Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House: ED DPA 5-4-0-1 | 3rd Read 35-20-2-0-3

Senate: ED DPA 4-3-0-0 | 3rd Read 16-14-0-0

HB 2178: universities; student fees; clubs; organizations

Sponsor: Representative Kolodin, LD 3

Senate Engrossed


Directs a public university seeking to transfer monies to university-recognized student organizations or clubs to provide each student with a reasonable opportunity to select student organizations or clubs that may not receive the student's pro rata share of the monies.


A public university is prohibited from transferring any student tuition or fees or using any university student billing process to collect monies for an organization that is not under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Board of Regents nor recognized as a university student organization. A public university may establish and support student government and university-recognized student organizations and clubs, as well as provide support for these student groups from student tuition and fees (A.R.S. § 15-1626.01).

Provisions☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal Note

1.   Requires each public university seeking to transfer monies from any source, excluding private donations designated for a specific student organization or club, to university-recognized student organizations or clubs to:

a)   provide each student who is charged tuition and fees with a reasonable opportunity to select student organizations or clubs that may not receive the student's pro rata share of the monies; and

b)   transfer reduced pro rata shares of the monies consistent with student selections. (Sec. 1)

2.   Specifies that if a student does not select one or more student organizations or clubs, the public university must transfer that student's pro rata share of monies as otherwise provided by law. (Sec. 1)

3.   Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)

Senate Amendments

1.   Applies the requirements to a public university that allocates student fee monies, rather than a public university that seeks to transfer monies from any sources.

2.   Replaces the requirement for a public university to transfer reduced pro rata shares of monies consistent with student selections with the requirement that the public university use a student's pro rata share of the fee monies that are allocated only for programs that are open to all students.

3.   Allows a public university, if a student does not make a selection, to allocate that student's pro rata share of the fee monies to support the activities of any individual university-recognized student organization or club or to programs that are open to all students.






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                        HB 2178

Initials CH     Page 0 Senate Engrossed


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