
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Glendale
Occupation: Certified Locomotive Engineer at BMSF Railroad
Member Since: 2015 - Present

Richard C. Andrade was born in Winslow, AZ and spent his childhood moving between Arizona, California and New Mexico.

Richard graduated from Gallup High School in Gallup, New Mexico in 1982 and served in the U.S. Air Force from 1982 to 1990. He was stationed at Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ and was an Aircraft Pneudraulics System Specialist on F-15 aircraft. While serving, he also attended Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Leadership Schools. Richard was also the Assistant NCO in charge of Luke AFB, Honor Guard. Between 1990 and 1994, Richard would work in restaurant management and as a Lab Technician for Allied Signal Aerospace. In 1994, Richard hired out with the former Santa Fe Railroad, now BNSF Railway. In 1995 he was promoted to certified locomotive engineer and continues today to work as an engineer. Richard has been employed with the railroad for 23 years.

While employed at BNSF, Richard became active with the United Transportation Union, now known as Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART). Richard has held several offices in his Lodge 1081, including Vice President, Vice Local Chairman of the Engineman Committee and the Alternate Legislative Representative. These leadership roles helped him learn the importance in becoming active with Legislative issues at the federal and state level. Richard also attended AFL-CIO conventions and participated in Day of Action at the State Capitol. Finally, Richard was active with the On Site Safety Committee, which was established to address safety concerns on the railroad.

Due to a tragic event in Richard and Sally’s life, in 2011, they lobbied the Arizona State Legislature, 50th Legislature, 1st Regular Session to pass an aggressive dog law also known as Fabian’s Law. Richard’s experience as a Union member and leader were instrumental when it came to lobbying the Arizona State Legislature to pass Fabian’s Law.

Richard was re-elected as a State Representative for Legislative District 29 in 2016. Serving in the military has made him a strong voice for Veterans. Richard sits on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as a ranking member and the Military, Veterans and Regulatory Affairs Committee as a ranking member.

Richard saw that he could make a difference and believes strongly in protecting working families, worker rights and disappearing middle class families. Richard believes in a strong education system which is much needed in our state and protecting all people rights.

