
Arizona Revised Statutes

Chapter 1
Sec: 9-101-9-137
Article 1Incorporation, Disincorporation and Reincorporation
  • 9-101
  • Incorporation; definitions
  • 9-101.02
  • Alternate method of incorporation for certain areas; definition
  • 9-101.03
  • Alternate method of incorporation for an area containing a sanitary district and four road districts; definition
  • 9-103
  • Reincorporation of existing municipalities; effect of change
  • 9-104
  • County services for newly incorporated city or town
Article 2Consolidation of Towns
  • 9-121
  • Consolidation of towns
  • 9-122
  • Unification of a city and a town
Article 3Incorporation, Annexation and Operation of a City or Town in More Than One County
  • 9-131
  • Incorporation; definition
  • 9-135
  • Relations with county
  • 9-136
  • State or county collected taxes
Chapter 2
Sec: 9-201-9-285
Article 1Government in Cities and Towns Not Organized Under This Chapter
  • 9-201
  • Elective officers in cities and towns of less than six hundred voters; duties
  • 9-202
  • Appointive officers; compensation
  • 9-204
  • Officers in cities and towns of six hundred to eight hundred fifty voters; terms of office; elections; removal
Article 3Town Incorporated Under Common Council Government
  • 9-232
  • Council; qualifications of members; oath; selection of mayor; vacancy
  • 9-232.02
  • Permitting town councilmen to hold office for four-year staggered terms
  • 9-232.03
  • Alternative procedure for mayor to be directly elected by electors
  • 9-232.04
  • District system as alternative organization
  • 9-232.05
  • Town elected officials; term limits; applicability
  • 9-233
  • Council meetings; quorum; adjournment
  • 9-234
  • Power of council to regulate proceedings; records
  • 9-235
  • Vacancies in council
  • 9-237
  • Appointive officers
  • 9-238
  • Duties of appointive officers
  • 9-239
  • Council powers relating to appointive officers
  • 9-240
  • General powers of common council
  • 9-241
  • Purchase and sale of property
  • 9-243
  • Construction of streets and sidewalks; default of property owner; abatement of assessment; appeal; definitions
  • 9-246
  • Publication of financial statement
  • 9-247
  • Claims, warrants, substitute checks and vouchers
  • 9-248
  • Warrants, substitute checks and vouchers; payee; form
  • 9-249
  • Warrants, substitute checks and vouchers; presentment; payment; registry; definitions
  • 9-250
  • Violation of provisions relating to warrants; classification
  • 9-251
  • Survey and recording of town plats
  • 9-252
  • Acknowledgment and filing of maps
  • 9-253
  • Recording of maps and plats; preservation of originals
  • 9-255
  • Unlawful act of officer; liability of council
Article 4Change From Town to City Organization
  • 9-271
  • Procedure for change; city officers
  • 9-272
  • Classification of councilmen for purposes of election; terms of office
  • 9-272.01
  • Alternative procedure for mayor to be directly elected by electors
  • 9-273
  • District system as alternative organization
  • 9-274
  • Powers of council; salaries
  • 9-275
  • Applicability of certain provisions to specified cities
  • 9-276
  • Additional powers of cities
Article 5Adoption of Charter Government by City
  • 9-281
  • Adoption procedure; board of freeholders; election
  • 9-282
  • Proposed charter; publication; election; approval by governor
  • 9-283
  • Approval of charter; recording and filing; amendment
  • 9-284
  • Effect of charter on inconsistent laws
Chapter 3
Sec: 9-301-9-305
Article 1General Provisions
  • 9-303
  • City or town manager
  • 9-304
  • Compensation of alderman or councilman; failure to comply; classification
  • 9-305
  • City or town auditor; examination of executive session minutes; confidentiality
Chapter 4
Sec: 9-401-9-500.51
Article 1Purchase, Sale or Lease of Property
  • 9-401
  • Acquisition of land by city; extent and notice of city jurisdiction
  • 9-402
  • Sale and disposition of property; advertising for bids; publication; donation; easements
  • 9-403
  • Sale of real property; public hearing; resolution; posting of terms of sale; special election; sale at auction
  • 9-404
  • Payment of outstanding taxes, penalties and interest on acquiring property
  • 9-405
