Ccharter schools; financial records
HB2389Cauditor general; charter schools
HB2390Cstate parks; heritage fund; lottery
HB2391Cstate employment; applicants; wage history
HB2392Cenergy measuring; reporting; prohibition; repeal
HB2393Cappliance efficiency standards
HB2394Cwater efficient plumbing
HB2396Cwater; well metering; nonexempt wells
HB2397Cwater adequacy requirements; statewide applicability
HB2398Cappropriation; lead screening; charter schools
HB2404Cmarijuana possession; paraphernalia; classification; sentencing
HB2407Cstate-owned bank task force; appropriation
HB2408Cend-of-life decisions; terminally ill patients
HB2410Ccampaign finance; contribution limits
HB2411Cclean elections; county candidates
HB2412Cmedical marijuana; identification cards; expiration
HB2413Cappropriation; drug research and development
HB2414Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2415Chealth care providers; religious beliefs
HB2416Ctaxation; repeal; selected exemptions
HB2417Cappropriations; community colleges; Pima; Maricopa
HB2426Cstate employees; paid family leave
HB2427Cpostsecondary education; residents; financial aid
HB2435Cmedical marijuana; patient cards; fee
HB2436Cchild care assistance; appropriation
HB2455Cstate aviation fund; purpose
HB2456Cappropriation; state aviation fund
HB2511Cstudent loan ombudsman; loan servicers
HB2527Cemergency personnel; rest periods; violence
HB2528Cmisclassification; tax fraud; task force
HB2529Cdiaper changing stations; public restrooms
HB2530Ccall center relocation; notice; penalty.
HB2531Chands-free wireless communication devices; driving
HB2532Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2537Cmedical marijuana act; modifications
HB2554Ccannabis; definition
HB2555Ccivil penalty; marijuana
HB2558Cstatewide ADA coordinator; appropriation
HB2562Cschool counselors; grants.
HB2570Cstudy committee; murdered indigenous women.
HB2571Cdetained juveniles; advisements; notifications
HB2575Cfirearms dealers; firearm transfers; requirements
HB2577Cstate law; local violation; repeal.
HB2578Cschools; sex education
HB2583Cinternal revenue code; conformity
HB2607CTANF; lifetime limit; sanctions
HB2610Cappropriation; US route 191
HB2611Cappropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement
HB2612Cappropriations; tribal senior citizens programs
HB2624CDCS; investigation; schools; children; disabilities
HB2625Cappropriation; military; discharge; tribal ceremonies
HB2626Cappropriation; laboratory; Navajo technical university
HB2627CDWR; tribal consultation
HB2628Cstate agencies; tribal consultation
HB2629Celection law revisions
HB2630Cfreshwater ecosystems; ecological water; survey.
HB2642Ccharter schools; lunches; national acts
HB2644Ckinship foster care; provisional license
HB2645Cappropriations; early childhood; block grants
HB2646Cdepartment of agriculture; application review
(NOW: commerce authority; application review)
HB2648Cappropriation; school support personnel; salaries
HB2649Cschool funding; inflation adjustments
HB2651Ccharter school governance; meetings; records
HB2652Cteacher evaluations; academic progress measures
HB2656Cabortion; reason; report; repeal
HB2664Cballoon requirements; release prohibition
HB2665Chealth care institutions; education; abuse
HB2666Cmandatory reporting; vulnerable adults; penalties
HB2689Cschools; qualifying tax rate levy
HB2690Ccharter schools; closure; property transfer
HB2691Cappropriation; rollover; additional assistance
HB2696Cfetal resuscitation; repeal
HB2709CCTEDs; nonprofits; private postsecondary institutions
HB2714Pappropriations; universities; resident tuition.
HB2715Pfeminine hygiene products; public buildings
HB2716Pabortion; criminal acts; repeal
HB2717PDOC; hygiene products; requirements; appropriation
HB2743Cschools; suspensions and expulsions
HB2744Cschools; poverty foster neglect weight
HB2745Cauditor general; audit; prison spending
HCM2006Cpostal service; urging independence
HCR2015Cconduct of elections; voters' rights
HCR2021Pright to vote
HCR2027Csupporting refugees.
HCR2028CERA deadline; elimination; urging Congress
HCR2030Cratification of equal rights amendment. . .
HCR2032Cholocaust education; support; schools
HCR2035POfficer Clayton Townsend; death resolution
HCR2036Ctax expenditures; rates; supermajority vote
HCR2037Ccampaign finance; disclosure; source
HCR2038Cincome tax; education
SB1099Cpatriotic youth groups; school access
SB1119Cindoor tanning; restricted use
SB1120Cabortion; parental consent; counseling exception
SB1121Cabortion; parental consent; exception
SB1122Ctelemedicine; abortion; prohibition repeal
SB1123Cnursing board; rules; abortion
SB1124Chealth care providers; pregnancy; ultrasounds
SB1126Ctoll roads; conversion; prohibition
SB1127Cdiaper changing stations; public restrooms.
SB1128Cschools; compulsory attendance age; increase
SB1129Cpostsecondary institutions; sexual consent policies
SB1130Cemployees; school conferences; leave
SB1133Cemployment practices; consumer reports; limitation
SB1192Cdeath penalty; serious mental illness
SB1193Ccare choices; terminally ill patients
SB1195Cpublic facilities; environmental policies
SB1196Cenergy measuring; containers; prohibition; repeal
SB1197Cprohibition; hydraulic fracturing
SB1198Cwater infrastructure finance authority; appropriation
SB1199Cpresidential candidates; electors; tax returns
SB1200Celections; polling places; standards
SB1201Cschools; immunization rate; website posting
SB1204Caffordable housing; tax assessment
SB1205Cschool meals; water
SB1206Cmilitary and surveillance equipment; approval
SB1207Cjustification; deadly physical force; exceptions
SB1208Ccall center relocation; notice; penalty
SB1209Cdeath penalty; repeal
SB1210Ctemporary services employer; employees; rights
SB1262Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
SB1263Cimmigrant; alien; terminology
SB1280Cproducts; furniture; paint; prohibited chemicals
SB1281Cpredator control devices; prohibited chemicals
SB1283CADE; digital and media instruction
SB1284Cmarijuana; civil penalty
SB1322Cinterstate compact; company tax subsidies
SB1323Cjuvenile court; jurisdiction
SB1324Crepeal; right to work
SB1325Cschools; counselors on campus; appropriation
SB1326Cfamily leave.
SB1327Cemployment; employee work scheduling.
SB1358Cprisoners; visitation; healthcare; ombudsman
SB1359Cerroneous conviction; damages; tuition assistance
SB1360Cadult incarceration contractors; public records
SB1361Cinmate telephone system service contracts
SB1386Cchild care waiting list; appropriation.
SB1446Coffice of new Americans
SB1447Csingle use plastics; request; charge
SB1461Cindependent activities; neglect; prohibition
SB1462CADOT; special plate database; report
SB1463Crepeal; God we trust plates
SB1493Coversight committee; residential care; children
SB1542Celectricity; gas; disconnection prohibited
SB1543Ccorporate income tax; minimum
SB1544Cwater conservation; landscaping; rent; notice
SCM1003CGrand Canyon; uranium mining; opposing
SCM1004Cclimate change
SCR1009Cratification of equal rights amendment..
SCR1010CChicanx history week
SCR1012Cright to work; repeal
SCR1022Ccannabis; regulation; taxation
SCR1027CStan Furman; death resolution
SM1001CGlass-Steagall act; urging Congress
SR1002Cscientific community; recognition