
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Tucson
Occupation: Retired Educator
Member Since: 2011
Macario was born in Nogales, Arizona, in 1941. Members of his family have lived in Arizona since the Gadsden Purchase in 1835.

He completed all his undergraduate and graduate (Bachelors, Master's and PhD) work in Education at the University of Arizona and was a professor and administrator from 1972 to 2009. He was the fourth and longest serving (20 years) director of the UA Guadalajara Summer School and founding director of the UA Bilingual Education Programs, and initiated the UA Mexican American Studies and Research Center in 1981.

He served on the Pima Community College District Governing Board from 1973 to 1979 and was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives from Legislative District 27 in 2010. He serves on the Government and Higher Education Committee, as well as the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

Macario was reelected in 2012 and 2014 to represent Legislative District 3 of Tucson.

He is a member of numerous groups and associations and his hobbies include welding, ironwork and small construction projects. He is committed to the search for common ground and respectful dialogue within the political process with a willingness to consider all sides of an issue.

Macario lives in the Sunset Villa Neighborhood in Tucson.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2123Ccompetency restoration; treatment; costs
HB2124CWQARF funding; state treasurer; transfers
HB2125CDHS; state food standards
HB2155Cstate transportation board; tribal representation
HB2156CNative American tribes; TPT revenues
HB2157CNative Americans; delayed birth certificates
HB2158Cappropriation; Navajo Nation court complex
HB2159Pappropriation; water projects; Navajo nation
HB2160CTPT; Indian tribe; motor vehicles
HB2161Ccentral Arizona project board; membership
HB2247Cprovisional community colleges; organization; enrollment
HB2249CJTEDs; funding; ninth graders
HB2355Cprisoners; medical parole
HB2356Ccorrections department; visitor fee repeal
HB2370Ctexting while driving; prohibition
HB2371Cminors; automatic firearms; prohibited
HB2376Ctraffic complaint quotas; prohibition
HB2387Cimmigration; law enforcement; repeal
HB2388CDCS employees; covered service
HB2389Cvoting rights; restoration; felonies.
HB2458Csupplemental appropriation; foster care placement
HB2459Ctax credit; foster parents
HB2460Cchild care waiting list; appropriation
HB2466Cschools; health information; website posting
HB2468Ccorporate tax freeze; educational outcomes
HB2469Cnutrition assistance program; farmers' markets
HB2476Csex education programs; requirements
HB2517Cinternet crimes against children; fund
HB2520Cappropriation; grants; reading-intensive programs
HB2533Ccampaign finance; public service corporations
HB2534Cballots; defects; notice; cure
HB2544Cspecial license plates; discontinuation; reissue
HB2546Cindependent expenditures; corporations; funding disclosures.
HB2547Ccampaign finance disclosures; corporations; entities.
HB2548Cforeign nonprofit corporations; foreign LLCs.
HB2549Cindependent expenditures; corporations; unions; audit.
HB2552Cemergency contraception
HB2553Chuman trafficking victim; vacating conviction
(NOW: sex trafficking victim; vacating conviction)
HB2576Ctax; solar energy devices
HB2585Csecondary motor vehicle finance transactions
HB2600Cpublic school tax credit reallocation
HB2621Pmultimedia film production tax incentives
HB2624Ccritical health information; emergency responders
HB2642Cprovisional community colleges; workforce development
HB2648P*vapor products; marketing; labeling; minors
HCM2003Curging Congress; increase customs personnel
HCR2020Cratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2021Cwomen's reproductive rights; support
HCR2025P*schools; English language requirements; repeal
HCR2028P*civilian conservation corps; recognition
HCR2029Cpersons with disabilities; employment; support
HCR2031CCitizens United decision; repeal
HCR2039Cdeath resolution; Bill Badger
HM2001P*urging parks board; historic place
HR2005Cdeath resolution; Officer Tyler Stewart
SB1117Conline instruction; state-approved charter authorizers
SB1323Cschool districts; partnerships; school facilities
SB1324Cschool buildings; excess square footage
SB1325Cfirst responder special plates
SB1326Cwrongful arrest; record clearance
SB1327Cemployment discrimination; prohibition
SB1395Cstate-owned bank task force; appropriation
SB1396Cauditor general; charter schools
SB1397Cpilot; structured English immersion exemption
SB1398Cfoster parents; immunizations; licensure
SCR1010CSenator Chester Crandell; death resolution
SCR1020CMayor John Driggs; death resolution