
House Member

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Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2070Ccommunity restitution work program credits
HB2071CADE; operations
HB2074Pexpedited foster home approval
(NOW: licensing; foster homes)
HB2075Cschool boards; vacancies; board appointment
HB2076P*separating service members; licensure
(NOW: military applicants; license requirements)
HB2136Pfirefighter and EMT memorial
HB2170Pstopped school buses; lights
HB2200P*county fire department; authorization
HB2204Plaw enforcement; surviving spouse; insurance
HB2217Pextraordinary educators special plates
HB2234Cfirearm; definition
HB2328Pcompact; convention; balanced budget
HB2348Cfoster home licensure; immunizations.
HB2352CAHCCCS; expansion; prohibition
HB2356Cinsurance; prohibited inducements
HB2357Cinsurance; fees; exception
HB2388Plaw enforcement; protective armor; costs
HB2389Ppeace officers; omnibus
HB2391Pincome tax exemption; veterans' pensions
HB2400Cprior authorization; prescription drugs
(NOW: study committee; prior authorization)
HB2409Cdental hygienists; examinations
HB2420P*G.I. bill tuition gap program
HB2421P*identifying information; peace officers; spouses
HB2426Cmobile dentistry
HB2427Cschools; unification; consolidation; initial meetings
HB2438Ppaycheck deductions; public employers
HB2439Pincome tax brackets; inflation index
HB2454Cinternet providers; personal information
HB2455Cunclaimed property; firearms; disposition
HB2456Prevenue allocation districts
HB2461Cfireworks; NFPA; 2013 code; adoption
HB2467Pconstitutional oath; high school graduation
HB2470Pveterans; job opportunities; award
HB2471CCDL holders; defensive driving school
HB2474Cplanned communities; zoning; limitations; districts
HB2475Celections; polling places; foreign observers
HB2476Cschools; isolation rooms; restrictions
HB2477Cphoto radar on state highways
HB2479Ppersonal property depreciation
HB2481Cpermissible consumer fireworks; penalty
HB2484Pveterans; hiring preference; tax credit
HB2487Chousing development area; declaration; repeal
HB2500Cschools; teacher evaluations; dismissals
HB2556P*irrigation districts; qualified electors; definitions
HB2557Cschools; CPR instruction.
HB2569Pchild prostitution; sentencing
HB2572Pfire districts; financial standards
(NOW: financial standards; fire districts)
HB2573Cprohibited governmental compliance; 2012 NDAA
HB2574Cdrone surveillance; prohibition; exceptions
HB2578Clicensing; accountability; penalties; exceeding regulation
HB2600Cjudicial nominees; minimum requirements; records
HB2608CEORP; closure; defined contribution
HB2612Pauto title loans; military members
HB2617Cschool tuition organizations; preapproval; entities
HB2621Cfund; state parks; roads; fee
HB2654Cfull-time students; hunting licenses
HCM2001CPFC Sylvestre Herrera; military service
HCM2003Ccopper mining; support
HCM2008CPFC Servin; medal of honor
HCR2034CArizona territory; 150th anniversary
HCR2035Precognizing Arizona caregivers
HCR2036PBoy Scouts of America
SB1098Cmarijuana; cultivation; county zoning
SB1112PArizona firearms; prohibited enforcement...
SB1113Chospitals; admission of pediatric patients
SB1114Pschools; daily organized physical activity
SB1282Pcountywide fire districts
(NOW: countywide fire districts; study committee)
SB1340Pmunicipal fire districts
SB1353Phealth insurance; telemedicine
SB1390Pconvicted felons; attempted weapon possession
SB1439Clegal tender
SB1463Pcounties; flood control districts; rules
SCR1020PSheriff Larry Dever; death resolution
SCR1021Pdeath resolution; Bill Konopnicki