Fifty-sixth Legislature                                            Appropriations

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1480




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1. Section 15-251, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-251. Powers and duties; salary

A. The superintendent of public instruction shall:

1. Superintend the schools of this state.

2. Request the auditor general to investigate when necessary the accounts of school monies kept by any state, county or district officer.

3. Subject to supervision by the state board of education, apportion to the several counties the monies to which each county is entitled for the year. Apportionment shall be made as provided in chapter 9 of this title.

4. Execute, under the direction of the state board of education, the policies that have been decided on by the state board.

5. Direct the performance of executive, administrative or ministerial functions by the department of education or divisions or employees of the department.

6. Provide information to the state board of education related to the powers and duties set forth in section 15-203.

B. Beginning January 1, 2025, the superintendent of public instruction is eligible to receive an annual salary equal to eighty-five percent of the annual salary of the chief justice of the supreme court."END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 2, line 9, strike "of $220,000 or an amount"

Line 10, after "to" insert "ninety-three percent of"; strike the comma

Line 11, strike "whichever is less"

Line 22, strike "of $185,000" insert "equal to eighty-five percent of the annual salary of the chief justice of the supreme court"

Line 30, strike "of $175,000" insert "equal to eighty-five percent of the annual salary of the chief justice of the supreme court"

Page 2, lines 42 and 43, strike "of $200,000" insert "equal to ninety percent of the annual salary of the chief justice of the supreme court"

Page 4, line 35, strike "of $195,000" insert "equal to ninety percent of the annual salary of the chief justice of the supreme court"

After line 35, insert:

"Sec. 7. Section 41-1903, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1903. Function; exemptions

A. Beginning in 2002, the commission shall biennially conduct a review of the rates of pay of elective state officers, of justices and judges of courts of record and of clerks of the superior court. Such review by the commission shall be made for the purpose of determining and providing the pay levels appropriate to the duties and responsibilities of the respective offices and positions subject to such review. The commission may hold public hearings to aid it in its work.

B. The commission shall submit to the governor no not later than June 1 a report of the results of each review conducted by the commission of the offices and positions subject to this chapter, together with its recommendations.

C. the following state officers are exempt from this chapter:

1. The governor.

2. The Lieutenant governor.

3. The secretary of state.

4. The state treasurer.

5. The attorney general.

6. The superintendent of public instruction.END_STATUTE"

Amend title to conform





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