Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Military Affairs and Border Security | Chairman | Click here | Click here |
Natural Resources | Member | Click here | Click here |
Public Safety | Member | Click here | Click here |
Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency ( until 01-29-2025 ) | Member | Click here | Click here |
Personal Information: | |
Home City: Sierra Vista Occupation: Member Since: 2019 |
David Gowan was first elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2009. During the 2015-2017 legislative session, he was elected to be the 52nd Speaker of the House. Most recently, he was elected to the Arizona State Senate, where he served as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee from 2019 to 2022. He currently serves as Senate Chairman for the Military Affairs, Public Safety and Border Security Committee. He resides in Sierra Vista in Legislative District 19, which also encompasses most of Cochise County, all of Greenlee County, southern Graham County and a portion of Pima and Santa Cruz Counties. David is a proud graduate of the University of Arizona, holding a B.A. in Secondary Education/Social Studies. He has been married to his beautiful wife Jessie for 30 years and together they have two amazing sons. They have made Southern Arizona their home for over thirty years. David is an active member of his church and engaged in his local educational community where he sits on the Board for Veritas Christian Community School. He has been a longtime advocate for Boy Scouts of America and helped his son earn his Eagle. Additionally, he is a realtor, a member of the ELKS Lodge #2065, a committed martial artist, and Chairman of Tai Shin Ki Do Martial Arts System founded by Hanshi Barnes. He is a passionate fighter for veterans, first responders and the business community.
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short Title |
HB2081 | C | income tax; subtraction; tipped wages |
HB2082 | C | TPT; exemption; wastewater; pipes |
HB2083 | C | game and fish commission; membership |
HB2084 | C | domestic water improvement districts; hauling |
HB2085 | C | groundwater; transporting requirements; technical correction |
HB2086 | C | water improvements program; water hauling |
HB2087 | C | appropriation; groundwater recharge facilities; maintenance |
HB2088 | C | subsequent AMA; director; removal |
HB2089 | C | subsequent AMA; voters; removal |
HB2090 | C | acting in concert; evidence; exceptions |
HB2091 | C | land division; applicant submissions; review |
HB2092 | C | land divisions; disclosure affidavit; recording |
HB2093 | C | subdivided lands; violations; civil penalties |
HB2094 | C | real estate; definition of contiguous |
HB2102 | C | anti-racketeering revolving fund; prohibited transfers |
HB2276 | C | legislative ratification; rulemaking; regulatory costs |
HB2448 | C | voting locations; emergency designation; electioneering |
HB2449 | C | AHCCCS; enrollment verification; presumptive eligibility |
HB2450 | C | unemployment insurance; benefit amounts |
HB2453 | C | defensive driving schools; fees |
HB2456 | C | appropriation; fire incident management grants.. |
HB2457 | C | fire districts; formation; county supervisors |
HB2601 | C | income tax; exemption; minors |
HB2635 | C | TPT; exemption; firearm storage devices |
HB2660 | C | affordable housing tax credits; extension |
HB2672 | C | property tax; exemption; veterans; disabilities |
HB2677 | C | middle school students; CTE courses |
HB2679 | C | power; public utilities; UCC; securities |
HB2704 | C | tax; distribution; county stadium district |
HB2733 | C | unmanned aircraft; qualified immunity |
HB2736 | C | cybersecurity; data encryption; pilot program |
SB1011 | C | early voting; ballot deadlines; certificates |
SB1056 | P | liquified petroleum gas containers; penalties. |
SB1057 | P | working animal; harm; classification |
SB1058 | P | retirement; reemployment; school resource officers |
SB1059 | P | move over law; study committee |
SB1060 | P | internal investigations; notice; confidentiality |
SB1061 | P | appropriations; criminal justice; salary increases |
SB1080 | C | tax credit review committee; standard |
SB1081 | C | obstetrics; gynecology services; rural communities |
SB1082 | C | constables; report; board of supervisors |
SB1102 | C | pharmacy benefits; prescribing; exemption |
SB1106 | C | public entity liability; sexual offenses |
SB1108 | C | international medical licensees; provisional licensure |
SB1109 | C | designated countries; land ownership; prohibition |
SB1145 | C | community facilities districts; prompt pay |
