
Senate Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Peoria
Occupation: State Senator and Community Advocate
Member Since: 2009
  • Happily married mother of three children
  • Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman
  • Advisory Council, Faith House Domestic Violence Shelter
  • Serves on the Joint Legislative Budget Committee
  • Serves on the Joint Committee on Capital Review
  • Advisory Member of the Arizona Peace Officers Memorial Board
  • Served as Ironwood High School Booster Club Member
  • Served as Desert Valley Elementary Site Council Member
  • Arrowhead Republican Women's Club Member
  • Served as fund-raising chairman for children's school for 3 years.
  • Arizona Federation of Taxpayers' Board Member 2005-2008
  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member with City of Glendale Fire Dept.
  • Served as Elected Officer of the State and County Republican Party
  • AZ Citizens Defense League member
  • Served on the 2025 City of Glendale Master Plan committee
  • Served as a hearing officer in the North Valley Justice Court
  • NRA member
  • Served as Legislative District 9 Republican Chairman
  • Served as voter registration chairman for the Maricopa County Republican Party
  • Served as 1st Vice President of the Arrowhead Republican Women Club
  • Served as Treasurer of the PUSD Community Committee

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort Title
HB2226Ccompact; balanced budget; convention
HB2385Cschools; accounting; budgeting; reporting
HCR2010Capplication; Article V convention
HCR2013Cconvention; balanced federal budget
SB1020Ccontractors; qualifying party experience; bonds
SB1061Cuniversities; tuition; rates; fees
SB1062Cproperty tax oversight commission; continuation
SB1063Ptechnical correction; payment method
(NOW: PSPRS; risk pool)
SB1064Ptechnical correction; tax correction
SB1065Ptechnical correction; public employees; expenses
SB1083CArizona lengthy trial fund; continuation
SB1084Celectronic records; retention; storage
SB1091Cnuclear emergency appropriations; assessments
SB1115PPSPRS; retirement benefit calculation
SB1128Phospital survey; exclusion; fetal death
SB1129Celectric nonprofit cooperatives; patronage capital
SB1152Pretail TPT; bad debt deduction
(NOW: tax authorization; consolidated election dates)
SB1174Pschools; desegregation expenses; special override
SB1175Preal estate transfer fees; definition
SB1177Pcommerce authority; concrete masonry education.
SB1178PASRS; nonparticipating employers; liability
SB1179Pappropriations; named claimants
SB1189Cstate budget; estimates; notice
SB1236Ppsychotropic drugs; foster children; report
(NOW: statewide petition circulators; registration; committees)
SB1258PDCS reports; ruled out classification
SB1279Cspecial sentencing provisions; unlawful presence
SB1281Cempowerment scholarship accounts; revisions
SB1321CDOI; report; surprise billing
SB1326Ptelecommunications; broadband; accelerated depreciation
SB1327PGold Star memorial
SB1344Cfirearms; state preemption; independent contractors
(NOW: firearms; state preemption; employees)
SB1367Cabortion; live delivery; report; definition
SB1372Clegislative review of rules
SB1379Pmisused transportation excise tax; repayment
SB1404Pcommunity facilities districts; amendments
SB1405Pschools; elections; ballot arguments; exclusion
SB1431Pempowerment scholarships; expansion; phase-in
SB1439Cend-of-life; discrimination; prohibition
SB1441Pinsurers; health providers; claims mediation
(NOW: insurers; health providers; claims arbitration)
SB1442Pcorrections officer retirement plan; modifications
(NOW: modifications; corrections officer retirement plan)
SB1522Cgeneral appropriations act; 2017-2018
SB1523Ccapital outlay; appropriations; 2017-2018
SB1524Cbudget procedures; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1525Ccriminal justice; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1526Cenvironment; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1527CZhealth; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1528CZhigher education; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1529Chuman services; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1530CZK-12 education; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1531CZrevenues; budget reconciliation; 2017-2018
SB1532CZuniversity infrastructure capital financing; appropriations
SCM1002Cdivision; ninth circuit; urging Congress
SCR1004Cdeath resolution; Gus Arzberger
SCR1005Cdeath resolution; George Lemen
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1017PTaiwan; United States; trade; support
SCR1020Cdeath resolution; Marian Lupu
SCR1023Pcorrections officer retirement plan
SCR1034Cdeath resolution; Eleanor Ann Day