
House Member

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Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2047P*pupil assessments; AIMS transition
HB2053P*education; meetings; technical correction
HB2054P*technical correction; private schools
(NOW: preschool programs; charter schools)
HB2055P*exchange teachers; technical correction
HB2060P*school district governing boards; censure
HB2061P*technical correction; deaf; blind schools
HB2062P*technical correction; schools; transportation
HB2063P*technical correction; vocational; technical education
HB2064Ctraining permits; military health professionals
HB2136Pfirefighter and EMT memorial
HB2144Cchild protective services
HB2200Ccounty fire department; authorization
HB2204Claw enforcement; surviving spouse; insurance
HB2217Cextraordinary educators special plates
HB2425P*ELL task force replacement
HB2426P*mobile dentistry
HB2427P*schools; unification; consolidation; initial meetings
HB2435C200-day school calendar; funding
HB2438Cpaycheck deductions; public employers
HB2439Cincome tax brackets; inflation index
HB2484Cveterans; hiring preference; tax credit
HB2485Chealth and safety audit privilege
HB2488C200-day school calendar; funding.
HB2494Ccharter schools; enrollment preference
HB2499P*JTEDs; per pupil funding calculation
(NOW: per pupil funding calculation; JTEDs)
HB2500P*schools; teacher evaluations; dismissals
HB2530Cempowerment scholarship accounts; tests; surveys
HB2533Clocal governments; public notices; website
HB2563Cteacher preparation programs; common core
HB2578Clicensing; accountability; penalties; exceeding regulation
HB2581P*overrides; RCL; kindergarten pupils
HB2588Cinterstate compact; health care
HB2595Cdigital learning; course choice
HB2611Cschool district superintendent contracts; renegotiation
HB2628Cprosecutor presence; interview of minor
HB2629Ctampering with a witness
HCM2003Ccopper mining; support
HCR2034CArizona territory; 150th anniversary
HCR2035Crecognizing Arizona caregivers
HCR2036CBoy Scouts of America
SB1098Cmarijuana; cultivation; county zoning
SB1242Cmultimedia production; tax incentives
SB1293Cschools; pilot; outcome-based funding
SB1295Cschools; current-year funding
SB1327Ctask force; gas tax replacement
SB1340Cmunicipal fire districts
SB1341Cvulnerable adults; financial exploitation
SB1343Cgirls' youth organization special plates
SB1352Cschool leases; nonprofit corporations
SB1421Cschool personnel; emergency epinephrine administration
SB1444Cschools; performance funding
SB1447CADE; school finance revisions
SB1451Calternative teacher development program; appropriation
SB1452Cclass action lawsuits
SCR1021Pdeath resolution; Bill Konopnicki