
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City:Tolleson
Occupation:Owner of Fuego Bar and Grill
Member Since:2014
Jose “Diego” Espinoza is currently serving his second term in the House of Representatives for Legislative District 19 (LD19). LD19 serves residents in Avondale, Tolleson and West Phoenix. In addition to proudly serving in the state legislature, Representative Espinoza’s professional career includes prior public service as a Council Member and Vice Mayor of Tolleson, Arizona and owning and operating a successful small business.
    Over the years, Representative Espinoza has served on numerous boards and commissions including:
  • National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)
  • Board of Hispanic Caucus (Chair)
  • Arizona Latino Caucus
  • Native American Caucus
  • Commerce Committee
  • Banking and Financial Services Committee
  • Maricopa County Community Development Advisory Commission
  • Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • National League of Cities and Towns
  • Hispanic Forum de Oeste
  • United States Green Building Council
  • Energy Star
  • Rebuild America
  • National Council for La Raza
  • Tolleson Community Action Program Advisory Board
  • Tolleson Advisory Board Chair for the Salvation Army
  • Blessed Sacrament Event Coordinator
  • Teen Youth Council Mentor
  • Tolleson Service Committee
  • Tolsun Farms Block Watch

In 2007, Representative Espinoza opened Fuego Bar & Grill. His talents in marketing strategies, team building, and business administration has allowed the business to grow substantially over the years. As a pride point for Tolleson, Arizona, Representative Espinoza ensures this restaurant provides opportunities to give back to the community by hosting numerous events throughout the year.

To compliment his professional career, Representative Espinoza has earned a Total Quality Management Certificate, an Associate of Arts in Organizational Leadership, a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management and is a proud graduate of Hispanic Leadership Institute-West and Leadership West.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2071Cworkforce training; unemployed workers
HB2099CADOT licenses; authorized presence repeal
HB2101Cprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2102Cprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2103Cprivate prison study committee
HB2104Civory; rhinoceros horn; sales; prohibition
HB2112Cmulti-county water district; directors; elections
HB2140CArizona silver-haired legislature
HB2141CDHS; state food standards
HB2142Cfoster parents; training
HB2148Cpublic safety; violence prevention; committee
HB2150Cfirearm sales; transfers; background checks
HB2172Cmedical assistance requests; evidence; mitigation
HB2183Plifetime limit; cash assistance
HB2184Pat-risk youth; career, college readiness
HB2223Cchild care waiting list; appropriation
HB2251CADOT; Meridian road extension
HB2252Crural school employees; tuition waiver
HB2253Cstate veterinarian; animal identification; appropriation
HB2266Ccash assistance; lifetime limit
HB2277Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2278Cmotor vehicle title loans; prohibition
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2327Crepeal; right to work.
HB2328Ccorporate income tax rate; freeze
HB2341Cnational guard; deployment; professional licenses
HB2342Cveterans' services; benefits counselors; appropriation
HB2347Cemployment omnibus
HB2378Cdispensing opticians; repeal of regulation
HB2393Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
HB2400Cmedical marijuana; identification cards; expiration
HB2407Cappropriation; counties; essential services
HB2425Cappropriation; highway user revenue fund
HB2428Cprisoners; earned release credits
HB2429Cabortion; admitting privileges; repeal
HB2442CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2446Ccontracting; investments; prohibition; border wall
HB2453Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2474Cveterans; mental health courts; establishment
HB2487Clottery distributions; teacher salary increases
HB2488Cteacher salary increases; appropriation
HB2489Conline impersonation; offense
HB2490Cliquor licenses; municipalities; disapproval
HB2500Crelease conditions; pretrial release program
HB2505Cappropriation; adult protective services
HB2518Pprocurement; veterans; Arizona bidders; preference
HB2519Cappropriation; child care subsidy program
HB2530Crural development tax credits
HB2531Cclean elections; county candidates
HB2532Cstate-owned bank task force
HCM2004Curging Congress; affordable care act
HCM2007Cproposing regulation freedom amendment; Congress
HCM2010CFEMA recovery policy; urging Congress
HCR2012Cratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2015Cright to work; repeal.
HCR2016Pcare enough; get in way
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
SB1276Ccharter schools; special education services
SB1277Ccharter schools; capacity; publication
SB1472Cmemorial; veteran diversity
SCR1029COscar de los Santos; recognition