
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Member Since: 2016

Rep. Clodfelter was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2016. He represents District 10 which includes central and eastern Tucson. Rep. Clodfelter serves on the Commerce and Government Committees and is the Vice-Chairman of the Local & International Affairs Committee. In addition to serving in the House, Rep. Clodfelter is a successful small business owner of 35 years and a Tucson resident for over 45 years.

He has been married to his wife, Karla, for over 40 years and together they have three children and 4 grandchildren. Todd is a graduate of Sahuaro High School in east Tucson and of the University of Arizona with a Fine Arts degree in Speech Communication. Todd is an Eagle Scout and a private pilot. He enjoys tinkering with mechanical things like cars, motorcycles and airplanes and serves as the chairman of the Arizona Aviation and Aerospace Caucus.

He has served the Tucson community on numerous boards and committees in various capacities but values his volunteer time most with the Boy Scouts of America, serving as a Scoutmaster for 12 years and coaching Little League. Todd's is committed to serving his community and his state, representing everyone who resides in LD10.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2092Cwulfenite; state mineral
HB2112Cmulti-county water district; directors; elections
HB2180Cworkers' compensation; physicians' medical reports
HB2181Cworkers' compensation; peace officers; physicians
HB2182Cworkers' compensation; physician disqualification
HB2226Ccompact; balanced budget; convention
HB2251CADOT; Meridian road extension
HB2252Crural school employees; tuition waiver
HB2253Cstate veterinarian; animal identification; appropriation
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2368Coxygenated fuel standards; formula.
HB2378Cdispensing opticians; repeal of regulation
HB2390Cpostsecondary education; loan information
HB2391Cappropriation; JTEDs; 9th grade
HB2407Cappropriation; counties; essential services
HB2409Cinjunction against harassment; petition; hearing
HB2430Cmarijuana; health warnings
HB2431Pracing; simulcasting agreements
HB2432PJTEDs; ninth graders; funding..
HB2433Pincome tax subtraction; veterans' pensions
HB2434Pdriving; handheld communications devices; prohibition
HB2435Pname change; juvenile court
HB2436Pappropriation; memorial; January 8 victims
HB2442CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2444Csexual assault; victim advocates; privilege
HB2445Cinterfering; judicial proceeding; prosecution; sentence
HB2455Cappropriation; untested sexual assault kits
HB2481Cschools; menu of academic standards
HB2525Cprohibition; photo radar
HB2528Cindex exemptions; unused tax credits
HB2530Crural development tax credits
HCR2010Capplication; Article V convention
HCR2013Cconvention; balanced federal budget
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HCR2031Cdeath resolution; Sharon Giese
HJR2002Clower Colorado basin; forbearance authority.
HJR2003CColorado River allocation; management.
HR2003CArizona aerospace day
SB1085Cvulnerable users of public ways
SB1086Csentencing; aggravating factor; texting
SB1087Cwireless communication device; driving; prohibition
SB1088Cvehicles; collisions; injury; texting; penalty
SB1089Clottery funding; LTAF; restoration
SB1090CHURF expenditures; transportation infrastructure
SB1119Cjuvenile corrections; justice; study committee
SB1130Chairstylist licenses; cosmetology
SB1250Ccounty motor fuel taxes
SB1251CJTEDs; ninth graders; funding.
SB1289Chomeowners' associations; hearings; attorney fees
SB1344Cfirearms; state preemption; independent contractors
(NOW: firearms; state preemption; employees)
SB1443Cveterans' donations fund; tax credit
SB1444Cincome tax subtraction; military retirement