Fifty-sixth Legislature                                                  Commerce

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1117




(Reference to COMMERCE Committee amendment)


Page 3, after line 40, insert:

"5. rear setbacks greater than ten feet.

6. the percentage of a lot that may be occupied by a building or structure to be greater than the setbacks.

7. accessory dwelling units.

8. accessory dwelling units to be occupied by a person other than the owner.

9. the placement of a new united states department of housing and urban development-code manufactured home that is, or will be after purchase, titled as real property. A municipality may require single-family or duplex new united states department of housing and urban DEVELOPMENT-code manufactured housing to have the following:

(a) a value equal to or greater than the median taxable value for each single-family dwelling located within five hundred feet of the lot on which the new united states department of housing and urban development code manufactured housing is proposed to be located, as determined by the most recent certified tax appraisal roll for each county in which the properties are located.

(b) be securely fixed to a permanent standard or engineered foundation at an equivalent level as the requirements applicable to single-family dwellings within the municipality on which the new united states department of housing and urban development-code manufactured housing is proposed to be located."

Page 12, line 32, after "district" strike remainder of line

Line 33 strike "plan as supporting commercial, multifamily or mixed uses"

Page 35, line 25, strike "section sections" insert "section"; strike "and 41 -5352"

Page 38 strike lines 21 through 41

Page 39 strike lines 1 through 33

Amend title to conform







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