Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Judiciary | Chairman | Click here | Click here |
Appropriations | Member | Click here | Click here |
Government ( until 03-22-2024 ) | Member | Click here | Click here |
Transportation, Technology and Missing Children | Member | Click here | Click here |
No Personal Biography Available
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short Title |
HB2181 | C | national guard; active duty combat |
HB2748 | C | illegal border crossings; state; crime |
HCR2038 | C | drug cartels; terrorist organizations |
HR2004 | C | supporting Israel |
SB1040 | P | student activity fees; conscience exemption |
SB1041 | C | groundwater savings certificate; assured water |
SB1044 | C | Arizona commerce authority; repeal |
SB1064 | C | gasoline formulations; air quality. (NOW: conditional enactment; fuel reformulations) |
SB1066 | C | solar royalties fund; county residents. |
SB1087 | P | vehicle lighting; law enforcement; construction |
SB1088 | P | technical correction; health services; monitoring. |
SB1089 | P | technical correction; AHCCCS; application process. |
SB1090 | P | technical correction; child hearing programs (NOW: accident victims; public records) |
SB1091 | P | technical correction; AHCCCS; capitation rates |
SB1121 | C | national guard; active duty; requirements |
SB1122 | C | schools; flags; constitution; display; penalty |
SB1123 | C | critical infrastructure; prohibited agreements |
SB1124 | C | social media platforms; standards; notification |
SB1125 | C | internet; material harmful to minors |
SB1127 | C | blockchain technology; tax; fee; prohibition |
SB1128 | C | state agencies; payments; cryptocurrency |
SB1129 | C | transient occupants; property; removal (NOW: unlawful occupants; property; removal) |
SB1143 | P | school superintendents; in-state work requirements |
SB1144 | P | false reporting; public alarm; classification. |
SB1145 | P | attorney discipline; revocation; prohibited basis |
SB1146 | P | disclosure; agricultural vaccinations; prohibition |
SB1147 | P | livestock compensation; appropriation |
SB1148 | P | income tax; rebate; seniors |
SB1149 | P | public safety investment fund; appropriation |
SB1150 | P | student activity fees; conscience exemption. |
SB1151 | P | school classrooms; ten commandments; posting |
SB1152 | P | Arizona state university; appropriation reduction |
SB1153 | P | regulatory costs; rulemaking; legislative ratification |
SB1174 | C | tuition; family; posttraumatic stress; suicide |
SB1195 | P | public monies; prohibited uses |
SB1196 | P | prisoners; transition services; noncontracted entities (NOW: vehicle lighting; law enforcement; exceptions) |
SB1231 | C | state crime; illegal border crossings |
SB1243 | C | groundwater sales; online exchange. |
SB1279 | C | satanic displays; public property; prohibition (NOW: public property; erections; satanic; prohibition) |
SB1280 | C | school boards; sex offender registry |
SB1281 | C | central bank digital currency; ban. |
SB1283 | C | school districts; bonds; overrides; ballots |
SB1284 | C | major incident division; repeal |
SB1297 | P | planned communities; no quorum; dissolution |
SB1298 | P | internet; material harmful to minors. |
SB1299 | P | traffic control; right on red |
SB1303 | P | ABOR; high school honors endorsements |
SB1304 | P | ABOR; postsecondary institutions; policies |
SB1305 | P | public universities; posting requirements |
SB1306 | P | ABOR; administrative powers; delegation; limitation |
SB1307 | P | postsecondary institutions; free expression; policies |
SB1308 | C | veterans' benefits; claims; prohibition |
SB1344 | P | felony murder; fentanyl; sentencing |
SB1408 | C | aggravated unlawful flight; law enforcement |
SB1467 | P | ADOT; authorized third parties; revocation |
SB1468 | P | judicial review; occupational licenses |
SB1469 | P | school resource officers; veterans; retirees |
SB1470 | P | ABOR; flags; constitution; display; report |
SB1471 | P | technical correction; tax refund account (NOW: complaints; state bar members; dismissal) |
SB1472 | P | prohibited uses; public monies |
SB1473 | P | agencies; single audit reports; penalty |
SB1474 | P | probation; felony conviction |
SB1475 | P | suspension; civil rights |
SB1476 | P | technical correction; ballot; presidential candidates |
SB1477 | P | political bias; grade challenge department |
SB1646 | P | probation; felony violation; rearrest |
SCM1003 | P | FBI; disarm agency |
SCR1002 | C | prohibit tax; monitoring; vehicle mileage |
SCR1007 | C | firearms; contracts; prohibited practices |
SCR1010 | C | property tax exemption; virtual currency |
SCR1011 | C | voting; qualifications; methods. |
SCR1012 | P | rulemaking; legislative ratification; regulatory costs |
SCR1014 | P | presidential electors; constitutional appointments |
SCR1015 | P | public monies; prohibited expenditures. |
SCR1017 | P | article V; fiscal responsibility |
SCR1018 | P | article V convention; delegates; election |
SCR1019 | P | preferential treatment; discrimination; prohibited. |
SCR1021 | C | sex trafficking; minors; natural life (NOW: sex trafficking; child; natural life) |
SCR1022 | P | practice of law; legislative authority |
SCR1030 | C | recognizing public safety telecommunicators |
SJR1001 | C | private property; sale; veterans affairs. |
SR1002 | P | article V; recall and sanctions |