  • Sale, lease or exchange of surplus property to federal government
  • 9-406
  • Sale, lease or conveyance of land by city or town incorporated pursuant to congressional enabling legislation
  • 9-407
  • Exchange and sale of real property; notice of intent
  • 9-408
  • Home equity conversion program; authorization; use of proceeds
  • 9-409
  • Condemnation actions; interest
Article 2Public Library
  • 9-411
  • Tax levy for library purposes
  • 9-412
  • Receipt of gifts for library
  • 9-414
  • Trustees; terms; compensation
  • 9-415
  • Trustees; organization; appointment of librarian
  • 9-417
  • Audit and payment of claims
  • 9-418
  • Annual reports by trustees
  • 9-419
  • Regulation of library use; use of land for library
  • 9-420
  • Contracts between city or town and the Arizona state library; expenditure of public monies
Article 3Remote Municipal Property as Water Source
  • 9-431
  • Finding of statewide concern; preemption of city charter
  • 9-432
  • Remote municipal property as water source; payments in lieu of property taxes required to transport water
  • 9-433
  • Voluntary contributions; payment; interest on delinquent payments
Article 4Housing Development
  • 9-441.01
  • Public purpose; declaration of housing development area by local governing body
  • 9-441.05
  • Construction of bond provisions
  • 9-441.06
  • Certification of bonds by attorney general
  • 9-441.07
  • Use of municipal revenue powers to provide monies for project
Article 5Cemeteries
  • 9-451
  • Procedure for vacating cemeteries
  • 9-452
  • Conveyance of title to vacated cemetery
  • 9-453
  • Cemetery maintenance fund
Article 6Municipal Planning
  • 9-461.01
  • Planning agency; powers and duties
  • 9-461.02
  • Planning commission; creation; limitations
  • 9-461.05
  • General plans; authority; scope
  • 9-461.06
  • Adoption and amendment of general plan; expiration and readoption
  • 9-461.08
  • Authority, scope of specific plans
  • 9-461.09
  • Procedure for adoption of specific plans and regulations
  • 9-461.10
  • Administration of specific plans and regulations
  • 9-461.11
  • Extraterritorial jurisdiction; development plans
  • 9-461.12
  • Joint action; cooperation with state agencies; land and facilities use
  • 9-461.13
  • Prohibited urban growth management requirements
  • 9-461.14
  • Public works project planning; utility input; definitions
  • 9-461.15
  • Requirement of planned community prohibited
  • 9-461.16
  • Residential housing; requirements; fees; prohibition
  • 9-461.17
  • Telecommunications utility relocation; cost reimbursement; definitions
  • 9-461.18
  • Accessory dwelling units; regulation; applicability; definitions
Article 6.1Municipal Zoning
  • 9-462
  • Definitions; general provisions concerning evidence
  • 9-462.01
  • Zoning regulations; public hearing; definitions
  • 9-462.02
  • Nonconformance to regulations; outdoor advertising change; enforcement
  • 9-462.04
  • Public hearing required; definition
  • 9-462.09
  • Assisted living homes; distance requirements; administrative procedure; notice; definition
  • 9-462.10
  • Commercial buildings; multifamily residential development; adaptive reuse; prohibition on rezoning or municipal review; objective standards; applicability; definitions
  • 9-462.11
  • Residential zoning; amendment; applications; deadline; extensions; applicability
  • 9-462.12
  • Backyard fowl regulation; prohibition; exceptions; state preemption; definition
  • 9-462.13
  • Zoning; development; middle housing; applicability; definitions
Article 6.2Municipal Subdivision Regulations
  • 9-463.02
  • Subdivision defined; applicability
  • 9-463.05
  • Development fees; imposition by cities and towns; infrastructure improvements plan; annual report; advisory committee; limitation on actions; definitions
  • 9-463.06
  • Standards for enactment of moratorium; land development; limitations; definitions
Article 6.3Open Space Conservation
Article 6.4Building Permits
  • 9-467
  • Building permits; issuance; distribution of copies; state preemption; utilities; subsequent owner; limitation; definitions
  • 9-468
  • Solar construction permits; standards; definition
  • 9-469
  • Municipal housing needs assessment; annual report; applicability
