
House Member

Praised by Citizens for Arizona Policy as “one of Arizona's most articulate and eloquent champions of conservative ideals,” Representative Bob Stump serves as Chairman of the House Health Committee and as a member of the Financial Institutions & Insurance, Water & Agriculture and House Ethics committees.

Bob has a wide range of policy experience, having served as the former Vice-Chair of the Health and Rules committees and as a member of the Commerce & Military Affairs, Ways & Means, Financial Institutions & Insurance, Health, Rules, and Education (K-12) committees.  Bob was Co-Chair of the Joint Select Committee to Investigate Operations and Conditions at the Arizona Veterans Home and has served as a member of several other interim and ad hoc committees, including the Interagency Council on Long-Term Care and the Stem Cell Research Study Committee.

Bob is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s task force on health care public policy and has a particular interest in senior health care policy, biotechnology and bioethics, and energy and water policy. Bob has discussed key legislative initiatives on “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” on the Fox News Channel; CNN; National Public Radio; PBS’s “Horizon”; as well as various local, national and international media. Bob was also a featured guest on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” which devoted nearly an hour to discuss his innovative legislative ideas with a national audience.  His bills have made front-page news in USA Today and have been featured in Brazil’s largest daily newspaper, Correio Braziliense.

Bob holds degrees from Harvard University, where he studied political philosophy with columnist George F. Will, as well as American religious history, and the University of California at Berkeley, where he studied philosophy and social thought, and from which he graduated with High Honors.

In recognition of his efforts to improve health care for Arizonans, Bob has received awards from the Arizona Medical Association (“Walk the Talk” award), the Arizona Healthcare Association (“Legislator of Distinction”), the Arizona Association of Chiropractic (“Legislator of the Year”), and the Arizona Pharmacy Alliance, among others.  Last year, the March of Dimes honored Bob for helping improve the odds for babies by working to prevent birth defects. He also received the 2003 legislative award from the Alzheimer's Association in recognition of his support in combating Alzheimer's disease.

A proven fiscal conservative, Bob has also been honored as a “Champion of the Taxpayer” by the Arizona Federation of Taxpayers and was recognized as an “Eagle for Enterprise” by the Arizona Small Business Association for his work on behalf of small-business owners. For several years in a row, he has received the “Friend of the Family” award from the Arizona Family Project.

Before seeking public office, Bob worked as a reporter, photojournalist, magazine editor and freelance writer for leading national and local magazines and newspapers in Honolulu, Washington, D.C., and Tucson.

Bob has also served as a research associate via the New York-based Manhattan Institute to author and former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum; as an aide to Fred Barnes and William Kristol, the former Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quayle; and as a speechwriter for Republican candidates and officeholders in Arizona.

A lifelong Republican, Bob has volunteered for over a dozen Republican campaigns and has served in a variety of leadership positions with the Arizona Young Republican League. Bob has also served as Honorary Chair of the West Valley Cancer Society's Relay for Life and as a member of the Board of Trustees of the West Valley Symphony.

Bob comes from a family of small businessmen who assumed leadership roles in their community. His father, Bob Stump, was active in Republican politics in California and Hawaii and founded Stump Mortuary, in Pasadena, California. His grandfather, Robert A. Stump, was a small-business owner in Alma, Michigan. Bob’s mother, Dr. Jane Stump, taught infant psychiatry at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine and Tripler Army Medical Center, held public office in Honolulu, and is the author of several books. In his free time, Bob enjoys hiking, skiing and exploring our great state of Arizona.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2011P*technical correction; health
HB2012P*technical correction; health
HB2013P*technical correction; health
HB2014P*technical correction; health
HB2114P*AHCCCS; chiropractic services
HB2115P*professions; disciplinary action; continuing education
HB2116Cbig game permits; grandchildren
HB2117Cbig game permits; transfers
HB2125P*county medical examiners
HB2136P*pharmacy board; regulation; exempted acts
(NOW: controlled substances; monitoring program)
HB2139P*health care facilities; licensure; exemption
(NOW: insurance; wellness programs)
HB2155P*prescriptions; emergencies
HB2156P*folic acid information; appropriation
HB2210P*insurance premium tax credit eligibility
HB2217Cclean elections; daily reporting
HB2218Cincome tax credit; home schooling
HB2226Ctraffic tickets; civil penalties; collection
(NOW: traffic tickets; collections; civil penalties)
HB2255P*pharmacies; quality assurance
HB2256P*medication therapy management services
HB2259Csex offenders; driver licenses
HB2336Pcorporate income tax rate reduction
HB2337Pindividual income tax rate reduction
HB2339Cpeace officers' training fund
HB2360P*dental board; licensure by credential
HB2376Cschools; personalized learning plans
HB2380Ccharitable organizations; tax credit
HB2394Cschool tax credits; contribution date
HB2396Cinternal revenue code conformity
HB2397Cunclaimed property
HB2398Pcollege savings plans; income tax
HB2400Caccelerate class one tax reduction.
HB2507Ctax exemption; personal property
HB2510Ctuition waivers; combat deaths
HB2511Celection laws; security; enforcement
HB2515Chearing aid dispensers; continuing education
(NOW: municipal sales tax incentives; prohibition)
HB2516Coptometrists; prescriptions; antihistamines
HB2517Costeopathic board; continuation
HB2518Crespiratory care board; continuation
HB2519P*appropriation; senior olympics
HB2608Cdental practices; ownership
(NOW: dentistry; disciplinary action)
HB2611CDNA testing; arrest; serious offenses
HB2615Ctax credit; research and development
HB2632P*blood donors; minors
HB2641Pparental consent; abortion
HB2692Cwater supply development revolving fund
HB2693Cwater adequacy provisions
(NOW: water provisions; adequacy)
HB2751Cimmigration law; appropriation
HB2752Cillegal aliens; domestic terrorism
HB2753Cvehicle impoundment and immobilization
HB2757Phealth insurance; certain mandates excluded
HB2765Cnational guard; civil liability
HB2766Cnational guard mobilization; border; appropriation
HB2770P*appropriations; regenerative tissue; research
HB2773CAHCCCS; children's health insurance program
HB2779Cfair and legal employment act
HCM2004Ctelevision programming; a la carte
HCR2005Pproperty tax; business property exemption
HCR2018Crepeal business personal property tax
HCR2041Pmilitary bases; expressing support
HCR2049Cimmigration enforcement
HCR2050Pfallen soldiers; unauthorized use
HCR2051Cfair and legal employment; referendum
HR2001Cstate aviation day.
HR2002PVirginia Tech; honoring those killed
SB1244Cinsurance premium tax rate
SB1290Cadult immunization reporting system
SB1505Pexpert opinion testimony; admissibility
SB1506Ptax credit; business health insurance
SB1507Cbusiness personal property tax; exemption
SB1529Coptometry; use of pharmaceutical agents
SB1602Ccity permits; waste regulation
SB1611Cpostsecondary institution loan commission
SCR1018Cbusiness personal property tax exemption..