ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature First Regular Session |
House: ED DP 8-0-0-2 |
HB 2635: application; threat assessments; resources; students
Sponsor: Representative Grantham, LD 14
Caucus & COW
Authorizes a school district governing board (governing board) to develop or purchase a digital application to assist with threat assessments.
A governing board, in conjunction with local law enforcement and emergency response agencies, must develop an emergency response plan for each school. Additionally, a governing board is required to report to local law enforcement agencies any suspected crime against a person or property meeting prescribed criteria, such as being a serious offense, involving a deadly weapon or posing a threat of death or serious physical injury.
Statute directs governing boards to enforce procedures to prohibit students from harassing, intimidating or bullying other students on school property, at school-sponsored events or through the use of electronic technology or communication on school computers, networks, forums or mailing lists. These procedures must: 1) allow students, parents and school district employees to confidentially report incidents; 2) require school officials to provide an alleged victim with a written copy of the rights and support services available; and 3) include a formal documentation process for reported incidents (A.R.S. § 15-341).
In consultation with mental health experts, mental health advocacy organizations and the Arizona Department of Education, the State Board of Education must require that all health education instruction include mental health instruction (A.R.S. § 15-701.03). Additionally, high school identification cards issued by schools must include the number for a national suicide prevention lifeline, national network of local crisis centers or local suicide prevention hotline or a statement describing how to access a text-based emotional support service (A.R.S. § 15-160).
Allows a governing board to develop or
purchase a digital application to assist with threat assessments that:
a) allows students to report safety issues and receive anonymous clinical support that is available at all times; and
b) provides resources to students and parents for mental health, bullying and substance misuse issues. (Sec. 1)
2. Makes conforming changes. (Sec. 1)
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