  • 9-470
  • Building permits; hoophouses; polyhouses; exemption; existing zoning regulations; compliance; administrative review; definitions
Article 7Extension of Corporate Limits; Platting Adjacent Subdivisions
  • 9-471
  • Annexation of territory; procedures; notice; petitions; access to information; pre-annexation agreements; restrictions
  • 9-471.01
  • Dates of signatures on petition; time limitation for validity of signatures
  • 9-471.02
  • Deannexation of land from one municipality and annexation to another municipality; deannexation of right-of-way from a municipality to a county
  • 9-471.03
  • Return of certain land to county; procedures
  • 9-471.04
  • Annexation of territory partially or completely surrounded by city or town; definition
  • 9-472
  • Annexed territory as part of adjoining district
  • 9-473
  • Redistricting; representation
  • 9-474
  • Subdivision plats; projection of street and alley lines; approval; survey
  • 9-475
  • Filing of map; hearing; approval; recording
  • 9-477
  • Subdivision name; limitation; title to streets
  • 9-478
  • Acceptance of plat by recorder
  • 9-479
  • Conveyance by reference to plat; restriction; violation; classification
Article 7.1Audit Provisions
  • 9-481
  • Audits of cities and towns; posting; budget; accepting audit results
Article 7.2Mobile Food Vendors and Mobile Food Units
  • 9-485.01
  • Mobile food vendors; mobile food units; operation
  • 9-485.02
  • Insurance requirement prohibited
Article 8Miscellaneous
  • 9-491
  • Unpaid license taxes; recovery
  • 9-491.01
  • Additional business license; real estate broker or salesperson; prohibition
  • 9-491.02
  • Business license; out-of-state businesses; prohibition
  • 9-492
  • Investment of sinking funds and surplus or idle funds of municipality
  • 9-493
  • Appropriation for advertising
  • 9-494
  • Parks; tax for parks within reclamation projects
  • 9-495
  • Employees providing assistance; identification; communication; notice
  • 9-496
  • Expenditures in federal areas
  • 9-497
  • Authority to procure liability insurance covering officers, agents and employees
  • 9-498
  • Authority for county to furnish services to city or town
  • 9-499
  • Removal of rubbish, trash, weeds, filth, debris and dilapidated buildings; removal by city; costs assessed; collection; priority of assessment; responsibility of payment; definitions
  • 9-499.01
  • Powers of charter and general law cities
  • 9-499.03
  • Participation in medical clinics
  • 9-499.04
  • Animal control officers; appointment; authority; regulation of dogs; powers and duties
  • 9-499.05
  • Authority to set rates for private towing carrier; notice of parking violations; violation; classification; definition
  • 9-499.06
  • Fire insurance premium tax revenues; cities and towns and fire districts utilizing private fire companies
  • 9-499.07
  • Prisoner work, community restitution work and home detention program; eligibility; monitoring; procedures; continuous alcohol monitoring program; home detention for persons sentenced for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • 9-499.08
  • Ability to build, finance and operate toll roads
  • 9-499.09
  • Indigent defendants; appointment of counsel; fee
  • 9-499.11
  • Lighting standards for municipal buildings; life cycle costing; evaluation standards; shielding
  • 9-499.12
  • Municipal social workers; exemption
  • 9-499.13
  • Sign walkers; regulation; exception; definition
  • 9-499.14
  • Renewable energy incentive districts; definition
  • 9-499.15
  • Proposed new or increased municipal taxes and fees; notification; exceptions
  • 9-499.16
  • Energy and water savings accounts
  • 9-499.17
  • Prohibition on municipal taxes and fees
  • 9-499.18
  • Transportation safety zones; passenger convenience areas; definitions
  • 9-500
  • Authority for providing for tax deferred annuity and deferred compensation plans for employees
  • 9-500.01
  • Arson investigators; duties; powers; limitation
  • 9-500.02
  • Emergency medical aid; assistance to other public bodies; limitation on liability
  • 9-500.03
  • Maintenance and protection of parks; park rangers
  • 9-500.04
  • Air quality control; definitions
  • 9-500.05
