
House Member

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Occupation: Deputy Director of Promise Arizona
Member Since: 2017
Otoniel “Tony” Navarrete was born and raised in Arizona to immigrant parents. He currently serves as the Deputy Director of Promise Arizona, a nonprofit community-based organization, where he works to advance policies that strengthen families and increase civic participation.

Tony was raised in West Phoenix in a home built by his late grandfather. He attended the Isaac School District, graduated from Carl Hayden Community High School, and later earned an undergraduate degree in Urban and Metropolitan Studies from Arizona State University.

At an early age, Tony was inspired to think about and promote social justice, including breaking the cycles of poverty through community development at the nonprofit Neighborhood Ministries. Following years of community involvement and working closely with formally adjudicated young adults, he moved to New York to work on housing and jobs issues, an experience he brought back home to Arizona after learning mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, she remains in remission.

Since returning to Arizona, Tony has committed himself to working with leaders throughout the state to become more engaged in the process of public policy decision making, while actively fighting to advance comprehensive immigration reform.

Tony was elected in 2016 to serve Arizona’s 30th District as State Representative in the 53rd Legislature. This is his first term in office. He has pledged to champion issues on education, jobs development, and criminal justice reforms.

In his free time, Tony enjoys spending time with his family and childhood friends.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2071Cworkforce training; unemployed workers
HB2082Cschools; daily recess time
HB2083Cschools; overrides; ballot language
HB2099CADOT licenses; authorized presence repeal
HB2147Cexperienced teacher retention pilot program
HB2148Cpublic safety; violence prevention; committee
HB2150Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2172Cmedical assistance requests; evidence; mitigation
HB2184Cat-risk youth; career, college readiness
HB2223Cchild care waiting list; appropriation
HB2265Cclean power; state plan; standards
HB2266Ccash assistance; lifetime limit
HB2268Csexual assault evidence; submission; reports
HB2277Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2278Cmotor vehicle title loans; prohibition
HB2292Pvoting rights; restoration; felonies.
HB2312Pcriminal history; hiring practices; limitation
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2327Crepeal; right to work.
HB2328Ccorporate income tax rate; freeze
HB2347Cemployment omnibus
HB2364Cemployment; housing; public accommodations; antidiscrimination.
HB2383Cstate finance review; task force.
HB2391Cappropriation; JTEDs; 9th grade
HB2393Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
HB2414Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2420Cdiaper changing stations; public restrooms
HB2424Cmitigation monies; school bus fleets
HB2425Cappropriation; highway user revenue fund
HB2426Ccommunity health workers; voluntary certification.
HB2427Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
HB2428Pprisoners; earned release credits
HB2429Pabortion; admitting privileges; repeal
HB2439Chome health aides; qualifications
HB2442CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2446Ccontracting; investments; prohibition; border wall
HB2455Cappropriation; untested sexual assault kits
HB2456Cpresidential candidates, electors; tax returns.
HB2474Cveterans; mental health courts; establishment
HB2478CTPT; Indian tribes; motor vehicles
HB2479CAHCCCS; waivers; tribal exemptions
HB2487Clottery distributions; teacher salary increases
HB2489Conline impersonation; offense
HB2490Cliquor licenses; municipalities; disapproval
HB2500Crelease conditions; pretrial release program
HB2502Pjoint select commission on corrections.
HB2503Pcriminal justice commission; membership; report.
HB2505Cappropriation; adult protective services
HB2519Cappropriation; child care subsidy program
HB2531Cclean elections; county candidates
HB2532Cstate-owned bank task force
HCM2004Curging Congress; affordable care act
HCR2009Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HCR2012Cratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2015Cright to work; repeal.
HCR2016Ccare enough; get in way
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HCR2024CLatina-owned businesses; support
HR2003CArizona aerospace day
SB1469Clottery game; schools; capital assistance
SB1472Cmemorial; veteran diversity
SB1473Cconsular identification cards; prohibition; repeal
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1029COscar de los Santos; recognition
SCR1034Cdeath resolution; Eleanor Ann Day