
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Southwest Director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Member Since: 2009
Daniel Patterson is a progressive, independent and fiscally responsible Democratic Representative.

Daniel is a family man from south downtown Tucson, where his family generates solar power and grows food. He’s worked with many Arizona legislators, Governor Janet Napolitano, US Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords, and Republicans, Independents and Greens.

As a former Tucson Planning Commissioner, Center for Progressive Leadership Arizona Political Leaders Fellow, Board Member of the Pima County Board of Adjustment, and Santa Rita Park Neighborhood President, Daniel Patterson has demonstrated government and community leadership.

Mr. Patterson is an Ecologist with strong environmental, water and energy knowledge and planning skills to help quality of life in Tucson’s scenic, fragile and growing south and southeast areas of district 29, and across Arizona.

His priorities include improving the economy, education, health care, jobs, public safety, human & civil rights, water, transportation, energy and the environment.  Patterson's district 29 includes all of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.

Daniel Patterson is the Southwest Director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a national conservation service organization. He formerly worked with the US Department of the Interior-Bureau of Land Management, and later directed a major desert wildlife and natural resources program.  He also has business experience, having helped his family run a successful automotive company, and he ran his own consulting business.  

Daniel is a graduate of Michigan State University’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2101Pprotest activity; prohibition
HB2122P*energy policy study committee
HB2123P*foreclosed properties: maintenance; abatement
HB2124P*foreclosures; limitation; affidavit
HB2125P*Arizona wildlife conservation service
HB2126P*rest area maintenance; ADOT agreements
HB2127P*property damage by livestock
HB2128P*insurance; mental health coverage; parity
HB2129P*large employers; AHCCCS; reimbursement
HB2130P*bicycles; yield at stop signs.
HB2131P*regional transportation authority; voting
HB2259Pbudget units; directors; compensation; reduction
HB2261Pprivate property trespass towers
HB2262Pclean elections; assets; other purchases
HB2295Pnet-metering; renewable energy sources
HB2299Pprivate prisons; regulation.
HB2300Pprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2374Psentencing; minimum and maximum terms
HB2376Pdepartment of juvenile corrections; continuation
HB2377Ccapital postconviction public defender; continuation
HB2378Plife sentence; parole eligibility
HB2380Pprisoners; medical parole
HB2381Pauto title loans; military members
HB2382Pombudsman-citizen aide; military veterans
HB2383Pmortgage loan servicers; duties; obligations
HB2399P*sick and safe time
HB2400P*labor; rest periods; meal breaks
HB2401P*employee organizational rights; DPS; corrections
HB2410Phonorably discharged veterans; in-state tuition
HB2425Plarge electronics recycling program
HB2510Cpalliative care; patient information.
(NOW: synthetic; definition of dangerous drugs)
HB2514Pstate employee health insurance; incentives
HB2518Ceducation authority districts
HB2527Pwell ownership; sale; registration
HB2528Pschools; ELL models; exemption
HB2545Phomeowners' associations; rental restrictions
HB2559Preporting violent behavior; government entities
HB2564Psales tax; pipes and valves
HB2566Cnative American tribes; revenue sharing
HB2567Cstate transportation board; tribal representation
HB2568Cshared revenue; Navajo technical college
HB2569Cprioritize repairs; state highways
HB2579Pconsumer reporting agencies; information sales
HB2586Cmilitary members; consumer reporting agencies
HB2588Pname change records; stalking victims
HB2589Plegislative hearings; private prison escape
HB2594P*family leave insurance
HB2595P*multifamily dwellings; recycling.
HB2596Ppersonal property tax exemption
HB2597Pcorporate income tax; repeal credits
HB2598P*medical marijuana; limit taxation
HB2604PAHCCCS; services; restoration.
HB2605Paccounting tax credit; repeal.
HB2606PAHCCCS; nonexperimental transplants; funding
HB2607Ptransplant services; AHCCCS.
HB2626Ptrustee's sale; postponement; notice
HB2628P*public employees; disclosure protection
HB2629P*civil actions; false claims actions
HB2630Pschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2639Pstate contracts; preference; Arizona businesses
HB2640Ceducation; basic skills lists
HB2653Pgraffiti implements; unlawful possession; minors
HB2654PSTO tax credits; repeal
HB2655Cgang; immigration intelligence; mission; funding
HB2674P*state false claims actions
HB2698Ptransplant funding; unclaimed lottery monies
HB2699Pexpanded public school tax credit
HB2708Phomeowner's rebate; primary residence
HCM2005Pdream act; military service; adoption
HCR2008P*statewide feed-in tariff policy
HCR2009P*supporting energy efficiency rules
HCR2025Cboard of executive clemency; commutation
HCR2035Ppersonal property tax; repeal
HM2001PF-35 program; support funding
HR2005PRoosevelt Dam; centennial
HR2007PWarrene Ware; service
SB1610Cstate firearm
SCR1061PMitch Menlove; death resolution
SR1013PLloyd Oliver; death resolution