Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Appropriations | Member | Click here | Click here |
Finance | Member | Click here | Click here |
Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency | Member | Click here | Click here |
Personal Information: | |
Home City: Occupation: Member Since: 2017 |
Senate Minority Leader Mitzi Epstein... represents our community full time, with a caring, collaborative, positive approach. She is a computer systems analyst who has worked for multi-national companies including Olin Brass, and Citicorp. She owns a very small business called, Custom Language Training. She was elected to the State Senate, after serving 6 years in the AZ House of Representatives. The Senate Democrats have elected Mitzi as Senate Democratic Leader. Public education is the heart of Mitzi's vocation. She has co-founded local and statewide coalitions of parents, teachers, retirees, and business leaders to advocate for high quality public education. She served as a Kyrene School Board member from 2005-2008. As the Democratic Leader, she has led the Democratic budget efforts with a keen eye to improve funding for education, worthy wages for caregivers and state workers, and generally managing Arizonan's resources with fair and responsible stewardship. In 2019, she established the bicameral “Sustainability Workgroup” in the legislature to protect clean air, fresh water, and wildlife in a changing climate. Senator Epstein stands on the principle that every solution is better when it is developed with a wide range of perspectives at the table. |
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short Title |
HB2282 | C | occupational licenses; apprenticeships |
HB2283 | C | emergencies; price regulations; unlawful practices |
HB2285 | C | prohibited agreements; public works contracts |
HB2458 | C | prisoners; medical treatment; pregnancy; requirements |
HB2459 | C | prisoners; strip search; pat search |
HB2460 | C | eligibility; children's health insurance program |
HB2462 | C | child neglect; financial resources; exception |
HB2463 | C | telemedicine; abortion prohibition; repeal |
HB2464 | C | abortion; medication; mailing; repeal |
HB2465 | C | advertising; produce abortion; conception; repeal |
HB2466 | C | campaign finance; caregiver expenses |
HB2476 | C | appropriation; water conservation grant fund |
HB2585 | C | school open enrollment; tribal students |
HB2586 | C | election worker communications platform; pilot |
HB2593 | C | preschool; children with disabilities; eligibility |
HB2733 | C | unmanned aircraft; qualified immunity |
HB2744 | C | contraception; rights; limits |
HB2747 | C | weapons; permit; firearms safety training |
HCR2033 | C | same-sex marriage; constitutional right |
SB1188 | C | price regulation; abnormal market disruptions |
SB1209 | C | single-family residence purchases; limitations. |
SB1234 | C | animal cruelty; failure to treat |
SB1314 | C | continuation; ASDB |
SB1324 | P | citizen suits committee; solid waste |
SB1325 | P | citizen suits; environment. |
SB1326 | P | auditor general; charter schools |
SB1327 | P | Arizona online instruction; cost study |
SB1328 | P | ADEQ; tribal consultations |
SB1329 | P | charter schools; financial records |
SB1338 | C | interstate agreement; national popular vote |
SB1383 | P | schools; health services; disclosures |
SB1384 | P | patient information; gun safety |
SB1385 | P | feminine hygiene products; schools; appropriation |
SB1386 | P | appropriation; schools; trees |
SB1387 | P | tax expenditures; credits; review schedule |
SB1388 | C | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition |
SB1391 | C | drinking water standards; pollutants |
SB1397 | C | health insurance claims; consumer assistance |
SB1398 | C | abortion; waiting period; authorized providers |
SB1399 | C | medical assistance; drugs; prohibited arrest |
SB1400 | C | drug paraphernalia; testing; analyzing; repeal |
SB1401 | C | pregnant employees; reasonable accommodation |
SB1402 | C | essential drugs; price increases; limits. |
SB1403 | C | prescription drugs; price limits |
SB1408 | C | campaign finance; public service corporations |
SB1413 | C | firearms; destruction by state |
SB1414 | C | domestic violence; firearm transfers |
SB1415 | C | polling places; drop boxes; campuses |
SB1416 | C | visually impaired voters; access procedures |
SB1417 | C | ESAs; contract renewal; account closure |
SB1419 | C | large electronics; recycling |
SB1422 | C | auxiliary containers; statewide concern; repeal |
SB1423 | C | energy measuring; reporting; prohibition; repeal. |
SB1428 | C | bleed control kits; school districts |
SB1429 | C | contraception; rights; limits. |
SB1430 | C | abortion reporting requirements; repeal. |
SB1431 | C | fertility treatment; access. |
SB1468 | P | corporate tax; business income; allocation |
SB1469 | P | JLBC; income tax review; report |
SB1474 | C | ASRS retirement; legislators; other employment |
SB1476 | C | unlawful securing of firearms; minors |
SB1477 | C | appropriation; schools; community gardens |
SB1478 | C | schools; corporal punishment; prohibition |
SB1479 | C | textbooks; adverse representation; prohibition |
SB1480 | C | noncertificated school employees; due process |
SB1481 | C | biological sex; team designations; repeal |
SB1482 | C | appropriation; homeless shelter services fund |
SB1483 | C | home and community-based services; appropriation |
SB1484 | C | appropriation; adult protective services |
SB1485 | C | appropriation; housing assistance; elderly. |
SB1486 | C | employment; housing; public accommodations; antidiscrimination |
SB1487 | C | child care; waiting list; appropriation |
SB1488 | C | housing trust fund; unclaimed property. |
SB1545 | C | pet stores; pet dealers |
SB1546 | C | agricultural improvement districts; representatives; posting |
SB1547 | C | agricultural improvement districts; mail ballots |
SB1568 | C | Cameron weigh station; operational date |
SB1569 | C | mental health services; confidentiality; training |
SB1570 | C | mental health; power of attorney |
SB1571 | C | appropriation; coal-impacted workforce; study |
SB1594 | C | public policy; wage contracts; repeal |
SB1651 | C | ballot receptacles; tampering |
SB1652 | C | election officials; threats; intimidation |
SB1671 | C | traditional healing services; AHCCCS |
SB1690 | P | child care; assistance; eligibility. |
SB1691 | P | JCCR; members; designee |
SB1692 | P | paid leave; study committee; reports |
SB1734 | C | traditional healing services; AHCCCS |
SCR1017 | C | environment; constitutional amendment |
SCR1021 | C | ratification; equal rights amendment. |