REFERENCE TITLE: health boards; AHCCCS; continuation





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





SB 1736


Introduced by

Senator Shope (with permission of Committee on Rules)









An Act


repealing sections 41-3023.01, 41-3023.05, 41-3023.07, 41-3023.08 and 41-3023.10, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending title 41, chapter 27, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding sections 41-3025.09, 41-3025.10, 41-3029.04, 41-3029.05 and 41-3029.06; relating to continuation of state agencies.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Repeal

Sections 41-3023.01, 41-3023.05, 41-3023.07, 41-3023.08 and 41-3023.10, Arizona Revised Statutes, are repealed.

Sec. 2. Title 41, chapter 27, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding sections 41-3025.09, 41-3025.10, 41-3029.04, 41-3029.05 and 41-3029.06, to read:

START_STATUTE41-3025.09. State board of dental examiners; termination July 1, 2025


B. Title 32, Chapter 11 and this section are repealed on january 1, 2026.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE41-3025.10. Board of massage therapy; termination July 1, 2025

A. THE BOARD OF massage therapy TERMINATES ON JULY 1, 2025.

B. Title 32, Chapter 42 and this section are repealed on january 1, 2026.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE41-3029.04. Naturopathic physicians medical board; termination July 1, 2029

A. THE Naturopathic physicians medical board TERMINATES ON JULY 1, 2029.

B. Title 32, Chapter 14 and this section are repealed on january 1, 2030.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE41-3029.05. State board of optometry; termination July 1, 2029

A. THE state board of optometry TERMINATES ON JULY 1, 2029.

B. Title 32, Chapter 16 and this section are repealed on january 1, 2030.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE41-3029.06. Arizona health care cost containment system; termination July 1, 2029

A. The ARizona health care cost containment system terminates on July 1, 2029.

B. Title 36, chapter 29 and this section are repealed on JANUARY 1, 2030. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Purpose

Pursuant to section 41-2955, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature continues the state board of dental examiners to promote the safe and professional practice of dentistry in this state.

Sec. 4. Purpose

Pursuant to section 41-2955, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature continues the board of massage therapy to promote the safe practice of massage therapy by qualified professionals.

Sec. 5. Purpose

Pursuant to section 41-2955, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature continues the naturopathic physicians medical board to promote the safe and professional practice of naturopathic medicine in this state.

Sec. 6. Purpose

Pursuant to section 41-2955, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature continues the state board of optometry to promote the safe and professional practice of optometry.

Sec. 7. Purpose

Pursuant to section 41-2955, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature continues the Arizona health care cost containment system to promote a comprehensive health care system to eligible citizens of this state.

Sec. 8. Retroactivity

Sections 1 and 2 of this act apply retroactively to from and after July 1, 2023.