The Arizona Revised Statutes have been updated to include the revised sections from the 56th Legislature, 1st Regular Session. Please note that the next update of this compilation will not take place until after the conclusion of the 56th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session, which convenes in January 2024.
This online version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is primarily maintained for legislative drafting purposes and reflects the version of law that is effective on January 1st of the year following the most recent legislative session. The official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is published by Thomson Reuters.
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Employee" includes an officer, director, employee or servant, whether or not compensated or part time, who is authorized to perform any act or service, except that employee does not include an independent contractor. Employee includes noncompensated members of advisory boards appointed as provided by law and leased employees.
2. "Injury" means death, injury to a person, damage to or loss of property or any other injury that a person may suffer that would be actionable if inflicted by a private person.
3. "Leased employee" means a person providing services to a public entity under a lease agreement and is not an independent contractor or temporary employee.
4. "Maintenance" means the establishment or continuation in existence of facilities, highways, roads, streets, bridges or rights-of-way by a public entity and does not mean or refer to ordinary repair or upkeep.
5. "Prisoner" means a person incarcerated while awaiting sentence or while serving a sentence imposed by a court of law.
6. "Public employee" means an employee of a public entity.
7. "Public entity" includes this state and any political subdivision of this state.
8. "State" means this state and any state agency, board, commission or department.