
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: South Phoenix
Occupation: President, Florence Copper Community Foundation
Member Since: 1995-2000, 2005-2011, 2015
Rebecca Rios is a fourth generation Arizona native. She earned both her Bachelor and Master Degrees from Arizona State University, School of Social Work, and worked 25 years in the Behavioral Health and Non-profit fields in Arizona.

Rebecca served in the Arizona House of Representatives from 1995-2000, and in the Arizona State Senate from 2005 - 2010, where she served as Democratic Whip and Assistant Democratic Leader.

Rebecca is the daughter of Pete Rios, former Arizona State Senate President. Rebecca and Pete Rios are the only father -daughter team to serve together in the Arizona State Legislature.

Rebecca is married with 3 children and resides in South Phoenix.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2117Cmarriage; qualifications
HB2155Pstate transportation board; tribal representation
HB2156PNative American tribes; TPT revenues
HB2157PNative Americans; delayed birth certificates
HB2158Cappropriation; Navajo Nation court complex
HB2159Cappropriation; water projects; Navajo nation
HB2160CTPT; Indian tribe; motor vehicles
HB2161Pcentral Arizona project board; membership
HB2356Ccorrections department; visitor fee repeal
HB2357Pschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2370Ctexting while driving; prohibition
HB2371Cminors; automatic firearms; prohibited
HB2387Cimmigration; law enforcement; repeal
HB2388CDCS employees; covered service
HB2389Cvoting rights; restoration; felonies.
HB2490Psexually violent persons; reimbursement; repeal
HB2517Pinternet crimes against children; fund
HB2520Cappropriation; grants; reading-intensive programs
HB2546Cindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosures.
HB2547Pcampaign finance disclosures; corporations; entities.
HB2548Pforeign nonprofit corporations; foreign LLCs.
HB2549Pindependent expenditures; corporations; unions; audit.
HB2552Cemergency contraception
HB2553Chuman trafficking victim; vacating conviction
(NOW: sex trafficking victim; vacating conviction)
HB2563Chealth facilities; substance abuse recovery
HB2585Csecondary motor vehicle finance transactions
HB2598Cadoption; married couple; preference.
HB2606Cmedical assistance requests; evidence; mitigation
HB2618Cpet dealers; dogs; prohibitions
HB2624Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2632Cdog tethering
(NOW: unlawful dog tethering)
HB2638Cabortion clinics; inspection; repeal
HB2641Pfoster care; tuition waiver
HCM2003Curging Congress; increase customs personnel
HCR2010Cmarriage; qualifications; referral
HCR2020Pratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2021Pwomen's reproductive rights; support
HCR2028Ccivilian conservation corps; recognition
HCR2029Cpersons with disabilities; employment; support
HCR2031PCitizens United decision; repeal
HCR2039Pdeath resolution; Bill Badger
HM2001Purging parks board; historic place
HR2002Cinternational Darwin day
HR2005Cdeath resolution; Officer Tyler Stewart
SB1136Cnursing facility assessment; continuation
SB1156Celection and ethics commission; duties
SB1157Cvoting rights; restoration; felonies
SB1166Chealth care insurance; utilization review
SB1207Ccampaign finance disclosures; corporations; entities
SB1209Cindependent expenditures; corporations; unions; audit
SB1231Cstate employees; meet and confer
SB1232Cpublic employees; collective bargaining
SB1233Plabor organizations; nonunion employees; representation
SB1234Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
SB1235Clabor representative; employee; privilege
SB1298Crules; counties; flood control districts
SB1324Cschool buildings; excess square footage
SB1325Cfirst responder special plates
SB1326Cwrongful arrest; record clearance
SB1327Pemployment discrimination; prohibition
SB1358Cearly voting locations; extended hours.
SB1364Cprovisional ballots; tally; verification.
SB1431Cabortion; religious employers; contraception; repeal
SCM1007Ccomprehensive immigration reform; urging Congress
SCR1005Plegislators; arrest privilege; repeal
SCR1010CSenator Chester Crandell; death resolution
SCR1020PMayor John Driggs; death resolution