Assigned to ED                                                                                                                       FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session




ADE; digital and media instruction


Directs the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), by January 15, 2024, to identify best practices and make recommendations for instruction in digital citizenship and media literacy in conjunction with a Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Advisory Committee (Media Advisory Committee).


The State Board of Education (SBE) must establish best practices for social media and cellular telephone use between students and school personnel and encourage school district governing boards and charter school governing bodies to adopt and implement these best policies (A.R.S. § 15-203). SBE-prescribed academic standards for English Language Arts for common schools and high schools require students to develop a range of oral communication and interpersonal skills and integrate information to prepare students to use digital media strategically. For grades 6 through 12, students must integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media and formats and evaluate the credibility and accuracy of each source (ADE). ADE provides resources for media literacy instruction for local education agencies to choose from (ADE).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Requires ADE, by January 15, 2024, to identify best practices and make recommendations for instruction in digital citizenship and media literacy, in consultation with the Media Advisory Committee.

2.   Directs ADE to establish a Media Advisory Committee within ADE, that includes school superintendents, experts in digital citizenship, experts in media literacy, school librarians, parents, teachers and administrators.

3.   Authorizes the Media Advisory Committee to recommend: 

a)   revising the academic standards adopted by the SBE;

b)   establishing a state educational technology plan;

c)    implementing model policies and procedures on digital citizenship and media literacy;

d)   implementing strategies to support school districts and charter schools in implementing the best practices and recommendations developed by ADE, including strategies to deliver professional development training to teachers and administrators; and

e)   implementing any other recommendations concerning media literacy and digital citizenship.

4.   Requires ADE to make available on their website a list of resources and instructional materials on media literacy, including professional development programs for teachers on media literacy.

5.   Specifies that the best practices and recommendations must include instruction that provides guidance about thoughtful uses of online and other media resources and education on applying critical-thinking skills when consuming and producing median in any form.

6.   Requires school districts and charter schools, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, to annually review and amend their digital citizenship and media literacy policies and procedures by:

a)   consulting with and involving parents, teachers, school librarians, other school employees, administrators, students and community representatives with experience or expertise in digital citizenship, internet safety and media literacy issues;

b)   considering how to customize model policies and procedures on electronic resources and internet safety; and

c)   considering the best practices, resources and models for instruction in digital citizenship, internet safety and media literacy, including methods to involve parents.

7.   Defines digital citizenship as a diverse set of skills related to current technology and social media, including the norms of appropriate, responsible and healthy behavior.

8.   Defines media literacy as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and use media and includes the foundational skills that lead to digital citizenship.

9.   Contains a statement of legislative intent.

10.  Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 13, 2023
