
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: South Phoenix
Occupation: Senior Government Affairs Advisor, Florence Copper
Member Since: 1995-2000, 2005-2011, 2015-present

Rebecca Rios currently works as the Senior Government Affairs Advisor for Florence Copper, and serves as President of the Florence Copper Community Foundation. A fourth generation Arizona native, Rebecca earned her Bachelor and Master Degrees from Arizona State University, School of Social Work. She has 25 years of extensive work in the Behavioral Health and Non-profit fields in Arizona.

Rebecca represented a rural Pinal County District in the Arizona House of Representatives from 1995-2000, and in the Arizona State Senate from 2005 - 2010. She held the leadership positions of Senate Democratic Whip and Senate Assistant Democratic Leader.

Starting in 2014 Rebecca was elected to represent District 27, an urban district covering Guadalupe, Laveen, South Phoenix and a portion of Central Phoenix. Rebecca currently serves as the House Democratic Leader. She sits on the Rules Committee.

Rebecca is the daughter of Pete Rios, former Arizona State Senate President. Rebecca and Pete Rios are the only father - daughter team to serve together in the Arizona State Legislature.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2071Cworkforce training; unemployed workers
HB2082Cschools; daily recess time
HB2083Cschools; overrides; ballot language
HB2099CADOT licenses; authorized presence repeal
HB2142Cfoster parents; training
HB2147Cexperienced teacher retention pilot program
HB2148Cpublic safety; violence prevention; committee
HB2149Cmental health; injunction; firearm possession
HB2150Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2223Cchild care waiting list; appropriation
HB2227Clegislators; mileage rate
HB2263Ceducation excise tax rates
HB2265Cclean power; state plan; standards
HB2266Ccash assistance; lifetime limit
HB2277Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2278Cmotor vehicle title loans; prohibition
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2327Crepeal; right to work.
HB2328Ccorporate income tax rate; freeze
HB2347Cemployment omnibus
HB2364Pemployment; housing; public accommodations; antidiscrimination.
HB2383Pstate finance review; task force.
HB2391Cappropriation; JTEDs; 9th grade
HB2401Chealth care providers; religious beliefs
HB2414Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2420Cdiaper changing stations; public restrooms
HB2424Cmitigation monies; school bus fleets
HB2425Cappropriation; highway user revenue fund
HB2426Ccommunity health workers; voluntary certification.
HB2427Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
HB2428Cprisoners; earned release credits
HB2429Cabortion; admitting privileges; repeal
HB2441Caggregate STO credit cap; freeze
HB2442CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2455Cappropriation; untested sexual assault kits
HB2456Cpresidential candidates, electors; tax returns.
HB2474Cveterans; mental health courts; establishment
HB2478CTPT; Indian tribes; motor vehicles
HB2479CAHCCCS; waivers; tribal exemptions
HB2487Clottery distributions; teacher salary increases
HB2502Cjoint select commission on corrections.
HB2503Ccriminal justice commission; membership; report.
HB2505Cappropriation; adult protective services
HB2519Pappropriation; child care subsidy program
HCM2004Curging Congress; affordable care act
HCR2008Ceducation finance; excise tax rates
HCR2009Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2012Cratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2015Cright to work; repeal.
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HCR2024CLatina-owned businesses; support
HR2003CArizona aerospace day
SB1337Cindustrial hemp; licensing
SCR1004Cdeath resolution; Gus Arzberger
SCR1005Cdeath resolution; George Lemen
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1025CLatina-owned businesses; support.