Richard has been married to Sally M. Andrade, a Breast Cancer Survivor, for 28 years. Together they have resided in the West Valley since marriage and have lived in Glendale for 24 years.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2071Cworkforce training; unemployed workers
HB2081Cschools; compulsory attendance age; increase
HB2082Cschools; daily recess time
HB2083Cschools; overrides; ballot language
HB2099CADOT licenses; authorized presence repeal
HB2101Pprivate prison contractors; public records
HB2102Pprivate prison security officers; certification
HB2103Pprivate prison study committee
HB2104Pivory; rhinoceros horn; sales; prohibition
HB2140CArizona silver-haired legislature
HB2141CDHS; state food standards
HB2142Cfoster parents; training
HB2172Cmedical assistance requests; evidence; mitigation
HB2183Clifetime limit; cash assistance
HB2184Cat-risk youth; career, college readiness
HB2223Cchild care waiting list; appropriation
HB2273Cappropriation; elections and database security
HB2274Celections; signature gathering; prevention; reporting
HB2275Ccounty recorder; nonpartisan election
HB2276Celection law; review; commission
HB2277Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2278Cmotor vehicle title loans; prohibition
HB2323Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2327Crepeal; right to work.
HB2328Ccorporate income tax rate; freeze
HB2336Cend-of-life decisions; terminally ill
HB2341Pnational guard; deployment; professional licenses
HB2342Pveterans' services; benefits counselors; appropriation
HB2347Pemployment omnibus
HB2364Cemployment; housing; public accommodations; antidiscrimination.
HB2383Cstate finance review; task force.
HB2393Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
HB2400Cmedical marijuana; identification cards; expiration
HB2401Chealth care providers; religious beliefs
HB2420Pdiaper changing stations; public restrooms
HB2424Cmitigation monies; school bus fleets
HB2425Cappropriation; highway user revenue fund
HB2426Ccommunity health workers; voluntary certification.
HB2427Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
HB2428Cprisoners; earned release credits
HB2429Cabortion; admitting privileges; repeal
HB2439Chome health aides; qualifications
HB2442CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2443Cauditor general; charter schools.
HB2453Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2455Cappropriation; untested sexual assault kits
HB2456Cpresidential candidates, electors; tax returns.
HB2474Cveterans; mental health courts; establishment
HB2478CTPT; Indian tribes; motor vehicles
HB2479CAHCCCS; waivers; tribal exemptions
HB2487Clottery distributions; teacher salary increases
HB2488Cteacher salary increases; appropriation
HB2489Conline impersonation; offense
HB2490Cliquor licenses; municipalities; disapproval
HB2500Crelease conditions; pretrial release program
HB2502Cjoint select commission on corrections.
HB2503Ccriminal justice commission; membership; report.
HB2505Cappropriation; adult protective services
HB2518Cprocurement; veterans; Arizona bidders; preference
HB2519Cappropriation; child care subsidy program
HCM2003Curging EPA, Congress; nuclear power
HCM2004Curging Congress; affordable care act
HCM2009Cveterans; job recruitment; urging Congress
HCM2010CFEMA recovery policy; urging Congress
HCR2012Cratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2015Cright to work; repeal.
HCR2016Ccare enough; get in way
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
SB1351Cspouses; married couples; terminology
SB1352Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
SB1353Cemployment and labor omnibus
SB1354Cschools; bullying policy; definition
SB1355Csexual assault; survivor rights
SB1356Cschools; corporal punishment
SB1357Cminors; consent; housing; shelter services
SB1358Cmunicipalities; counties; rent control; seniors
SB1359CDES; DCS; director; qualifications
SB1385Cvoter registration; social security number
SB1386Cstatewide voter registration portability
SB1387Cearly voting locations; extended hours.
SB1388Cearly ballots; election day postmark
SB1389Cvoting centers; on-campus voting
SB1390Celection procedures; workers; precincts; provisionals
SB1391Celections; polling places; standards
SB1392Cearly ballots; precinct ballot box
SB1393Cpresidential preference election; independent voters
SB1394Cprovisional ballots; residence; partial tabulation
SB1395Cprovisional ballots; verification; tally
SB1396Cprovisional ballots; incorrect precinct; tally.
SB1397Cearly ballots; verification; cure
SB1418Cwomen-owned and minority-owned businesses; grants
SB1420Cvoting rights; restoration; felonies
SB1422Cvacating conviction; trafficking; local offenses
SB1423Cimmigration; law enforcement; repeal.
SB1424Clength of parole; juvenile offenders
SB1425Ccriminal cases; arrests; records; erasure
SB1426Ccriminal charges; unlawful orders; reimbursement
SB1443Cveterans' donations fund; tax credit
SB1444Cincome tax subtraction; military retirement
SB1470Clottery game; veterans assistance
SB1482Cwater infrastructure finance authority; appropriation
SB1483Csupplemental appropriation; foster care placement
SB1484Cchild care waiting list; appropriation.
SB1485Cappropriation; community information and referral
SB1487CG&F; appointment recommendation board; repeal
SB1488Chydraulic fracturing; prohibition
SB1489Cenergy measuring; containers; prohibition; repeal
SB1490Clarge electronics; recycling
SB1491Csex education curricula; requirements
SB1493Ccorporate tax freeze; educational outcomes
SB1494Cschools; compulsory attendance age; increase.
SB1495Cpostsecondary institutions; sexual consent policies
SB1498Cpesticides; prohibition
SB1500Cpresidential candidates, electors; tax returns
SB1503Cracial impact; analysis; legislative council
SB1507Cemployees; school conferences; leave
SB1508Cemployment practices; consumer reports; limitation
SB1509Cschools; health information; website posting
SB1510Cfood labeling requirements
SB1512Cterminally ill; care choices
SB1513CSNAP; benefit match; farmers markets
SB1518Cdeath penalty; repeal
SB1519Crepeal; right to work
SCM1013Curging Congress; affordable care act.
SCM1014Curging Congress; Glass-Steagall act
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1025CLatina-owned businesses; support.
SCR1030Cright to work; repeal
SCR1031CChicano history week
SCR1032Cprevention of violence; support