Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Education | Member | Click here | Click here |
Military Affairs and Border Security | Member | Click here | Click here |
Rules | Member | Click here | Click here |
Committee | Position |
Senate Education Committee of Reference | Member |
Senate Military Affairs & Border Security Committee of Reference | Member |
Personal Information: | |
Home City: Occupation: Member Since: 2014 |
Senator Miranda holds the seat for Arizona State Senate LD11. Senator Miranda comes from a family of four sisters and one brother. Family roots in District 11 began with her mother Ysabel Santana Hernandez’ passion for church work at St. Catherine’s and Immaculate Heart Church. Her father, Robert Hernandez, a Korean War paratrooper in the 11th American Airborne was a proud member of American Legion Post 41. Another bond with District 11 was her father’s construction work; building Ocotillo Library and Salvation Army center in South Phoenix. Raised in the Jorgenson neighborhood near Bishop Henry Barnwell’s Missionary Baptist church where her athletic talents took her from all-star fame, to East High basketball and scholarship offers from South Mountain Community College and Arizona State University. Senator Miranda served 4 years in the House of Representatives and now beginning her 6th year in the State Senate in District 11. Her legislative priorities are the unhoused population, the severely mentally ill population and education. Currently she serves on the psychiatric review council, the joint legislative audit committee, education and Rules committee. Senator Miranda has also served 6 years on the Board of Directors with National Association of Latino Elected Officials. Among her appointments was her seat on the Executive Committee on the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators. She has also been named chairwoman for the International Relations, Trade, and Immigration Task Force with NHCSL. In 2008 Senator Miranda was elected by the widest margin to the Roosevelt School Board. Roosevelt is the largest and oldest school district in the South Mountain community. People most important to Senator Miranda are her two children Joshua and Star.
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short Title |
HB2380 | C | rare disease advisory council |
HB2381 | C | wage claims; employment practices |
HB2382 | C | working conditions; temperatures; employers; definitions |
HB2493 | C | providers; financial audits; academic performance |
HB2494 | C | misclassification; tax fraud; task force |
HB2495 | C | full-day kindergarten students; ADM |
HB2496 | C | citizenship status; licensure; documentation |
HB2497 | C | study committee; educator health insurance |
HB2498 | C | school safety program; mental health |
HB2499 | C | pesticides; sale and use restrictions |
HB2500 | C | school mental health professionals; academy |
HB2501 | C | repeal; right to work; liability |
HB2502 | C | employment; labor standards; meal breaks |
HB2503 | C | licenses; tax number; consular cards |
HB2504 | C | immigrant; alien; terminology |
HB2505 | C | immigration; law enforcement; repeal |
HB2506 | C | Dolores Huerta; Cesar Chavez; holiday |
HB2507 | C | school districts; expenditure limitation |
HB2508 | C | study committee; human trafficking |
HB2510 | C | ADEQ; waste programs; funding; rules |
HB2535 | C | firearms dealers; firearms transfers; requirements |
HB2536 | C | sentencing; concealed weapons permits; surrender |
HB2537 | C | employees; school conferences; leave |
HB2538 | C | rental housing; income source discrimination. |
HB2679 | C | power; public utilities; UCC; securities |
HB2705 | C | nomination petitions; counties; strict compliance |
HB2733 | C | unmanned aircraft; qualified immunity |
HB2770 | C | board members; qualifications; training requirements |
HB2780 | C | landlord tenant; evictions for cause |
HB2781 | C | landlord tenant act; attorney general |
HB2789 | C | elevator requirements; construction project; employees |
HB2790 | C | working conditions; heat illness; prevention |
HCR2029 | C | right to work; repeal |
HCR2030 | C | schools; English language learners; requirements |
HCR2041 | C | congressional term limits; convention |
HR2002 | C | gun violence; public health crisis |
HR2007 | C | gun violence; public health crisis |
SB1043 | P | homeless shelter services fund; appropriation |
SB1044 | P | secure behavioral health facilities |
SB1045 | P | secure behavioral health facilities; appropriations |
SB1046 | P | mental illness; prisoners; diagnosis; treatment |
SB1103 | C | penalty assessment; victims' rights enforcement |
SB1105 | C | medical marijuana dispensaries; location |
SB1106 | P | public entity liability; sexual offenses |
SB1107 | C | motorcycle safety fund continuation |
SB1136 | P | schools; noncertificated personnel; background investigations |
SB1137 | P | ESA program; performance review; termination |
SB1138 | P | school psychologists; school safety program |
SB1139 | P | ESAs; qualified schools; personnel qualifications |
SB1140 | P | telehealth program; homeless; recovery services |
SB1175 | C | traffic stops; requirements |
SB1176 | C | appropriation; affordable housing |
SB1185 | C | homeless; restrooms; water; statewide preemption |
SB1186 | C | rental housing; income source discrimination |
SB1190 | C | access and success special plates |
SB1209 | C | single-family residence purchases; limitations. |
SB1247 | C | Arizona teachers academy; community colleges |
SB1292 | P | noncertificated school personnel; disciplinary action |
SB1293 | P | legislators; salaries |
SB1306 | C | appropriation; crime victim notification fund |
SB1311 | C | west valley charity specialty plates |
SB1312 | C | coordinated reentry; grants; appropriation |
SB1314 | C | continuation; ASDB |
SB1328 | C | ADEQ; tribal consultations |
SB1330 | P | working conditions; temperatures; employers; definitions. |
SB1338 | C | interstate agreement; national popular vote |
SB1382 | C | business relocation; notice; penalty |
SB1384 | C | patient information; gun safety |
SB1385 | C | feminine hygiene products; schools; appropriation |
SB1386 | C | appropriation; schools; trees |
SB1388 | C | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition |
SB1391 | C | drinking water standards; pollutants |
SB1406 | P | noncitizen; alien; terminology |
SB1428 | C | bleed control kits; school districts |
SB1429 | C | contraception; rights; limits. |
SB1430 | C | abortion reporting requirements; repeal. |
SB1431 | C | fertility treatment; access. |
SB1438 | C | DCS information; central registry; exceptions |
SB1546 | C | agricultural improvement districts; representatives; posting |
SB1547 | C | agricultural improvement districts; mail ballots |
SB1594 | C | public policy; wage contracts; repeal |
SB1646 | C | appropriation; child care assistance |
SB1651 | P | ballot receptacles; tampering |
SB1652 | P | election officials; threats; intimidation |
SB1662 | C | group B weight; tribal students |
SB1664 | C | Indian child welfare; custody proceedings |
SB1668 | C | health insurance; requirements; essential benefits |
SB1669 | C | SNAP eligibility; probation compliance |
SB1670 | C | TANF; lifetime limit; drug testing |
SB1671 | C | traditional healing services; AHCCCS |
SB1720 | C | clozapine; access; treatment protocols |
SB1734 | C | traditional healing services; AHCCCS |
SCR1013 | P | legislators; compensation |
SCR1021 | C | ratification; equal rights amendment. |
SCR1036 | C | permanent funds; land trust; distributions |
SR1001 | C | month of remembrance; lives lost |