  • Development agreements; public safety; definitions
  • 9-500.06
  • Hospitality industry; discrimination prohibited; use of tax proceeds; exemption; definitions
  • 9-500.08
  • Enforcement of water conservation plumbing requirements
  • 9-500.10
  • Escort and escort agency advertising requirements; civil penalty; definitions
  • 9-500.11
  • Expenditures for economic development; definitions
  • 9-500.12
  • Appeals of municipal actions; dedication or exaction; excessive reduction in property value; burden of proof; attorney fees
  • 9-500.13
  • Compliance with court decisions
  • 9-500.14
  • Use of city or town resources or employees to influence elections; prohibition; civil penalty; definitions
  • 9-500.15
  • Referral of public transportation questions to voters
  • 9-500.16
  • Clean burning fireplace ordinance
  • 9-500.17
  • Acceleration agreements; loan repayment agreements
  • 9-500.18
  • School district construction fees; prohibition
  • 9-500.20
  • Outside emergency services; costs
  • 9-500.21
  • Civil enforcement of municipal ordinances
  • 9-500.23
  • Authority to provide fire protection and emergency services outside corporate limits
  • 9-500.24
  • Federal patent easements; city and town abandonment
  • 9-500.25
  • Work centers; aliens; prohibition
  • 9-500.26
  • Authority to regulate the entry of minors into Mexico; exemption from liability
  • 9-500.27
  • Off-road vehicle ordinance; applicability; violation; classification
  • 9-500.28
  • Disclosure of filings; military electronics range; definition
  • 9-500.29
  • Federal and state regulations; local coordination; standing; definitions
  • 9-500.30
  • Federal monies; prohibition; union labor preference
  • 9-500.31
  • Prohibition on adopting landlord tenant bedbug control requirements
  • 9-500.32
  • License fees for dogs; prohibition; violation; classification
  • 9-500.33
  • County island sewer connection; prohibition; state preemption
  • 9-500.34
  • Prohibition on retail business security requirements; state preemption
  • 9-500.35
  • Garbage collection services; payment responsibility
  • 9-500.36
  • Prohibition on requirement of energy measuring and reporting; state preemption
  • 9-500.37
  • Improvements to private property not in corporate boundaries; prohibition
  • 9-500.38
  • Prohibition on regulation of auxiliary containers; state preemption; definition
  • 9-500.39
  • Limits on regulation of vacation rentals and short-term rentals; state preemption; civil penalties; transaction privilege tax license suspension; definitions
  • 9-500.40
  • Water service outside city or town; requirements; standpipe district
  • 9-500.41
  • 911 telephone calls; medical assistance requests; Good Samaritans
  • 9-500.42
  • Prohibition on regulation of running node on blockchain technology; state preemption; definition
  • 9-500.43
  • Prohibition on mandated provision of health insurance; state preemption
  • 9-500.44
  • Communications; accessibility; emergency response interpreters
  • 9-500.45
  • Drug disposal programs; business assessments prohibited; restrictions; state preemption; definition
  • 9-500.46
  • Parking; public service and public safety emergency vehicles; definitions
  • 9-500.47
  • Firefighter; peace officer; residency requirement; prohibition; exemption; definitions
  • 9-500.48
  • Deceased cats and dogs; owner notification
  • 9-500.49
  • Administrative review and approval; self-certification program; expedited approval; definition
  • 9-500.50
  • Disclosure of filing; military installation or range or Arizona national guard site; definitions
  • 9-500.51
  • Youth businesses; license; permit; exemption
Chapter 5
Sec: 9-501-9-600
Article 1Franchise by Municipality
  • 9-502
  • Petition for franchise; publication; estimate; election; term; expenditures
Article 1.1Cable Television Systems
  • 9-506
  • Authority to issue license; limitations; permits for Wi-Fi radio equipment; definitions
  • 9-507
  • Application for license; hearing; terms; conditions
  • 9-508
  • License required before construction; provisions existing systems
  • 9-509
  • Municipal ownership
  • 9-510
  • Control of programming
Article 2Municipal Ownership
  • 9-511
  • Power to engage in business of public nature; outside water rates; right of eminent domain