SB1149 | P | appropriation; fire incident management grants. |
SB1150 | P | state land; exchanges |
SB1151 | P | kidney disease awareness special plates |
SB1152 | P | early voting; mailing date |
SB1153 | P | write-in candidates; nomination paper filing |
SB1154 | P | write-in candidate; filing deadline; cancellation |
SB1155 | P | income tax; subtraction; uniformed services |
SB1156 | P | death benefits; burial costs |
SB1157 | P | workers' compensation; death benefits; remarriage |
SB1158 | P | property tax; exemption; widows; widowers |
SB1159 | P | employment practices; wage claims |
SB1160 | P | office of defense innovation; appropriation |
SB1161 | P | sheriffs; constables; service; mileage; fees |
SB1162 | P | appropriation; highway project; Patagonia; use |
SB1163 | P | veterans; emergency admission; transport |
SB1223 | C | ACJC; continuation |
SB1228 | C | residential developments; new regulations; moratorium |
SB1281 | P | adjutant general; duties |
SB1282 | P | aggravated unlawful flight; law enforcement |
SB1283 | P | school safety program; proposals |
SB1284 | P | fireworks; aerials; licensure; penalties |
SB1285 | P | appropriation; wildfire readiness and response |
SB1286 | P | counties; board; administrative review; approval |
SB1287 | P | PSPRS; part-time employment |
SB1288 | P | police vehicles; inspection; requirements |
SB1297 | C | appropriation; fire incident management grants |
SB1306 | C | appropriation; crime victim notification fund |
SB1312 | C | coordinated reentry; grants; appropriation |
SB1332 | C | driver licenses; reciprocity; foreign military |
SB1334 | C | voting locations; emergency designation; electioneering. |
SB1348 | P | state fire marshal; phased permitting |
SB1349 | P | software licensing contracts; requirements |
SB1350 | P | defensive driving schools; fees. |
SB1351 | P | gift cards; theft; forgery |
SB1352 | P | rezoning; administrative act; referral prohibited |
SB1353 | P | municipal development; permits; review |
SB1354 | P | evaluation agencies; hearings; witnesses |
SB1355 | P | school mapping data; requirements; accessibility. |
SB1439 | C | appropriation; braille transcription program |
SB1440 | C | epinephrine delivery systems |
SB1441 | C | school districts; partisan elections |
SB1442 | C | appropriation; secure behavioral health facilities |
SB1443 | C | parental rights; compensatory damages |
SB1444 | C | helium exploration; aquifer protection permit |
SB1445 | C | accreditation standards; vaping-related entities |
SB1446 | C | appropriations; anesthesia; rotations |
SB1447 | C | health boards; complaints; timelines |
SB1495 | C | national guard; active duty; requirements |
SB1538 | C | corporation commission; non-thermal generating unit |
SB1584 | C | public employees; merit; hiring practices |
SB1586 | C | gender transition procedures; provider liability |
SB1591 | C | concealed weapons permits; fees |
SB1600 | C | patient rights; health care services |
SB1604 | C | licensed secure facility; incompetent defendants |
SB1605 | C | TPT; exemption; firearm storage devices.. |
SB1607 | C | board certification; disclosure requirements |
SB1621 | C | narcotic drugs; death; sentence enhancement |
SB1622 | C | narcotic drugs; definition |
SB1623 | C | appropriations; graduate medical education program |
SB1625 | C | school transparency portal; reporting; requirements |
SB1626 | C | health insurance; surprise billing; disputes |
SB1629 | C | inmates; release to nursing institutions |
SB1630 | C | aging justice-involved population study committee |
SB1700 | P | county board of equalization; decisions |
SB1701 | P | continuation; state fair board |
SB1702 | P | hemp-derived products; regulation |
SB1703 | P | veterans' benefits; claims; prohibition. |
SB1704 | P | veterans' donations fund; annual transfer |
SB1705 | P | firearms; state preemption; civil penalty |
SB1706 | P | citrus; fruit; vegetable; fund; posting |
SB1707 | P | public high schools; AEDs; requirements |
SB1708 | P | unmanned aircraft; critical infrastructure; prohibition |
SB1709 | P | unlawful feeding of wildlife; exception |
SB1710 | P | veterans; mental health; grant program |
SB1711 | P | AHCCCS; obesity treatment; study committee |
SB1712 | P | retirement; judges; elected officials |
SB1713 | P | marijuana; dual licensees; rural communities |
SB1714 | P | appropriation; civil air patrol |
SB1715 | P | campaign reporting; lobbyists; review; appropriation |
SB1716 | P | medical marijuana; invalidity; exception |
SCM1002 | C | vision zero; transportation planning |
SCR1006 | P | state trust land; land exchanges |
SCR1007 | P | referendum; municipal zoning change; prohibition |