
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: SaddleBrooke
Occupation: Business Owner
Member Since:2015
State Representative Vince Leach was elected to represent the people of Legislative District 11 in the Arizona House of Representatives in 2014. He has a passion for public service and has been involved as a citizen activist in many areas of government. His experience ranges from work at the school board level, all the way up to county government in Pinal County, the Arizona Corporation Commission, and the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission.

He and his wife, Charlene are natives of Wisconsin, and live in SaddleBrooke, Arizona. A graduate from the University of WI-St. Point with degrees in Political Science and History and a Vietnam era veteran, Rep. Leach has over thirty-five years of sales and executive business management experience in the national and international market place. Rep. Leach also served as board member of the SaddleBrooke Two Property Owners organization and is an active member of Catalina Foothills Church.

Rep. Leach serves as Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Public Safety, Infrastructure and Resources, Vice-Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and is a member of the Appropriations Committee where he is able to look after your tax dollars. He also serves on the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee, the Joint Committee on Capitol Review, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2017Pbonds; disclosure; notice
HB2018Pmedical marijuana; cultivation; facilities
HB2019Pcommunity college bonds; voter approval
HB2028Pclass six property; elderly homeowners
HB2029Pmedical marijuana dispensaries; location change
HB2040PArizona online instruction; transfer credits
HB2064Cinternal revenue code; full conformity
(NOW: municipal jet fuel; excise tax)
HB2143Ppublic contracts; procurement
HB2144Pservices delivered by internet; taxation
HB2212Pfederal financial assistance; reports
HB2213PGPLET reform; K-12 taxes
HB2214Pincome tax subtraction; ADA retrofits
HB2221Pmunicipalities; school districts; prohibited contracts
HB2226Ccompact; balanced budget; convention
HB2268Csexual assault evidence; submission; reports
HB2269Cvictims' rights; requirements; monetary judgments
HB2270Cpostsecondary education; veterans; transfer credits
HB2271Coccupational licensing; military members
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2341Cnational guard; deployment; professional licenses
HB2359Cuniversities; governing boards
HB2376PArizona power authority; conflicts; meetings.
HB2385Cschools; accounting; budgeting; reporting
HB2404Pinitiatives; circulators; signature collection; contests
HB2406Pcounties; municipal land acquisition; limitation
HB2419Phomeowners' associations; disclosure documents; fees
(NOW: occupational regulation; municipalities; counties)
HB2481Cschools; menu of academic standards
HB2496Phomeowners' associations; board duties; acknowledgment
HCM2002Pninth circuit; division; urging Congress
HCM2007Cproposing regulation freedom amendment; Congress
HCR2004Pclean elections repeal; education funding
HCR2010Capplication; Article V convention
HCR2013Cconvention; balanced federal budget
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HR2003CArizona aerospace day
SB1007Chome-based business; operations; employees
SB1008Ccontractor licensing; exemptions; threshold
SB1129Celectric nonprofit cooperatives; patronage capital
SB1154CG&F omnibus
SB1189Cstate budget; estimates; notice
SB1279Cspecial sentencing provisions; unlawful presence
SB1280Cgroundwater; extinguishment credits; Pinal AMA
SB1281Cempowerment scholarship accounts; revisions
SB1326Ctelecommunications; broadband; accelerated depreciation
SB1366Cpeace officer; victim; aggravating factor
SB1367Cabortion; live delivery; report; definition
SB1431Cempowerment scholarships; expansion; phase-in
SB1439Cend-of-life; discrimination; prohibition
SB1468Crefugee resettlement program; withdrawal
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1034Cdeath resolution; Eleanor Ann Day