  • 9-511.01
  • Water and wastewater business; rates; procedures; responsibility for payments
  • 9-511.02
  • Utility user fees; lien enforcement; procedures; payment responsibility; definition
  • 9-511.03
  • Outside waste or garbage collection, landfill services or recycling collection or processing services; requirements; exceptions
  • 9-512
  • Issuance of bonds; service rates
  • 9-513
  • Lease of privately owned utility
  • 9-514
  • Authority to engage in utility business
  • 9-515
  • Purchase of existing utility plant and property; valuation; appeal
  • 9-516
  • Declaration of public policy; eminent domain
  • 9-517
  • Exception to purchase requirement
  • 9-518
  • Compensation for taking public utility; procedure for determining
  • 9-519
  • Common carriers; duplication of service prohibited
Article 3Municipal Bonds for Financing Utilities
  • 9-522
  • Power to issue bonds
  • 9-524
  • Election order and call; publication; posting
  • 9-525
  • Registration of voters
  • 9-528
  • Application of election laws
  • 9-529
  • Form of bonds; payment and call; interest; sale; bids; interim receipts; rates and procedures; definition
  • 9-530
  • Service charges; taxation and budgeting; computation
  • 9-531
  • Provisions of resolution for bond issue; covenants
  • 9-532
  • Utility receipts and bond proceeds; handling and disposition
  • 9-534
  • Certification of bonds by attorney general
  • 9-535
  • Prior lien of bonds
  • 9-535.01
  • Refunding bonds and revenue-producing undertaking; refunding utility purchase contracts; form; sale and investment of proceeds; limitation on amount issued
  • 9-537
  • Supplemental nature of article
  • 9-538
  • Validation of prior bonds
  • 9-539
  • General powers of municipality under article
  • 9-540
  • Validation of prior acts and proceedings; criterion for compliance
Article 4Industrial Gas Pipelines
  • 9-552
  • Authority to issue license
  • 9-553
  • Application for license; hearing; terms; conditions
  • 9-554
  • License required before construction
Article 6Financial Assistance from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona
  • 9-571
  • Wastewater treatment and drinking water treatment facilities and nonpoint source projects; financial assistance loan repayment agreements; definitions
Article 7Charges for Use of Public Highways by Telecommunications Providers
  • 9-582
  • Taxes and other charges; telecommunications facilities; limitations
  • 9-583
  • Issuance of license or franchise; use of public highways; limitations
  • 9-584
  • Microcell equipment in public highways; permits; fees; limitations; definitions
Article 8Use of Public Highways and Private Property by Wireless Providers
  • 9-592
  • Applicability; wireless provider; use of right-of-way; rates, fees and terms; right to access; damage and repair
  • 9-593
  • Applicability; collocation of small wireless facilities; permits; application; fee
  • 9-594
  • Structures subject to zoning; time frames; application; fees
  • 9-595
  • Access to authority utility poles; rates and fees; collocations for other commercial projects or uses
  • 9-596
  • Scope of local authority
  • 9-598
  • General requirements for use of the right-of-way
  • 9-600
  • Antenna use; private property; applicability
Chapter 6
Sec: 9-601-9-626
Article 1Arizona Convention Center Development Fund
  • 9-601
  • Arizona convention center development fund; purpose
Article 2Development
  • 9-621
  • Authority to receive and spend distributions
  • 9-622
  • Certification of completion of construction
  • 9-623
  • Certification of satisfaction of annual obligations
  • 9-624
  • Request for state lease purchase
  • 9-626
  • Construction progress reports; auditor general performance measures
Chapter 7
Sec: 9-801-9-843
Article 1Enactment of Code or Public Record by Reference
  • 9-802
  • Procedure for adoption by reference
  • 9-803
  • Limitation on enactment of penalty clauses
  • 9-804
  • Ratification of certain enactments by reference
  • 9-805
  • Building code moratorium on residential and commercial buildings
  • 9-806
  • Wildland-urban interface code
  • 9-807
  • Mandated fire sprinklers in certain residences prohibited; exception; permit application format
