ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: NREW DP 6-4-0-0 |
HB 2545: annual vehicle emissions testing; exemption
Sponsor: Representative Jones, LD 17
Caucus & COW
Exempts a vehicle manufactured in or after the 2018 model year from the annual Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (Emissions Program).
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) administers the Emissions Program. Vehicles located in Area A (the Phoenix metropolitan area and parts of Pinal and Yavapai Counties) and Area B (the Tucson metropolitan area), owned by a person who is subject to university vehicle regulations or uses their vehicle to commute to workplaces in these areas must pass annual or biennial inspections to ensure compliance with minimum emissions standards. The ADEQ Director is responsible for adopting these standards, which are based on the class of vehicle and location in the Phoenix or Tucson metropolitan area. A vehicle cannot be sold in these metropolitan areas or registered until it passes an inspection.
To determine compliance with minimum emissions standards and functional tests in area A:
1) motor vehicles manufactured in or after model year 1981 with a gross vehicle weight rating of 850 pounds or less is required to take and pass a transient loaded emissions test or an onboard diagnostic check;
2) motor vehicles, other than those manufactured in or after model year 1981 and diesel powered vehicles, are required to take and pass a steady state loaded test and a curb idle emissions test; and
3) a diesel-powered motor vehicle must take and pass an annual emissions test.
To determine compliance with minimum emission standards in area B:
1) a motor vehicle manufactured in or before the 1980 model year is required to take and pass the curb idle test. A diesel powered vehicle is subject to only a loaded test; and
2) a motor vehicle manufactured in or after the 1981 model yearis required to take and pass the curb idle test and the loaded test or an onboard diagnostic check (A.R.S. § 49-542).
Exempts a
vehicle that is manufactured in or after the 2018 model year from the annual Emissions
Program. (Sec. 1)
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5. HB 2545
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