  • 9-808
  • Fire apparatus access road or approved route; fire watch requirements; enforcement; intent; state preemption; definitions
  • 9-809
  • Semipublic swimming pools; locking device; pool barrier gates; exception
  • 9-810
  • State preemption; utilities; restrictions; prohibition; limitation; definition
Article 2Publication of Proceedings and Ordinances
  • 9-811
  • Publication of record of proceedings of governing body
  • 9-812
  • Publication of notices and ordinances
  • 9-813
  • Posting of ordinances and notices
Article 3Elections and Voters
  • 9-821
  • Law governing municipal elections
  • 9-821.01
  • Declaration of statewide concern; nonpartisan city and town elections; districts; procedure
  • 9-822
  • Qualifications of voters
  • 9-823
  • Registration of voters; change of registration
  • 9-824
  • Registration for elections
  • 9-825
  • Election boards; appointment
  • 9-826
  • Publicity pamphlet format; state preemption; bond and tax measures
Article 4Municipal Regulations
  • 9-832
  • Regulatory bill of rights
  • 9-833
  • Inspections; applicability
  • 9-834
  • Prohibited acts by municipalities and employees; enforcement; notice
  • 9-835
  • Licensing time frames; compliance; consequence for failure to comply with time frame; exemptions; definitions
  • 9-836
  • License application process
  • 9-837
  • Directory of documents
  • 9-838
  • Complaints; governing body review
  • 9-839
  • Clarification of interpretation
  • 9-841
  • Limitation on regulatory actions; health, safety and welfare; goods and services; definitions
  • 9-842
  • Regulation of occupation, trade or profession; notice; hearing; exemptions; definition
  • 9-843
  • Licensing; permitting; free speech or assembly; land use; density; time frames; criteria; clarity
Chapter 8
Sec: 9-901-9-991
Article 1Minimum Wages
  • 9-903
  • Coverage of article
  • 9-904
  • Violations; classification
Article 2Police Pensions
  • 9-912
  • Police pension fund
  • 9-913
  • Administration of fund; police pension board; membership
  • 9-914
  • Election of departmental members of board
  • 9-915
  • Terms of departmental members
  • 9-916
  • Vacancies in departmental membership
  • 9-918
  • Compensation of pension board members; liability on bonds
  • 9-919
  • Organizational meeting
  • 9-920
  • Meetings of pension board
  • 9-921
  • Powers and duties of the board; audit
  • 9-922
  • Annual report of board
  • 9-923
  • Contents of fund; choice of method of payment by municipality
  • 9-924
  • Payment of pensions
  • 9-925
  • Computation of pension upon voluntary retirement or upon mandatory retirement; limitation
  • 9-926
  • Computation of pension upon permanent or temporary retirement for injury or disease
  • 9-927
  • Benefits to dependents upon death of member
  • 9-928
  • Effect of service as public officer upon pension
  • 9-929
  • Fund requirements precedent to payment of pensions
  • 9-931
  • Exemption of pensions from process; prohibition on assignments; exception
  • 9-932
  • Physical examination of active or temporarily retired member
  • 9-933
  • Effect of military service
  • 9-934
  • Inapplicability of article
Article 3Fire Fighters' Relief and Pension Fund
  • 9-951
  • Disposition of fire insurance premium tax proceeds; composition of fund
  • 9-952
  • Disposition of fire insurance premium tax
  • 9-953
  • Fire districts or departments; certification by the office of the state fire marshal
  • 9-954
  • Board of trustees of fund; membership
  • 9-955
  • Officers of board; meetings; procedure for disbursements
  • 9-956
  • Annual audit; report of secretary; sanction
  • 9-957
  • Powers and duties of board; investments; review of decisions
  • 9-958
  • Election to transfer excess assets from fire fighters' relief and pension fund; public safety personnel retirement system; alternate pension and benefit plan; unfunded liability
  • 9-963
  • Grant of temporary relief by board; procedures for immediate pension relief
  • 9-965
  • Termination of benefits
  • 9-967
  • Pension for volunteer fire fighter
  • 9-967.01
  • Paid fire fighters who are also volunteers; eligibility for pension benefits
  • 9-968
  • Exemption of pension from process; prohibition of assignments; exception
  • 9-969
  • Applicability of workers' compensation law
  • 9-970
  • Effect of military service
  • 9-971
  • Reinstatement after military service
  • 9-972
  • Inapplicability of article
  • 9-973
  • Disability insurance for volunteer fire fighters
Article 4Alternate Pension and Benefit Plan
  • 9-981
  • Authority to purchase alternative pension and benefit plan
Article 5Fire Fighters' Training
  • 9-991
  • Training requirement
Chapter 10
Sec: 9-1101-9-1141
Article 1General Provisions
  • 9-1101
  • Entry at federal land office of land for townsites
  • 9-1102
  • Trustee's bond; keeping of accounts and records
  • 9-1103
  • Survey and plat of townsite; approval; recording
  • 9-1104
  • Notice of entry of land as townsite; statement and filing of claims to land
  • 9-1105
  • Financial statement of trustee; disposition of funds
  • 9-1106
  • Index of claimants and property
  • 9-1107
  • Limitations on claims of land
  • 9-1108
  • Proof of nonconflicting claims; execution of deed
  • 9-1109
  • Referral to court of conflicting claims; trial; appeal
  • 9-1110
  • Payment of purchase price by claimants
  • 9-1112
  • Selection and conveyance of sites for public purposes
  • 9-1113
  • Execution of deed to cemetery association
  • 9-1115
  • Claims against trustee or municipality
  • 9-1116
  • Obtaining funds to pay expenses
  • 9-1117
  • Disposal of unclaimed lots
  • 9-1118
  • Accounting by trustee to successor
Article 2Sale of Lands Acquired Prior to Statehood
  • 9-1131
  • Disposal of unclaimed lots acquired prior to statehood
  • 9-1132
  • Procedure to establish right of preference
  • 9-1133
  • Disposition of proceeds from sale
Article 3Subdivision of Private Lands in Townsite
  • 9-1141
  • Procedure for subdivision of private lands into townsite
Chapter 11
Sec: 9-1201-9-1205
Article 1General Provisions
  • 9-1202
  • Protected development right; establishment; plan requirements; variance
  • 9-1203
  • Duration of a protected development right; termination
  • 9-1204
  • Subsequent changes prohibited; exceptions
  • 9-1205
  • Protected development right; exercise; agreements
Chapter 12
Sec: 9-1301-9-1305
Article 1General Provisions
  • 9-1302
  • Individual property inspections
  • 9-1303
  • Material affect on health and safety of occupants
  • 9-1304
  • Citywide residential rental property inspection program requirements; residential rental licensing or registration prohibition
  • 9-1305
  • Inspection fees; penalties
Chapter 13
Sec: 9-1401-9-1452
Article 1General Provisions
  • 9-1402
  • State preemption; uniform regulation and licensing
Article 2Local Licenses
  • 9-1411
  • Local governments; uniform video service license agreements; forms; provisions
  • 9-1412
  • Incumbent cable operator; election on local license; procedure to obtain uniform video service license and terminate local license
  • 9-1413
  • Incumbent cable operator; procedure to continue operating under local license
  • 9-1414
  • Uniform video service license; application; fees
  • 9-1415
  • Authority granted by uniform video service license; conditions and limitations prohibited; providing video service
  • 9-1416
  • Amendment of uniform video service license to add service area
  • 9-1418
  • Boundary change; license fees; exemption; notice
  • 9-1419
  • Transfer of uniform video service license
Article 3Duties of Video Service Providers
  • 9-1431
  • Video service; revocation for nonuse
  • 9-1432
  • Reports; confidentiality; definition
  • 9-1433
  • Nondiscriminatory manner; compliance with standards and federal law
Article 4Local Governments
  • 9-1441
  • Management of highways; local governments; permits or licenses
  • 9-1442
  • Fees and charges; emergency alert; damage; undergrounding; wireless facilities; definition
  • 9-1443
  • License fee; requirements, conditions and limitations; pass through to subscribers
  • 9-1444
  • Ownership of a video service network
  • 9-1445
  • Review and audit; bundling discounts; action to recover underpayment or overpayment
Article 5Enforcement
  • 9-1451
  • Enforcement; office of administrative hearings; fees; fund
  • 9-1452
  • Statute of limitations; costs and attorney fees; federal subscriber service requirements